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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Well, all I do in Smash is play some casual matches with a friend. We randomise everything, add 2 CPUs and duke it out to see who wins more often with the setups we're given (only eliminating what is unfun, like Healing items, New Pork City or 75m).

So many times has the winner been decided by an untimely trip. Just drains all the fun from an otherwise exciting match.


We can control everything that's random except that. It's like back in Melee, where crates and capsules would always exist, and made Pokéball matches impossible, but that was only bothersome in a specific circumstance, not all the time.


So yeah, I hate it because it ruins perfectly good, casual smash sessions.


Tbh that sounds a lot like what we do, except there's 3/4 of us or we won't put CPUs in. We've removed a couple big hitter silly items(mostly firecracker springs to mind) and NewPork and 75m - but healing items? No mad dash for a heart/maxim? Turn the tide at the crucial moment? Do you fight or do you heal?


Rarely will a trip decide a winner, though we've had a few occasional duff ends due to other things(random bobomb! firebox spawns just as you use fireattack! stage kills you! even a final smash sometimes) - so I don't see why trippings such a big deal. Admittedly it must have sucked in the sudden death vid, but it was also pretty hilarious/awesome for falcon - we'd have been loving that.

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Tbh that sounds a lot like what we do, except there's 3/4 of us or we won't put CPUs in. We've removed a couple big hitter silly items(mostly firecracker springs to mind) and NewPork and 75m - but healing items? No mad dash for a heart/maxim? Turn the tide at the crucial moment? Do you fight or do you heal?


Rarely will a trip decide a winner, though we've had a few occasional duff ends due to other things(random bobomb! firebox spawns just as you use fireattack! stage kills you! even a final smash sometimes) - so I don't see why trippings such a big deal. Admittedly it must have sucked in the sudden death vid, but it was also pretty hilarious/awesome for falcon - we'd have been loving that.


Healing items are overpowered, I think. Healing is almost always better than to keep on fighting, and unlike the Smash Ball, it's first come first served. The fireworks thingy is hard to aim and entirely possible to dodge, so we don't consider it overpowered.


It's not that tripping cleanly decides matches, but it does cost lives and high percentages with alarming frequency, much more than the occasional random item. Every time it happens it's groanworthy for everyone. A sitting Snake suddenly moves in for close combat? Tripping cuts that moment short. Want to dodge a random hazard that suddenly appeared? Tripping just stopped whatever chance you had.


Honestly, there is only one situation where tripping is acceptable, I think: Ice floors. It would make perfect sense there, if it was just an actual stage hazard.

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The only item I have banned is the paper fan cause that's inescapable once you get someone in it and you can just mash A til they're at 100+%


Ahhhh! No way! I love telling people I'm a fan of them! Sometimes the others will break up my tirade of abuse, but one of them has even discovered a way to somehow break free more than half the time. Ahh man, I love smash bros so much.

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This right here really stings.



Actually we are not planning to include a similar story mode this time around. As you already know SSB has a great number of different characters who all had their own cutscenes in Story mode. These were supposed to be rewards for players finishing this mode with every characters.


I think this is fun for players but at the same time all these cutscenes ended up on the internet. Players watched them online, which didn't correspond to our intent when we made them in the first place. That's why we won't do the same this time.


Nevertheless we will still present the new characters with intro cutscenes, as we already did with the Villager, Mega Man and Wii Fit Trainer. We have several collaboration to make these cutscenes at the moment.


So all we'll be getting is intro cut-scenes and that's it?


No epic team-ups like Zero Suit Samus and Pikachu :(

No further bonding of Olimar and Captain Falcon :( :(

No more sword-fighting between Meta Knight and a Fire Emblem Character :( :( :(

and worst of all

No more of this:



This was really something I was most looking forward to.


Damnit, Sakurai....damn....

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This right here really stings.


Can't see the vid though I assume it's an SSE thing. Can't believe they aren't going to do a similar story type mode in this, SSE was brilliant! Also gave an alternative way to unlock characters too which was nice. Does this mean it's likely to just be back to more Melee-ish standards? Classic, All-Star, maybe 'Adventure'? Then challenges and whatnot too I guess. There's potential to pack this right out with content but...will they?

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This right here really stings.



So all we'll be getting is intro cut-scenes and that's it?


No epic team-ups like Zero Suit Samus and Pikachu :(

No further bonding of Olimar and Captain Falcon :( :(

No more sword-fighting between Meta Knight and a Fire Emblem Character :( :( :(

and worst of all

No more of this:



This was really something I was most looking forward to.


Damnit, Sakurai....damn....


Whiny lazy bitches!


Things like The Subspace Emissary is what set it apart from most fighters. And now they're having a crybaby moment over it going on the internet?



Oh, and get rid of Wii Fit Trainer. Use Bayonetta instead.

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Whiny lazy bitches!


Things like The Subspace Emissary is what set it apart from most fighters. And now they're having a crybaby moment over it going on the internet?



Oh, and get rid of Wii Fit Trainer. Use Bayonetta instead.


Has somebody just watched Zero Punctuation's E3 review?

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I think this is fun for players but at the same time all these cutscenes ended up on the internet. Players watched them online, which didn't correspond to our intent when we made them in the first place. That's why we won't do the same this time
Sounds like a total bunch of bullshit. Game materials ending up on the internet? Well gee, no-one saw that coming...


My guess is that the two-game division is causing a lot of headache, so they're just pruning away features to stay at least relatively sane. So instead of a one diamond-quality title we'll end up with two compromised ones.

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How about we wait to get more information before we decide that the games are gimped/compromised since other interviews have said that there will be a single player, but it'll be different to the subspace embassy

Edited by Serebii
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