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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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It's chicken and egg again. RE 4 Wii Edition sold 1 million copies and that was very early in its life cycle. The Chronicles games sold well, I enjoyed them but they were lazy efforts in comparison to mainline games. Had they been fully fledged games they would have sold more. Capcom have played their part along with all the other companies over the years. I know Nintendo has a big part to blame but it's an accumulation over the years of not getting these type of games, as well as the likes of no FIFA, no GTA, no Final Fantasy, no MGS. Is it no wonder the audience isn't there? A lot of Wii games sold well in spite of what they were, gimped abortions. And now on the Wii U, most never even tried or if they did, they were gimped even worse or late ports of last generation.


I can't really call the Chronicles games lazy because they were fully fledged games, just in a different genre that happens to use the functions of the WiiMote really well; lightgun games/on rail shooters. Dead Space Extraction was better than both of those games though and again it played to the strengths of the system.


The blame is at Nintendo's door because it's a culmination of things happening from the N64 years onwards. The rise of the rival systems has made it harder for them, too. But, you make the best with what's there and I don't think it's right to call some of these games "gimped abortions" because they weren't. SOME games were, like the Dead Rising game that came to Wii, which was awful. But, the likes of Dead Space, Zack and Wiki, TatVsCap, Silent Hill (not all of these are Capcom, but the point stands) were great games.

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Resident Evil 5 or 6, I'd take the former every single time. We didn't miss much by not getting the Resi games as they were crap.


I'll just intervene here and tell you to get the fuck out the thread.

6, crap. But 5 was a joy. And I will defend that game to the death!!

Now leave. :heh:

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Ryu is, like, THE 2D fighter character.

Saying he doesn't fit into Smash makes very little sense to me.

Sure, there are many characters I'd rather have instead, but I am in no way bitter about it.


Plus Capcom gave me Monster Hunter 4, so they're cool in my eyes.

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Couldn't the sound file just indicate a new soundtrack for some level? Surely, not every soundtrack in the game has a fighter attached to it?


Yes, that could be the case. There are plenty of songs in WiiU Smash that have nothing to do with the fighters. (*coughDilloncough*)

I don't think anyone is saying Ryu being playable is guaranteed, we're just discussing the possibility.


I really should vote soon...

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Is this one of the "it's fine in co-op" posts? :p


Meh, I just want the old Resident Evil back.


No it is not and you can take your tone elsehwere. :laughing:


It was a good game!!


Though I agree. Revelations was a huge step forward and Revelations 2 was a step back. :confused:


I don't think they'll ever learn!

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I haven't bothered. I agree with the RFN guys when they said that the characters have already been chosen and the whole thing is just a massive PR stunt.


Maybe they have.


But then again, maybe they haven't! And that's exactly why I will vote.

Why do you have to be so pessimistic!? Where's the Smash hype!?

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I haven't bothered. I agree with the RFN guys when they said that the characters have already been chosen and the whole thing is just a massive PR stunt.


I don't think it's a PR stunt at all, it's great market research for them if not for this DLC then for future Smash games.

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Broadcast Yourself

Ryu is not how you spell Phoenix Wright, Capcom. I know you have problems with spelling, but c'mon.


Not that I wouldn't mind Ryu if he does become a character (I'd probably be more excited at the possibility if he was revealed properly rather than through a leak), but I think Phoenix would be a lot more amusing as a second Capcom guest. Just imagine that

used on the cast of Smash Bros., pals!



"The one who actually committed the crime... is YOU!"



"Don't try to act innocent! We've all seen your death stare!"

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It seems Nintendo are working on a patch to fix that glitch that hit @Sprout recently.


It appears to happen when you finish 10-man smash with every character including Mewtwo.

My guess is that the game thinks you're cheating because you have a higher score than you'd get without Mewtwo.

Strangely enough, I did exactly this on the 3DS version, and I was perfectly fine. So it seems to only affect the WiiU version.

Until then, just to be safe, I recommend not playing Classic, All-Star, Any of the stadium minigames or Trophy Rush with Mewtwo until it's out.


Normal Smash, Smash Tour and Online Smashes are perfectly OK to play though.


Anyway, I've sent a couple of stages to some people on here. Some of you should know which ones.

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I haven't bothered. I agree with the RFN guys when they said that the characters have already been chosen and the whole thing is just a massive PR stunt.


Yup, agreed 100%. They'll use the info for the next Smash game but that's it. It also gets people talking which is good :)

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Just letting people know that I plan on playing some online Smash tonight after the Mario Kart League (So, around 9-ish).


I believe @Blade might be joining in, but just covering my bases so I'm not left just waiting for half an hour with no-one showing up.

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Sony and Producer Avi Arad were also trying to make a Smash Bros. movie or series happen


We heard a few months back about Sony meeting with Nintendo to try and work out the deal for a Mario movie. Looks like that's not all that was discussed. Emails from Amy Pascal, former Chairperson of the Motion Pictures Group of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) and Co-Chairperson of SPE, indicate that there was discussion of a Smash Bros. movie or series as well.


The emails pertaining to the projects were sent out between February and April of last year, and included producer Avi Arad. One email makes the Smash Bros. intent VERY clear, listing 'Smash Bros.' in the title of the email. We also learn that Avi has been talking with someone at Nintendo for a number of years now to make this happen.


Another person involved in the negotiations is Koei Tecmo's Keiko Erikawa. It seems like they helped pave the wave for serious discussions to happen.


We have no idea where these talks stand as of today. For now, we'll just have to imagine what a Smash Bros. movie or series would be like!





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Ryu makes sense as Street Fighter 2 was a HUGE game for the SNES, particularly in the West where it helped Nintendo steal momentum from Sega. It was the system's Goldeneye.


I'm hoping that Ken is an alternate costume.


What are you on about? You seem to be remembering this very wrong. Oo

Mega Drive had SF2! And the controller was even better for it too! (which can't be said for pretty much any other game)

Hell, the mega drive controller set the standard of what fighting game pads would look like. And it was huge for the md too, I remember it being constantly sold out (and my moron of a father ended up buying rise of the robots instead which went on to be the only game I ever had for the MD because he didn't like videogames... *sigh*)

Let's not forget Europe was the only region where MD ended up beating the SNES, too.


I'll never understand it, though... SNES is the king of all consoles!

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