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War Horse




I refuse to see another love/war movie with a horse thrown in. Unless you can 100% confirm the house is dead at the end and turned into glue.



I went to see "The Darkest Hour 3D" last night. It was lacking any depth, had massive plot holes, and not one of the characters was likely-glad a lot of people died. Don't waste your money and wait for DVD I say.



Oh and don't even get me started on the Ginger cat wrapped in wires, (poor thing)

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Hmmmmm. That was my original thought after seeing this. I liked the book, it wasn't amazing, but it was interesting, but that seemed to get lost in translation. What i liked about the book was how introvert Salander was; she barely ever spoke and she was cold as ice. That worked well in the book because we got alot of insight into her thought processes when she was silent. Obviously that is difficult in film, and so they had to make her speak a bit more, which detracted from her character. She is far more open in the film too, like when Blomkvist asks about her father and she willing tells him what she did - that is ridiculous! That isn't revealed until much later (book 2 or 3, i forget). Plus the love element in the film wasn't believable, and they left aspects of Blomkvists exploits out - he is a bit of an arse really in the book when it comes to love, which would make the ending of the film a bit more understandable, as it is though it didn't really have the same impact (Berger wasn't nearly involved in his life in the film as she should have been).


Daniel Craig is a dreadful cast for Blomkvist as well. Nothing like i pictured him - far too surly, cool and... British! I love how all the other actors spoke with a Swedish twang, but Daniel was solidly English throughout. I think he acted the part well, don't get me wrong, he was just badly cast on appearance.


Rooney on the other hand did make a good Salander for the most part. It is not her fault they had to adapt her character to make it work on screen, so what she did do was top quality. There were some very good scenes with her. Not sure about the blonde eyebrows though.


Overall, i would give it a 6.5, 7 max, purely because i dont think the book translates well to the screen. They did the best they could, and for what its worth, they did a fairly good job. I think if i hadn't read the book though, i would be completely confused. And they changed the ending for some unknown reason (concerning Harriet) which was annoying.


Let's hope they improve for the next installment, as that is probably my favourite book of the trilogy. I should really watch the Swedish films as well since they are rated pretty highly.

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iPad + Netflix = win.


Woochi (2009)



Really good, the theme may seem weird to anyone unfamiliar with the associated legends/history, but it's almost non-stop action. Very entertaining. This would be awesome in 3D. Comparable to the stories of Sun Wukong (the Chinese Monkey God/King).


The Sword with No Name (2009)



So sad! Very classy too, taking into account the violence and sex in it. I love how honourable the characters are. The royal outfits are beautiful to look at in HD, as well as the outdoor scenery.


Rumble in the Bronx (1995)

This is surprisingly gory (well ok, not Saw level or anything) for a Jackie Chan movie. Amusing, but I prefer straight comedy when it comes to his movies, as opposed to a serious movie with funny sections of fight scenes and conversations sprinkled throughout.

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I saw Bolt the other night - really enjoyed it. Not Pixar-level, but fun and some genuinely funny bits, but just nice overall. LOVED hearing Jenny Wilson singing the theme songthing.


And last night I went to a secret preview screening of an upcoming 'comedy'. My friends and I were offered free tickets in the queue in Odeon the other night.


Cool experience I suppose, super-tight security - tickets/codes checked 3 times, phones/recording devices had to be confiscated, and in the end we had to sign a confidentiality agreement, so yes. Can't say much. Let's just say I've never felt that way after a film before, truly a first. I guess I'll talk more when it's actually out/if it comes out. Think the name we were given might've been fake too.




All I'll say is we had to go for a few drinks afterwards.


EDIT: I've made it sound really positive. When it was the opposite.

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Margin Call


Spacey delivers an amazing performance. The entire cast is incredibly solid, and there are some hugely dramatic and well produced scenes. Its tense, its emotional and its intelligent/clever. Its a great movie.




Michael Fassbender. God. That is easily one of the best performances I've ever seen. The film was pretty amazing/fantastic. It was graphic, and the relationship between the main characters is brilliant, and seeing Fassbender deal with different relationships and situations was just....ugh. Amazing. Amazing.

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Battle: Los Angeles


I was expecting utter rubbish, but it was fairly enjoyable. Sure, there are plenty of stupid moments (such as the military deciding that the aliens that just arrived from space have no air troops, and the line stolen from Independence Day where they said they would spread the word on how to defeat the ships. Which consists of shooting them...with missiles) and it exists in a strange world where only Sony products exists. But it was still pretty enjoyable. Eckhart's performance is also really good.

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Lets see:


The Men Who Stare at Goats. Clooney amused, the rest is poor.

(Don't Bother)


Jackie Brown. The weakest Taratino (bar death proof.) Still a solid film though just lacks the usual slickness. feet. (Worth A Look)


A Clockwork Orange. The real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen. (Highly Recommend)


Monsters. I enjoyed what this film attempted to achieve it was just executed wrongly. (approach with caution)


Midnight in Paris. Magical a return to form for Woody Allen. (Highly Recommend)


Love Actually. Fun british fluff. (Worth A Look)


The Royal Tenenbaums. My first Wes Anderson movie, I enjoyed its style. (Recommend)


Fantastic Mr. Fox. Not your average animation garbage, surprisingly well thought out and adult. (in a good way)(Recommend)


Green Lantern Standard superhero film really better than I thought it would be, enjoyed. (Approach with Caution)


Melancholia. So empty but left me with a smile on my face. (Highly Recommend)


The Descendants. Charming and touching, in just the right quantities. (Recommend)


Friends with Benefits. It was actually pretty fun but still fell into many of its genres pitfalls. (approach with caution)


Visioneers. the wrong side of quirky and dull. (Approach with Caution)


We Need to Talk About Kevin.Uncomfortable. (Highly Recommended)


My new current top ten of 2011:














Edited by Coolness Bears
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Picked up this Blu Ray boxset last weekend and started watching today.






Oddly I've on previously seen 2 of the 7 films in the set, haha.

Of course I've seen the original Planet of the Apes, MANY MANY times and seen the 2001 remake a few times.


Oddly never seen any of the original 4 sequels... though I do know a little about what happens... don't know how... maybe I read about them at some point.


Watched the original Planet of the Apes and Beneth the Planet of the Apes today.


PotA's on Blu Ray looked pretty good, nice a sharp. Though while it did have a nice "looks new and clean and sharp" kinda feel to it, it wasn't as much as the likes of say the original Stargate film and the original Karate Kid Blurays which both looked like they were filmed recently.


But as always I enjoyed re-watching an old favourite :D


Watched Beneth the Planet of the Apes right away afterwards.... dispite not seeing it before I knew some things already like Taylor not being in the starring role and missing for most of the film... I knew about the Humans living underground.... though I didn't know about the ending... that took me by surprise, haha.


Though I couldn't stop laughing at the Church scene towards the end :laugh:


Will watch Escape and Conquest (and maybe Battle) tomorrow and hopefully finish up with the two newer films on Friday... looking forward to seeing Rise too as I never got the chance to see it in the cinema but the OCD in me won't let me skip to it without watching the rest of the movies first

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Michael Fassbender. God. That is easily one of the best performances I've ever seen. The film was pretty amazing/fantastic. It was graphic, and the relationship between the main characters is brilliant, and seeing Fassbender deal with different relationships and situations was just....ugh. Amazing. Amazing.[/color]


Yeah. This. Just great. I love the bro / sis relationship. Carey Mullighan was equally as good.


Also, Fassbender, right attractive NOHOMO.


Also the music was amazing, the orchestral thing they use is great.


Broadcast Yourself


The bit at 7.40ish, amazing. Might download it so I can pretend my life is more exciting than it is when I casually roam the streets. Won't be wanting to pretend I'm Fassbender's character mind.


Seeing Margin Call tomorrow, hope it lives up to your review!

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Went into the cinema thinking this is going to be one of the worst films ever but infact I quite enjoyed it. You have to really like Ice Hockey to go see this film. Luckily I love Ice Hockey. Storyline was a bit hmmm and very predictable but was easy viewing and cheap Tuesday meant it was only £3. The main love interest was the drummer from Scott Pilgrim. Hot. It wasn't overly funny but was ok.


Only go and see if you like Ice Hockey and you get a discount :)

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Went into the cinema thinking this is going to be one of the worst films ever but infact I quite enjoyed it. You have to really like Ice Hockey to go see this film. Luckily I love Ice Hockey. Storyline was a bit hmmm and very predictable but was easy viewing and cheap Tuesday meant it was only £3. The main love interest was the drummer from Scott Pilgrim. Hot. It wasn't overly funny but was ok.


Only go and see if you like Ice Hockey and you get a discount :)





*adds this film to must see list*

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I went to see Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows today and I thought it was okay. It definitely outdid the first one and there were some brilliant scenes in the film and Downey Jr is great as Sherlock. However, some parts were a bit bland and I've not much time for Jude Law and the plot seemed kind of...tangled up or something. Was decent though and enjoyable but I doubt this is one I'd see again for a very long time.



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hhhmmm find this weird that Shame isn't listed at my local cinema...wtf :mad:


They'll probably do the thing when they get round to showing it when it clears up at the awards. I'm surprised though, it's been promo-ed the hell out of where I live.


Seen the advert for Martha Marcy May or whatever about 4 times now, each time it intrigues me more...


Broadcast Yourself


The song the guy sings in the trailer. Amazing.


Margin Call


Spacey delivers an amazing performance. The entire cast is incredibly solid, and there are some hugely dramatic and well produced scenes. Its tense, its emotional and its intelligent/clever. Its a great movie.


Again, this. I loved it. Occasionally felt a bit heavy handed in the bankers-are-shits message and I got slightly annoyed by the patronising way in which so many characters had to have things handily explained 'in plain english, as you'd speak to a labrador' or whatever (amusing line though). I guess it had to be done for the audience to have half a clue what was going on but y'know.


Anyway. Cast was brilliant - the progression from bottom of the chain banker / Sylar right to the top was dona really well. Paul Bettany my highlight. Wonderfully shot, some of the time lapse shots of the city were great. Thought being set over 24 hours worked really well. Even though it was anti-banker though it did make me strangely jealous of their lives / living in new york / stuff. And nice to see Dan from Gossip Girl put in a solid performance! Ha. /Unrelated string of thoughts. Anyway great, see it.

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