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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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So I'm a total idiot who's never looked at my wii u properly! Ignore this foolishness.




What happens to those who decide to opt for a digital download of smash on their external hard drive? That thing for some reason appears to use up 2 USB ports? How much power does it use? Not sure why one cable's grey and one's black either.


If it truly blocks off another usb device, well. Well done Nintendo, again :p

Edited by Rummy
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Use a powered external drive?


USB ports don't give out much power which is why it will need 2. Downside of keeping the Wii U having low power consumption.


Between my HDD, LAN Adapter and this I'm out of USB ports.

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@Rummy Isn't there like 4 USB ports on the WiiU?


Tbh, I have never even looked that closely at the thing given I use it so rarely! Totally my bad. I assumed it was just them two at the front, forgot about the back!



The invitational is gonna be epic...if it wasn't at midnight on a school night. Can't be having that - will it be possible to find a playback version the day after? Assuming of course I somehow manage to avoid knowing the result...

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I'm super tempted by the new gamecube pad too, but I'd likely then swap the shell over to my actual current smash pad(which sadly is still fairly 'new' in itself, having had to get it during brawl when all my others gave up the ghost...not sure why I didn't move my sticks and stuff over to it now I think)

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The controller cable has definitely been shortened so it doesn't look messy in the promotional pic. There'll be plenty of cable.


That said, it would be hilarious if it was actually that long.

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Tbh, I have never even looked that closely at the thing given I use it so rarely! Totally my bad. I assumed it was just them two at the front, forgot about the back!



The invitational is gonna be epic...if it wasn't at midnight on a school night. Can't be having that - will it be possible to find a playback version the day after? Assuming of course I somehow manage to avoid knowing the result...


I'm sure someone will save the twitch footage and pop it up on youtube the next day :) If I find such a link I'll send it to you.


But yeah, it's going to be awesome. Love the commentators they've got.

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I'm sure someone will save the twitch footage and pop it up on youtube the next day :) If I find such a link I'll send it to you.


But yeah, it's going to be awesome. Love the commentators they've got.


I'm hoping so too! It'd be the first competitive matches I've actually watched bar footage from Smash Bros Docu. I'm certainly tempted to nap then stay up and watch it, but I really really wanna do it with all my smash brothers - I fortunately have the great luxury of mostly picking and choosing my work hours at a whim whereas they don't. I'd worry if I did it next day evening that we might find out the result somewhere by accident!

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I'm sure someone will save the twitch footage and pop it up on youtube the next day :) If I find such a link I'll send it to you.


But yeah, it's going to be awesome. Love the commentators they've got.


As far as I know, twitch footage is stored by twitch itself anyway. The work I help with (company that live streams esports) does anyway. Presume it's standard.

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I'm hoping so too! It'd be the first competitive matches I've actually watched bar footage from Smash Bros Docu. I'm certainly tempted to nap then stay up and watch it, but I really really wanna do it with all my smash brothers - I fortunately have the great luxury of mostly picking and choosing my work hours at a whim whereas they don't. I'd worry if I did it next day evening that we might find out the result somewhere by accident!


You know what? Just stay up and watch it live! I'm sure there'll be a few of us on chat.

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Pic of the day. Here's a first look at the bottom-screen display for the Nintendo 3DS. Your name will appear in the area above the accumulated damage. And if you tap one of the fighter displays…!




…You can highlight that fighter on your screen. This is useful when you want to get back at a particular opponent. You can also highlight yourself if you need to keep better track of where you are. This is a great benefit to having your own individual screen.

Edited by Serebii
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That's a great use of the bottom screen! Frees up a lot of valuable screen real-estate (which on the 3DS' small screen is at a premium) and it makes use of the individual & private nature of the 3DS version's multiplayer to make it easier to keep track of each player.


Well done Sakurai :)

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I'm super psyched for the 3DS version, but I can't get exited about the 3DS controls and lack of a second analog to flick for Smash Attacks. Hopefully it'll be fine, but those GameCube controls for Wii U are already spoiling me.

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So I'm a total idiot who's never looked at my wii u properly! Ignore this foolishness.




What happens to those who decide to opt for a digital download of smash on their external hard drive? That thing for some reason appears to use up 2 USB ports? How much power does it use? Not sure why one cable's grey and one's black either.


If it truly blocks off another usb device, well. Well done Nintendo, again :p


Hate to say it, but thats just an example of the trigger happy negativity that crops up around these parts... Just saying.

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