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Watched After.Life tonight.


Was a pretty amazing film to be honest. Had me changing my mind throughout on what was happening. Great acting from Liam Neeson as always. Christina Ricca was pretty impressive too and naked for most of it which is a plus.


Would recommend people give it a go if you haven't seen it. It's one of those films that has you keep questioning what's going on even after it finishes, inception style.

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Apart from Arrietty, I saw One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest last wednesday (in the cinema that is, a great way to go see a classic I haven’t seen yet).


The film was great. Stellar performances from the whole cast (quite a few familiar faces), and eventhough the film deals with some heavy stuff, there are plenty lighthearted scenes which can be hilarious. Well, I found threm hilarious, but I didn’t hear many people laughing. Again, it deals with some heavy stuff, but how can you not laugh when they’re just being idiotic? :D. It’s also great to see Nicholson in another role than just the grumpy old man I’m more familiar with from his last films. Nicholson is awesome.

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Looks disgusting to me. Looks like they couldn’t decide on the look. Live-action would go to far, but they didn’t want a simple 3D animation, so they went with this awful looking hybrid? Should have gone with a celshaded version of the original artwork (/the cartoons).

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Yeah, I'm not sure I'm too keen on the look, either. Sméagol's right, it seems like they couldn't make up their mind. But I shall reserve judgement for now. Another thing is that they seemed to have mixed a number of the original storylines together, like how the two met; Tintin already knew Haddock when he bought the Unicorn since he bought it specifically as a present for him. But in that regard I have complete faith in Spielberg and PJ.

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Yeah I'm not a fan of the look either. It looks okay on some of the characters, but Tintin himself looks quite horrible I think.


And they're mixing three of the comics for this film I think, to create a new story. And they're planning to make more films, at least if this one does well. I just hope they don't completely mess it all up heh.

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I think it looks amazing. I don't think it looks at all like they couldn't make up their mind.


To clarify, what seemed the most jarring to me was that some scenes looked like they went for a very photo-realistic style, while others looked very cartoony. But as I said, I think it's too early to really say anything about the style. I remain ever optimistic. :)

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Horrible Bosses

Out in the Uk on the 22nd, a comedy in which Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day play three friends with horrible bosses and they plot to murder them. It's been labelled this years 'The Hangover' and it's plain to see why. It's an R rated comedy that is definately going to be a hit, already beating Paul Blart's Zookeeper into third place in the US.


It's going to be praised through the roof by the majority of young men and seems to be be doing okay with the critics, but it's not jaw dropping. It's well made, has decent plotting and is funny in places but it suffers from many shortcomings that a lot of recent adult oriented comedies are guilty of.


Charlie Day may be familiar to some of you from 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' (which he both writes and stars in) and he pretty much plays the same character here, which for an avid viewer of 'It's Always Sunny' like myself is kind of a double edged sword. It's nice to have the familiarity but it's also treading the same ground, so the impact of his performance is not what it will be for newcomers to the Charlie Day party.


It's a solid piece of entertainment though and certainly preferable that this is getting praise over some of the other comedies that have come out this year.



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I want to see Horrible Bosses. It has people I like in it. Good to hear it's not awfowl.


Even though Bateman and Aniston seem to play similar characters in most of their films/I'm always aware it's them, I love seeing their faces and hearing their voices.


I kinda want to see The Switch because of this.

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I want to see Horrible Bosses. It has people I like in it. Good to hear it's not awfowl.


Even though Bateman and Aniston seem to play similar characters in most of their films/I'm always aware it's them, I love seeing their faces and hearing their voices.


I kinda want to see The Switch because of this.


This is exactly why I watched The Switch. :D Or at least a BIG reason. Equally I find it’s more fun if you believe that all of Jennifer Anistons movies are one big documentary on her life. :heh:


I've got very bad childhood memories of Tin Tin, so I have no desire to see it.


...Show us on the doll where Tin Tin touched you!


Going to watch Juno tomorrow for the first time, should be good.


I used to be obsessed with this film, It's like my 16 Year old defining movie. I had no one to go to the cinema with so watched it by myself in my room 4 times in a row.

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I dislike the look of the Tintin movie and I don't really care in seeing it but...it's Spielburg and Jackson...so I just might...but I wouldn't watch it in the cinema, it just doesn't seem like that type of movie for me. I'll wait for DVD.


However, I'm very much looking forward to Friday for very obvious reasons but I also want to see Horrible Bosses and Bridesmaids (have heard good things about it tbh).

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Oh and especially for Dannyboy in case he hasn't seen it.




Waaay ahead of you, but thanks. ;) Saw it when I got home from Harry Potter last night. :heh:


That actually looks pretty cool. here's hoping it's better than the first and that there's less Jude Law...


I know we don't see eye to eye on the first ... but less Jude Law?! Come on, man, he carried that film almost as much as Downey, Jr! He's great! :hehe:

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Waaay ahead of you, but thanks. ;) Saw it when I got home from Harry Potter last night. :heh:




I know we don't see eye to eye on the first ... but less Jude Law?! Come on, man, he carried that film almost as much as Downey, Jr! He's great! :hehe:


No! Just...no! Actually, I'd rather less Rachel McAdam than less Jude Law, she irritated me...

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