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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Vote: Nintendohnut


This isn't me jumping on the bandwagon, I've always been suspicious of you. Look at it this way, we will won't be losing a townie, so there's not much risk in it. If you turn out mafia, all the better. Either way, we're getting rid of a non-townie killer, which is hardly a bad thing.

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I imagine the write up only shows the ostrich stealing his.....my actual cat is licking itself and getting slobber on the screen right now.


Anyway, because he didn't target anyone? I think myujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujhujh


and that was the cat walking over the keyboard.


I think I've proven my tracking power before. I'm just going through the cycle of four powers again now. I can't use (X) until I've used (Y,Z and...Z2). Favouritism.



But its clearly someone else in the write up after Douno has left. Or he thought it was a dream at least.


This is what I would like you to address ReZ, the bolded bit.

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This is what I would like you to address ReZ, the bolded bit.


Sorry, I continue the sentence in the line below haha.


I imagine the write up only shows the ostrich stealing his hat, because he didn't target anyone and thus didn't go anywhere.


And seeing an ostrich is a (WTF) moment, and so that may be why it was perceived as a dream.

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That's precisely my point. And it's even more unfair if your role is actually neutral-good, i.e. you win alongside the town once your objective has been completed.


But the thing is Dohnut claims to not know his win condition. Which is either a lie, or simply bad luck.

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But the thing is Dohnut claims to not know his win condition. Which is either a lie, or simply bad luck.


I'm not arguing that, just highlighting why I dislike gunning for him at present. I fully acknowledge that he may very well pose a danger to us, but I find it equally likely he doesn't, and in that case I feel bad for him.

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I have explained myself many times. There's nothing I can say that I haven't already said, but people clearly aren't reading my posts.


One thing - Tales, whether or not you believe me when I say I will show up through shame if I kill anyone but Angus (it's true, but *shrug* don't know why I would make that up really) I would still show up in the standard write up as killing, wouldn't I? That's what I meant - I would show up in the standard write-up at the very least, and then also I would be revealed on top of that.


The mafia are very clearly jumping on this bandwagon. If I'm lynched please look at voting patterns again. And please don't lynch me just because everyone else is, or just to end the day. I am no threat whatsoever to the town. Killing someone during a night phase will just get me lynched the next day, and I have no desire to do that. I am only a threat to the mafia, but I'm not even really that a big of a threat to them tbh.


This was all started by chair who said I was clearly a mafia member. I am not. I have told the truth through the whole game. As soon as I revealed myself my role became shit and pointless. I only ask to be left alive in the hope that I can win alongside you guys.


There is literally nothing for me to say. This is the most depressed I have EVER been about a mafia game. Sitting here and trying to explain to you all that I really am no threat to you all is just so depressing because I know the mafia are still going to put their votes in, and that will probably be enough to get a few of you to vote.


This entire day has been wasted going over the same ground over and over again. I know it's a shit cliche but the mafia must be very pleased right now. Nobody else was questioned today and they got rid of a threat to them. I can see it from my point of view, and I totally understand that you can't see from my point of view and you all think I am lying, but this has been the worst day for the town. I am sure Jonnas will back this up at the end of this game


I am begging you just to leave me alive until the end of the game. I won't kill anyone unless the town tells me to (and if I do I'll surely be lynched). If I still need to be lynched at the end then I will accept that if/when that happens. If not, at least let me have the chance to get a half win or joint win with the town. Please.

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Calling bullshit on night 1. Just wake him up. Him being asleep means that he didn't do anything that night, not that he cannot be targeted.


Has Cube reported effects for two nights? I remember him saying his blindness cure only lasted for 1 night. Can Flink back up your enhancement from before? And any proof of a Diageo boost?


If night 1 was the case, can Tales explain why he was untargetable?


Chair said he tried to target me but failed. Don't know why. So, I'm afraid I can't confirm anything about that.


I haven't been confirmed as good, but I'm the same character as in the first game who is forever loyal to the Queen.


Chair, my power wasn't improved on night 3. Perhaps you were roleblocked.


I thought your power had been improved? What was that about your eyesight?

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Personally, I'm not bothered about Dohnut right now. I feel that he can be saved for another day, I'm not really getting a vibe that's he evil or is trying to throttle us in our sleep. He's got a very difficult role to play, and in fairness to him, he came out very early in the game with his information.


My only qualm with him is about this win condition. Dohnut, if you really want to stay until the end, we need to find this out. Although, it could be a case of you hiding your win condition from us, which is a possibility (you can't deny that).


We need more leads. I've had an uneasy feeling about Chairdriver, but I'm not sure about him.

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I don't know what to think of the bandwagon.

He hasn't been a nuisance yet.

Although it's weird to have "3 Angusses" walking around..


Perhaps I'm more forgiving towards neutrals then others. The hate I generally see against neutrals in mafia games here reminds me of Futurama..

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My current list of (we should keep an eye on/are they mafia)







The Peeps



Actually, Peeps asked if I was serious about him listing targets and such, and I can't remember if he responded....

You got my attention.

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I'm not going to vote just yet, it's a really tough call but Nintendohnut is on my suspect list as well as ReZ but that's only because they're the only players I know who are good at these games and play the same way on either alignments.

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Okay fuck it. Lets do some shit. Rummy has the right idea with getting a list going of everyone. Who has given us NOTHING? Because we need to look at those people. Several protectors have come out, we've lost a townie roleblocker and a couple investigators/trackers have made themselves known, so there can't be many/any HELPFUL people who have NOT come out.


Who has given nothing, and then we look at those people/.


Oh I should mention I'm going away for the weekend tomorrow, returning on Monday. I will be on from time to time, certainly sending in targets (or target as I guess I'll only "miss" one night phase) but I WILL still check and read the thread in full. But I won't be prompt this weekend, in the morning/afternoon/early evening. Kk.

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Is that red text what you copied from the mafia forum? :heh:


ReZ just because you told us targets doesn't make it necessarily done for the town, also we have a new killer and since you didn't get anything technically last night, but you did target MadDog who died, this suggests it could be you!


Also I like how you voted for me but I'm not in your list :p

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Is that red text what you copied from the mafia forum? :heh:


ReZ just because you told us targets doesn't make it necessarily done for the town, also we have a new killer and since you didn't get anything technically last night, but you did target MadDog who died, this suggests it could be you!


Also I like how you voted for me but I'm not in your list :p


I know I'm only voting for the lolz. I will eventually change to someone else.




And no, it is not what I posted in the mafia forum....what I posted there was much more detailed.


And your suspicion on me is fair enough to be honest, I understand it to an extent.

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My current list of (we should keep an eye on/are they mafia)







The Peeps



Actually, Peeps asked if I was serious about him listing targets and such, and I can't remember if he responded....




I'm the same as you, I've posted all of my info already. I also responded to your question a bit afterwards even though I was half way out the door, on my way to work :p but here it is again in a more organised form:


Night 1:

Overhear Diageo saying 'First, roleblock, then protect. Roleblock, then protect' and my pm has purple text for his speech lol so it's definitely him.

Night 2:

Sméagol can protect or steal

Night 3:

Found traps and knives in Nintendohnut's room and discover he can kill - which led him to come out with his role.

Night 4:

Dazz attempts to learn of people's alignments (obviously I was hoping for something more solid)

Night 5:

I saw Zell sneaking into someone's room and stealing something.



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Sooooo to summarise this day: no one came out with any real info so now people are voting for Nintendohnut. Right?


Is there really nothing else we have to go on?



I would still like to know who blocked or redirected me, though I doubt anyone is gonna come out.

Is there a protector who puts people in traps or something?

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