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Bin Laden is Dead


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Quick question Monkey, I'm not sure if it's been covered, but if Osama was dead for ages, why didn't al'Queda say anything? Were they doing the Dark Knight approach of "people will lose faith and turn into pussies if they know the truth"?

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All this talk of him as a mere figurehead seems premature. He was reportedly still very much involved in the terror plot stuff.


The special forces team who shot Bin Laden in the early hours of Monday took away a mass of digital information on computers, hard drives and storage discs, as well as paper documents. An initial trawl through the files indicate Bin Laden was not a mere figurehead for the militant group but remained closely involved in nuts-and-bolts planning, according to various US reports
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Quick question Monkey, I'm not sure if it's been covered, but if Osama was dead for ages, why didn't al'Queda say anything? Were they doing the Dark Knight approach of "people will lose faith and turn into pussies if they know the truth"?


Something like that, plus when it does finally come out he's dead they just blame America and start another jihad.

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So looks like US ties with Pakistan have hit a new low. Like a the rest of the world I find it so difficult to see where Pakistan stand; they were harbouring the world's most wanted man close to a military area and after the India-bombing incident on 2007 (or maybe 2008, I can't remember), it makes you wonder where they stand.


Interestingly, the states provide Pakistan with a large amount of money every year, without which their economy would probably collapse. Over the last few years they haven't exactly helped themselves :/

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How do we know that Pakistan weren't the ones who lured him in and tipped the US off?


Because they look like freakin' idiots atm, and given the U.S said that the reason they didn't inform them that they were coming in was because it might 'affect the operation' (ie. they might tell him).

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So looks like US ties with Pakistan have hit a new low. Like a the rest of the world I find it so difficult to see where Pakistan stand; they were harbouring the world's most wanted man close to a military area and after the India-bombing incident on 2007 (or maybe 2008, I can't remember), it makes you wonder where they stand.


Interestingly, the states provide Pakistan with a large amount of money every year, without which their economy would probably collapse. Over the last few years they haven't exactly helped themselves :/


The Pakistani intelligence services are notorious for 'sitting on the fence' - they're a government agency but they're known to have ties to, and to provide funding for, radical terror organisations. If the US had informed the Pakistani government, Bin Laden would have been tipped off.


The whole country is a complete cluster fuck. One of our own making, I might add.

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Al Qaeda have confirmed that Bin Laden has been killed and have vowed revenge. It does state that although the authenticity can not be confirmed, apparantly it has appeared on news site which Al Qaeda use.




So are people still going to say that he wasn't really killed? Or maybe that Al Qaeda are in on the lie with America!? :heh:

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So are people still going to say that he wasn't really killed and that Al Qaeda are in on the lie with America!? :heh:


As both are political forces in their own way then I wouldn't put it past them. If the same story suits both their purposes why not? Like I said earlier, its win win with that story.


Forgot to mention, the patriot act is up for review soon, good excuse to keep it going now.

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As both are political forces in their own way then I wouldn't put it past them. If the same story suits both their purposes why not? Like I said earlier, its win win with that story.


Forgot to mention, the patriot act is up for review soon, good excuse to keep it going now.

Where does your conspiracy fantaticism end? Just curious, but how do you know that we're even real and not just brains in jars in a distant planet hooked up to a mainframe? How do you know anything is real?


Why, when news is announced, do you always consider the least likely and most preposterous outcome is correct? It's silly, your like of conspiracy actually seems to have brainwashed you into thinking in a certain way every time, rather than using reason to work out where you stand.


Like here. Evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of Bin Laden having just been killed, and common sense dictates that you evaluate evidence to form an opinion. Do you just lack common sense? Just curious...

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What would you consider convincing evidence that Bin Laden was killed in the operation earlier this week?


A Carrie-esque scene where Bin Laden's hand grabs him from underneath the ground. Or, under the sea in this case.



This one's for you, Ossie.

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