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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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Night 1 is over!


The town decided not to take any action on the first day, but that's the complete opposite of what happened during the night. People fluttered around like mad things.


Speaking of mad things, it was the good old fashioned mailman MadDog who was the first to fall. MadDog had always been an upstanding member of the community, choosing to deliver everyone's mail as clean and tidy as you like. He'd drop it off with a smile, and not once did he pry in to other people's lives. He was of course going to be one of the first people to die.


On this particular night, he had decided that if he was to get anywhere, he would need to start breaking a few rules. He spent all day bigging himself up in the mirror, convincing himself he was acting for the good of the town by being slightly underhand. He didn't want to see the town go down for nothing. He arrived at the sorting station and picked up the batch of mail deliveries. His fingers trembled as he reached for the flappy bit of the envelope. "I always thought they should give that bit a name.." he mumbled to himself as he finally plucked up the courage to read the message inside.


Unfortunately for him, the clevler mafia were wise to his tricks. Earlier on they'd sent a message, special delivery. He opened the envelope, and was instantly covered in white powder. Anthrax..! But, wait.. surely he'd live if this were the case? He'd have a few more days left to aid the town? Also, anthrax wouldn't explain why his face was swelling to 5 times its normal size. Right before his head popped open like a ripe melon, he worked it out. Flour. Damn his extreme wheat allergy.


MadDog is dead. He was the mailman. He could intercept people's PM's. He was Good. The rest of the mail centre were extremely annoyed at the mess he left behind.


Player List - 18 players begun the game. 17 remain. 9 is majority:









The Peeps








Brian Mcoy



Day Two Begins

Edited by Dyson
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Loving the writeup, wheat allergy! I haven't got anything, though.


Neither do I, but you never know when an unknown allergy decides to manifest itself at the worst tim-


Wait, you meant info? Oh, I don't have that, either.




Vote: Tales


You know...

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I was the one person whom Dyson was waiting for a PM from. As such, I did not send one in.


I am really really sorry Dyson - It will not happen again!


This also means I have no information. Sorry guys.


Huh. Okay I might have something. Whats your power?

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Well, if Dohnut feels confident enough that he is the one that did nothing to come out and say so, then its probably true. Because if someone else didn't then they would call him out on it. If he was mafia, he would have had his PM sent for him or he would have been utilised in some way. Could be a dirty scummy neutral though.

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He was waiting for mine, because I hadn't sent it. As I know I didn't send a PM last night and he specifically said he was only waiting on ONE, I assumed that was mine. Seeing as I didn't send one in at all, how could it be anyone else? Otherwise he would have been waiting for two, right?

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Well, if Dohnut feels confident enough that he is the one that did nothing to come out and say so, then its probably true. Because if someone else didn't then they would call him out on it. If he was mafia, he would have had his PM sent for him or he would have been utilised in some way. Could be a dirty scummy neutral though.


Oh, I totally misread your post as insinuating he wasn't town, I see that is not the case so it does make sense, excuse me :x

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Hey, I'm just pointing out he never said he didn't get one. He said he was waiting for one. Also, although it's common, the mafia aren't always allowed to send targets for their fellow mafia members. Annoyed me greatly in the death Note mafia. So you're not necessarily town just because you didn't send.


I want to add I have no reason to believe you are mafia, but I think it's a mistake to assume you are most likely town like Rez did.

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