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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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That's the thing, unless you use a Mii with the right face, it'll just look like a weird mash of the two, much like the Dunban or Link costume.
Ah, I get ya. ;)


I don't think even the "right" face help these to not look weird though:



They're going to appear in my nightmares. :D

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Ah, I get ya. ;)


I don't think even the "right" face help these to not look weird though:


They're going to appear in my nightmares. :D

You need to be more optimistic about these things. With a quick meddle in Photoshop you can see the future today!



See! Look how good... you... um.






Help whilst ill I have forgot how to Photoshop these are crap I am going back to bed.

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Super Smash Bros. has “Something Big” Coming to CEO 2015


A new trailer just dropped for the upcoming Community Effort Orlando event, but the Super Smash Bros. series was surprisingly absent from the video. A concerned fan contacted the CEO Gaming Twitter page to ask if the game had been dropped, but thankfully it has not. Instead, CEO Gaming replied by saying "Smash has something big coming to CEO 2015. Next trailer." It's unclear whether this means Nintendo is planning an announcement or CEO Gaming has something up their sleeves, but either way it should be exciting to see.





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K.K Slider Hat And Outfit Confirmed For Super Smash Bros As DLC




Nintendo Europe has now confirmed that the beloved K.K Slider will kinda be appearing in Super Smash Bros. You will be able to download the K.K Slider hat and outfit as paid downloadable content for your Mii character. The K.K Slider outfit joins the Splatoon Inkling outfits and Link outfits amongst others.







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Lucas is coming on June 14


Miiverse stage and Splatoon outfits coming same time



That's... sooner than I expected! Hooray!


OH NO! I still haven't done hard All-Star with Duck Hunt Duo! Last thing I want is Lucas coming in and making it even harder with his awesomeness!


(I suck with Duck Hunt Duo, don't suck with Lucas though!)

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Lucas is coming on June 14


Miiverse stage and Splatoon outfits coming same time



What a strange time to release this stuff. Why the day before E3 starts? (and why 2 days before Nintendo's own E3 Direct)


Why not release it during E3 itself? Surely that's the sensible thing to do...


About time we got the Miiverse stage though! Now what about that Tournament Mode?

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What a strange time to release this stuff. Why the day before E3 starts? (and why 2 days before Nintendo's own E3 Direct)


Why not release it during E3 itself? Surely that's the sensible thing to do...


Clearing the slate for that Ryu announcement, baby!




My proper guess is so they can show off the next DLC character. Ryu or otherwise.

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As long as no more Fire Emblem characters in Smash! As if four or five identical ones aren't enough.


You better be joking.

Lucina withstanding, how are they similar?

In fact, Robin is one of the more unique characters in Smash!

I'm not having you dissing Robin!


You know, just for that. I'm hoping Roy makes a return, just to annoy you!

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I do think it will be pretty cool if the Splatoon Amiibo will count as a "Mii Gunner" with the relevant costume in Smash (there's a design for each of the three Amiibo). Nothing writes to it at the moment.


Edit: Even better if you get the costume free with the Amiibo, too.

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I do think it will be pretty cool if the Splatoon Amiibo will count as a "Mii Gunner" with the relevant costume in Smash (there's a design for each of the three Amiibo). Nothing writes to it at the moment.


Edit: Even better if you get the costume free with the Amiibo, too.


As great as that sounds, people will still complain

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There will be something substantial here.

Otherwise, what would be the point of this mini-direct?

I'm telling you, this is all pointing towards Ryu. Not guaranteed, of course, but getting more and more likely.

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There will be something substantial here.

Otherwise, what would be the point of this mini-direct.

I'm telling you, this is all pointing towards Ryu. Not guaranteed, of course, but getting more and more likely.


Neutral smash hurricane kick* side smash hadouken up smash dragon punch* down smash....???(probs a counter throw?)


*swap them as you like.



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Out of over 50 playable characters in Smash, all but three - ROB, Duck Hunt Duo, Bowser Jr - are essentially bipedal fighters. I'd like to see another radically different newcomer.


I had this idea earlier about how Balloon Fighter could work. His gimmick could be that he is essentially an airborne fighter - he's uselessly slow on his feet so you'd have to tap the jump button to fly him around the stage. The physics would be like in the original game, so you'd have to master the skill to control him effectively.


But meh, it'll be Ryu.

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