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Just back from seeing Chronicle


Loved it, that was awesome.


Didn't know about the POV style though so was a little weirded out at the start but it was still a good film.


Only thing I had me kinda scratching my head thinking "WTF" though was....



Towards end during the big fight, they are bashing into and through building walls and nobody gets hurt/slows down/falls.


But then Andrew smacks into a lamp post and he's knocked out :heh:

Ok maybe the electricty played a part fair enough.


They get back up again, smash through a few more buildings, epic fight (if a bit blurry), and then SMACK into a STATUE????? And both of them are knocked out?


Other than those small niggles loved the film... though I was hoping one of them would have a joke after learning to fly and make a superman reference and/or get a costume :heh:


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Justice League: Doom (bluray) - 9/10


My gaaaaaaaaawd that was good, Dwayne McDuffie did a great job on this final writing job before passing away. The DCUA wont be the same without him.


Just finished watching it. Thought it was ok but not great, much prefer the original Tower of Babel story. Also didnt like the fact that they used Michael Rosenbaum to voice the Flash when its Barry instead of Wally.

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The Muppets is is gem. Very well done, though me and Emma both felt it was a little too light for adult entertainment (though the self awareness was continually brilliant) and it fell just a little short of the 'pixar line' where it's genuinely brilliant for any age group. Great fun, though, and the songs were amazing.

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The Muppets is is gem. Very well done, though me and Emma both felt it was a little too light for adult entertainment (though the self awareness was continually brilliant) and it fell just a little short of the 'pixar line' where it's genuinely brilliant for any age group. Great fun, though, and the songs were amazing.


Speaking of Pixar, did you like the animated short beforehand? (Assuming you saw the animated short beforehand)


I thought it was brill. I could have sat through an entire 2 hour film of them just reading through and introducing hilarious rejected happy meal toys.


My personal favourite was the spooky hamburger.

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I've just heard about an upcoming Disney film called Wreck-It Ralph. It's about a villain from an 8-bit videogame who wants to become a hero so excapes into other games to do so, unintentionally unleashing a massive threat in the process.


While it has it's own video game creations, it also has cameo appearances. Here's a leaked scan with three of the cameos





The main cast is John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch and Sarah Silverman.

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Yeah that was amazing. The toys were genius!


Yes! I loved all the toys in the Toy Story short. Come on Neptuna. I laughed out loud at Tae-Kwon Doe. Genuinely lolling. A stunning thing.




Just watched Carrie.




I loved. I was so sad/ It was so sad. Sissy Spacek is amazing...only seen her in this and Badlands, so similar schools of character (ish) but she stuns. I want to give her a hug.


She has a beautiful face that isn't pretty. Or a pretty face that isn't beautiful. But she was a vision by the end. I loved her gym teacher. Made me want to be a teacher. I loved that some characters were nice people. And not just stereotypes.


I kinda wanted less of the ending stuff. Though this being marketed as a horror is really incorrect anyway, it clearly wasn't made as a horror film. It's just about the horror of being a teenage girl who isn't 'normal'. Lots of symbolism of sex/maturity/womanhood/death but I won't comment as haven't read the book.


I liked that Carrie was a good character too, realistic in that she wasn't mousy to the point of annoyance or that naive. (relatively)



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Watched Rango the other day. It was enjoyable, but mainly due to Rango being a great character. The rest of it was nothing new and I felt like I'd seen most of it before.


I also watched Ronan the Barbarian today. Enjoyable film, a bit light on plot but it's a pretty good "dumb" action film.

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I've been wanting to watch Real Steel since it came out at the cinema, but my gf wouldn't watch it with me.


Finally got to watch it yesterday (since my gf is in Japan) and it was awesome! A bit cheesey, and the kid is like, well annoying, but really enjoyable overall. Finished the film actually quite disappointed that robot boxing didn't exist and that i couldn't go and watch a match.

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Just back from the cinema seeing this.


Pleasently surprised, prolly the first western made horror film in AGES that gave me a proper sense of tension and nerves and scares. Almost on par with the great J-horrors such as Ringu.


Really surprised by Daniels performance, I went in not expecting much from him, and when he first appeared I still couldn't stop thinking of him as Potter.... and a bit later when he was on a train my mate next to me couldn't stop laughing, he was like "Harry off to Hogwarts again", haha.


But once he got to the house we were well glued to0 the screen, the long scenes with no dialogue were great, nicely directed, just the right amount of tension throughout.


Some good "jump" moments too though I personally didn't get too much of a fright... with 2 expections, 1 because the girl sitting behind me let out a scream at one part and her scream scared the shit out me (and prolly everyone else in the cinema). And later towards the end I had a little jump at what was actually not a big "jump" moment, yet didn't flinch at some actual big "jump" moments a few mins before, haha.

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Moving on to my next couple of 'films i haven't had the chance to watch while my gf was around'.


I watched The Bank Job, with Jason Statham. I was expecting the Transporter, but in 1970's Laaandaaan, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was only a little bit 1970's Transporter. Pretty good film.


Then i watched Green Lantern, thinking it can't possibly be as bad as everyone says it is, and was surprised again to find they were right! I don't know how such a big budget film ends up getting made with such little......excitement. The plot just fizzles out into nothing! Pretty much 80% of the characters were introduced and then barely used at all. They kept going on and on about how super powerful this baddie was,

and then all it took to kill him was to push him into the Sun?! No-on had thought to try this before?

Pretty rubbish.

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Just came back from watching Jack and Jill and I have to say, there were a couple of funny scenes in the movie but other than that, instantly forgettable. Entertaining in some parts but for a lot of the scenes, it went on for what felt like an eternity.


I'm going to be watching The Muppets and The Woman in Black tomorrow, very much looking forward to watching them both! :D

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Continuing my week of 'watch lots and lots of films i missed the first time round', I watched The Hurt Locker.


It was pretty good, but nothing amazing. I don't really like films that don't have a definite story; they always seem to end really abruptly and leave me feeling a bit cheated.


The first half was way better than the second, lots of cool tense bits, but then it started to go downhill when you realised it wasn't going anywhere.


Also, i'm so happy! I found a Jackie Chan film on Lovefilm that i hadn't seen before; Twin Dragons. I f***ing love Jackie Chan films.

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