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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I think she might have a Mewtwo feel to her.


Mewtwo also has an anti-gravity effect because he moves in some sort of psycho-kinetic bubble and he also was somewhat of a lightweight.


My thinking exactly!


Also loving that Zelda design, she looks fierce!

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:yay: My favourite character from Brawl has been reconfirmed!


I love, love her new look. And looking from those screenshots, the way she moves is also different. She looks much more expressive, too.


I actually wondered if the Phantom isn't just an Assist Trophy. If that's a new Special Attack, then I hope Sheik wasn't cut...


All of the screenshots look great. I like the one where Link is running off with Peach. Also:

"It's on like Donkey K-"


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We got a returning character today



"Pic of the day. To celebrate the launch of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds in Japan, Zelda joins the battle!! It's great to see so many female characters this time around."


Well I for one am loving the 'new' design of Zelda :D to me it feels like a natural progression from Twilight Princess, it could even be a hint as to where the next home console Zelda title is going, perhaps?


Seeing a range of serious/angry expressions on their faces doesn't make them - Link/Zelda - seem 'evil' as such to me but it does create an interesting juxtaposition within the character roster, especially when you compare Zelda with Rosalina. :)


The contrast is welcome, hype levels +1 well played Nintendo.

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I just think she looks more like the evil Zelda at the end of Twilight Princess.


It's surprising to me they passed over Skyward Sword, I kinda thought they took inspiration from the latest Nintendo designs for Smash, like they update the Pokemon. Make the characters as familiar to the public as possible.


Hope Sheik is a separate character.

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Why would you hope Sheik is separate?! Not that I tend to use her much these days.


I'm with Sam in thinking they might be moving a bit more forward(or backward, you might say) with her design. I wouldn't say she looks evil, but she certainly looks like a lady who can handle herself a bit - and tbh she bloody well is!

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:yay: My favourite character from Brawl has been reconfirmed!


Woah, first time I've heard Zelda as someone's fav.


Variety is the spice of life :awesome:


I mean just look at this amazing roster so far! It's so "Nintendo", and there's still a whole lot more to come!



Edited by -Dem0-
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Why would you hope Sheik is separate?! Not that I tend to use her much these days.


I'm with Sam in thinking they might be moving a bit more forward(or backward, you might say) with her design. I wouldn't say she looks evil, but she certainly looks like a lady who can handle herself a bit - and tbh she bloody well is!

Because Sheik is fun and Zelda isn't.
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Woah, first time I've heard Zelda as someone's fav.


She was definitely my best character in Brawl.


But it is true I do love her Smash Bros design. I always felt that TP brought a great design for her, but then failed to do much with it (other than Puppet Zelda), so it's good to see Smash Bros doing some justice.


I still can't get over how good she looks here. Especially since Link looks so bland.

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It's surprising to me they passed over Skyward Sword, I kinda thought they took inspiration from the latest Nintendo designs for Smash, like they update the Pokemon. Make the characters as familiar to the public as possible.


Her Skyward Sword design doesn't really fit in to Smash to me so maybe that's why went for the Twilight Princess design.

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I just think she looks more like the evil Zelda at the end of Twilight Princess.


It's surprising to me they passed over Skyward Sword, I kinda thought they took inspiration from the latest Nintendo designs for Smash, like they update the Pokemon. Make the characters as familiar to the public as possible.


Hope Sheik is a separate character.


Agree with you, I'm getting a serious evil vibe from TP Zelda, oh well.


I wonder if Hilda and/or Ravio will be in the 3DS Smash. The latter more likely I guess.

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I don't know what it is but Zelda looks cooler in this game than in previous Smash Bros. It's weird that they haven't shown off any screenshots of Sheik... maybe she'll be a separate character this time? I thought Zelda was way better than Sheik in Brawl, I don't see the point in switching to Sheik when Zelda's a lot stronger.

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Who's Ness?


Is he that boy with the crappy yoyo?


Are you actually kiddin me Blade?! So much wrong with this post it's untrue.

He / I will bitch slap you with that yoyo and show you how to play smash bros properly (decent online permitting :heh: ) - and then you'll know who ness is!



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Lucas has some killer smash attacks and quite good aerial movement and speed. I much prefer his moveset over Ness's : peace:


I guess this is what makes Smash Bros so special. How one character feels to one person can be totally different to another. For instance, I've always found ice climbers to be a complete waste of time, but in the right hands they're bloody lethal!

But as a huge Ness fan, I never enjoyed using Lucas as I found it more difficult to build up damage and his smash attacks to slow to utilise on a consistent basis.

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