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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Okay... That picture looks amazing.

How good does Mega Man look in this game? and by that I mean his design, it's fantastic!


It's quite funny too, I picture Wii Fit Trainer as the mother, shouting out to her little child not to wonder off too far...:laughing:

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Hnnng. Played some Brawl with Marcamillian yesterday - man Smash is such a good game! I'm not up to standard with my wiimote and nunchuk(too used to/spoiled by gamecube pads it seems) but there's just so many chuckle and awesome moments. In all I was outclassed, but even out final five man had a hilarious ending - I was wario, he was captain falcon, on Corneria. He's trying to finish me specifically with a falcon punch, which thankfully gave me a chance to come back a little, when I start flashing and could attack/maybe even finish him with a big ol' wario guff...POOOT! Bam, missed captain falcon, farted myself so high off the stage I actually died. Death by flatulent suicide. Was kinda a 'Haha, NOPE!' moment.

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Okay... That picture looks amazing.

How good does Mega Man look in this game? and by that I mean his design, it's fantastic!


Nintendo does Mega Man better than Capcom does.


Edit: Also, Skyloft looks great in HD. T_T

Edited by Ike
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Next to Pit, who is rendered with texture, lighting and has a sense of substance, yeah he kind of does. Pikachu just looks like he's flat yellow. There's an odd touch of shadow, but he's mostly a block of colour. I just feel like he needs some materiality to him, as at the moment he looks like a plastic Pikachu toy that's come to life.

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Giving Pikachu fur or something though is just starting down the wrong path.


Same with Kirby. There's really not a lot you can do with such characters.


Besides, Smash is about toys/trophies brought to life :p (not your point)


Pikachu is a mouse so fur wouldn't be too weird :heh: But not DK like fur, just something so he looks less...slippery.


I don't know, maybe I'm being nitpickey ^_^

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I agree with Ashley, Pikachu looks a bit lacking when compared to the others. Some kind of fur detail would be good I think.


It looks like all his body parts are superimposed on top of each other... like his head is just stuck over his body and his ears are pinned to his head. It looks like he's been stuck together =\

Edited by The Peeps
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