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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Hmmm. I dunno. I spent a hell of a lot of time in single player when Melee came out. The meaty adventure mode of Brawl also held my attention for a long time.


Exactly and with a meaty single player experience I would have got myself involved in all the modes to supplement the experience.


But with this one i'm finding it full of modes that don't really provide an end result. The "Smash" mode are just one off fights. There is the mode where you fight Crazy Hand at the end but even that doesn't last very long.


Although there are lots of different modes, stages and characters i'm finding that there isn't a lot to do in the game.

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Hmmm. I dunno. I spent a hell of a lot of time in single player when Melee came out. The meaty adventure mode of Brawl also held my attention for a long time.
Yeah, I think the focus has shifted more towards multiplayer in Smash 4. Well, it's always been the main focus of Smash Bros., but like you say, the single player content was slightly more compelling in earlier versions.
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Exactly and with a meaty single player experience I would have got myself involved in all the modes to supplement the experience.


But with this one i'm finding it full of modes that don't really provide an end result. The "Smash" mode are just one off fights. There is the mode where you fight Crazy Hand at the end but even that doesn't last very long.


Although there are lots of different modes, stages and characters i'm finding that there isn't a lot to do in the game.


I image the if could have a laugh with your mates while playing the online modes you would have put a lot more time into it. I certainly would have.

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Smash has been the disappointment of the generation on the Wii U for me. I have tried so hard to get into it (and still do) but I just find that there is nothing meaty to get stuck into. It's just a collection of mini games.


In terms of content for single players, I'd say Smash 4 is around the levels of Melee.

Which after Brawl is a little bit disappointing.

The brunt of Smash 4 comes from the challenges, those will keep you busy!


Thank goodness that this is the last presentation.


That's just being a killjoy though! Smash directs have been some of the most exciting directs!


Really looking forward to this Smash presentation. :bouncy:


N-E's staff predictions can be seen here:



: peace:


Enjoyed reading that, enjoyed it so much that I'm gonna jump on with who I want and who I predict as well.


Who I would like to see: Dillon



Sorry Banjo fans, it really was a close call between the two for me.


Forget the Inklings, The Dillon games host some of the best character design from Nintendo in the past 10 years. And I'm an artist, which means I'm right, so there!

I don't care if I'm the only person on this site who would say this. I want playable Dillon in Smash! I mean, how could you not want a Cowboy Armadillo from a new Ninty series? HOW!?

Anyone who thinks that he's just Ninty's answer to Sonic obviously never played either of the Rolling Western games.

There's plenty of material from the two games that would make him stand out in Smash. Rolling charges, claw attacks, digging, dynamite, comically oversized gun towers he could even use Russ' pedal helicopter as a recovery.

A Final Smash could even utilise the three partners that appeared in the second game, it's too perfect!

But alas, the series is just a little bit too niche, which is probably why he appears as an Assist Trophy.

I'll just have to hope that he pulls a Little Mac and single-handedly get me hyped for the next Smash.


My prediction: Shovel Knight runloop.gif


The signs all point to our little Knight of Shovelry. The amiibo, the great success of his game and the sheer NES-ness of him all make him a good candidate for newest Newcomer.


And there's plenty of inspiration from the game that could be translated well to a stage.



My choice would be this, almost perfectly replicated, but without walls.



But then again, Sakurai is a beautiful madman, so no-one can really say with certainty what will happen tomorrow, (Except that Cloud will be available after the direct) so roll on Tuesday!

Edited by Glen-i
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Data miners are at it again.


Data miners are notorious for getting ahold of footage and information ahead of the release of major announcements, typically because developers sometimes tend to put out software updates ahead of the announcements themselves. The process doesn't seem to be overly difficult, it just requires a computer and enough technical savvy to know how to view update data by using one. At any rate, an update has recently gone out ahead of tomorrow's Super Smash Bros. Direct, and it contains some very interesting information.


Of course, Cloud is the focus of the update, and it seems that the bulk of the information is related to him and Midgar, the Final Fantasy 7 themed stage. The victory video that plays after beating classic mode with Cloud is also available, and we included that below if you're interested.



Additionally, there will be the chocobo themed hat that we saw in the last Direct, but there's an additional Mii Fighter outfit that'll no doubt draw lots of attention. It seems that there will be an outfit based on Geno, the character from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Geno is one of those characters that it seems has always been a suggestion for the Smash Bros. roster, so it's good to see that he'll finally be showing up in a Smash Bros. game in some form.


Aside from that, it's mostly just tweaks and balances to the existing game, though do bear in mind that there could very easily be more that the data miners didn't find.


It will be great to see Geno finally have some representation. Many have been calling for him to appear in the Smash series for years.

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Right, so less than 6 hours to go, who is everyone (other than staff and @Glen\-i)hoping for?


Here are my top 4:


Captain Toad



Captain Toad has managed to make the Toad species interesting again (sorry Toadsworth) and with the moves from Super Mario 3D World & Captain Toad Treasure Trackers, he would make an interesting character. They'd have to make him able to jump, sure, but make him like Little Mac and be a terrible jumper.




Bomberman is an amazing character with a long history of Nintendo. While Konami are seemingly not doing games anymore, they did just put out a Bomberman mobile game and Bomberman would be the last(ish) third party character that I'd really accept in the game




Hoopa is a bit flavour of the month, but thanks to the fact it uses rings as portals, it has so much potential as a fighter, being able to call in elements etc. to do combat. Plus, its Final Smash could be it turning into Hoopa Unbound and doing this.


I would say Hoopa Unbound should be the fighter, but it's Ridley levels of big.


Finally, and a massive outlier. Jibanyan


Yo-kai Watch is HUGE in Japan. Seriously, huge, and while its popularity there is dying down (merch sales in the summer were down 75% on last year and the anime keeps switching ratings with Pokémon rather than being ahead) and it didn't make an impact in the US, Jibanyan would be a cool option in here. It can use its Soul Link attacks very well. Personally, I'd have liked Whisper, but Whisper isn't really a fighting Yo-kai


I think Inklings should wait until the next Smash. There are lots of other Nintendo characters I'd like in Smash, but let's save something for the next one, eh?


Who do I think we'll see? Impossible to say. Dixie, K. Rool, Shovel Knight (urgh) are all solid choices

Edited by Serebii
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In terms of content for single players, I'd say Smash 4 is around the levels of Melee.

Which after Brawl is a little bit disappointing.

The brunt of Smash 4 comes from the challenges, those will keep you busy!


The challenges are kinda nice, but a bit passive of sorts. I can see where Blade's coming from, as short of the events I found the single player options somewhat dull. No adventure/something like it, Classic is just constant battles - no break the targets, get the trophies, race to the finish etc to break that monotony. Melee did break the targets best with the specific ones for each character, and whilst Brawl let down with the generic 5 it was even worse to not see it in Sm4sh! The single player classic just feels a bit uninspiring, and that bloody character you move across the map seems to drag unnecessarily too!


There was some cool stuff and cool new characters Sm4sh, but the single player content wasn't up to scratch, and whilst the online was acceptable it really could have had a bit more for me. The lack of production on both amiibo+gamecube controller adapters around its launch was a notable blow to its momentum imo - whilst it still did well I think it could have done much better if they hadn't dropped the ball on those. Currently I'm completely non-fussed about the direct for this or the news coming out of the game(Cloud meant little to me, in a game full of JRPG sword-wielders, and his final smash was hardly that unique). I honestly never thought I'd find the day that I'd say I was completely non-fussed about Smash, and thinking about that really does gut me a bit.

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Originally Posted by MaverickHunterAsh on Gaf.


Oh, and by the way... has this been discussed yet?


The Amazon UK page for the Shovel Knight amiibo has amiibo X Super Smash Bros. advertisements as part of its collection of images. This could easily mean nothing and just be a general ad image for amiibo, but other amiibo of non-Smash characters do not have these Smash images as part of their image sets - Chibi-Robo, for instance, does not have them.


Anyway, just some food for thought. Could certainly mean nothing, though.


I'd be really surprised if Shovel Knight didn't show up in some form. Either as a new challenger or even just a Mii outfit seems likely.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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If I had silly money to make silly bets, the silly money would be on Vaati for a new fighter.





I'd be really surprised if Shovel Knight didn't show up in some form. Either as a new challenger or even just a Mii outfit seems likely.


I'm not sure it's had the cultural impact of some of the other contenders enough to be a new fighter, but a costume, assist or just a trophy seems likely. Maybe you can unlock it for free using the Amiibo...

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Originally Posted by MaverickHunterAsh on Gaf.




I'd be really surprised if Shovel Knight didn't show up in some form. Either as a new challenger or even just a Mii outfit seems likely.

Retailers are stupid. It's not a Smash series amiibo. I'll be very surprised if Shovel Knight is a playable character in this game.

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I have high hopes for Banjo-Kazooie and Inkling.


I really don't think we'll see Shovel Knight. The Amiibo would never have been made if they were planning on making a Smash series one. Two Amiibo for him seems extremely unlikely.

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