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The 2011 Revision, Studying & Exams Thread!


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Yes, it's that time of year again and I've decided to take it upon myself to take time out of my busy schedule to create the thread where we can all procrastinate and complain about studying together!






I've got 3 exams in May, my final ever exams! 3rd, 4th and 20th of May. 2 worth 6% of my final grade, and the other worth 12%. Been studying non-stop the past few days but it's going pretty well I think. Made one hell of a lot of notes so far. The plan is by Sunday I'll have made notes for all my topics (for the first 2 exams, starting studying for the 3rd after the first 2) and will then just have to learn them properly.


How are you guys getting on with the inevitable studying for School/Uni/College exams?

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I have exams on the 5th,12th,13th,19th and 24th.


They equate to probably about just under half of all my degree! Lovely >_> Been revising slowly but surely for few weeks making notes on each subject, so after that it's all about learning by memory and then past papers!


Woo! Fun times.

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When I first saw the topic I got confused as to why you were mixing studying and exams with Eurovision. A quick relook and everything made sense.



I have essays they want in every 4 weeks, so the studying for it is the revision at the same time. But it's fun!

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My course doesn't do exams. Ever.


I do have an essay (only 2000 words though) to do soon though. That's it. And hand in all my work again, and I'm allowed to tweak bits of it but I can't be bothered, except in certain cases.

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My favourite thread :love:


I study about 4/5+ hours per day. Along with school, of course. Been doing so since...November, I think. Big exams throughout June determining my place in college D:


Buncha practical stuff too such as my art exam which I'll focus on for the next few weeks. Finished Irish+French orals too. All good :D


Very rewarding. Plus, good time to say, I got 88% in my English exam :D



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4 exams this year. One on the 26th April, the rest on the 4th, 9th and 12th of May. Not too bad with the spacing of them. Unfortunately, 3 of them are worth 80% of the overall mark for the module. The last is only worth 40% and I'll have passed the module by the time I sit the exam so at least I can rest easy there.


Only started revision last friday but I've been doing 4 hours everyday since, juggling 4 very different subjects. Aiming for straight Bs across the board, preferably B1s if possible. A lot of buckling down and intense revision before then though.

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3 exams, 18th, 26th and 30th of May. Aiming for a C, A and just pass the god damn course respectively. Together they count for 30 points out of the 180 I need for the bachelor degree. Did a paper for the second course that counts for 40% of the total grade, got an A on that.


What's revision? oh-my-god-it's-exams-soon-I-don't-know-anything-must-start-reading?

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Have collections on the 29th, which you have to pass or you get chucked out. It's less "!!!" than it sounds, since 30% is a pass.


Then have big exams at the end of June, which count for 20% of my degree if I decide to do the 4 year course, and 40% if I decide to do the 3 year course.


Not at all prepared...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for a revival...



Had my first exam today - I think it went OK which is good!


Got my 2nd tomorrow which is 3 hours long and each of the essays (3 out of a choice of 6) is worth more than the total of the exam I did today (2 essays out of 5, 2 hours in total) so evidently it's incredibly important! However I can't get the motivation to study! Done so much already but there's so much more I still need to do...


After this I've got 2 weeks off until the 20th and my final exam which is peachy. Few days off studying before just getting back into it taking it easy.


I could also have picked up my dissertation results today but decided against it as I didn't want a bad mark to demoralise me for tomorrow and didn't want a good mark to make me think that I didn't need to study!

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Had my first exam last week. Developmental psychology. Think I got off lightly with the questions as they were pretty simple, as were the essay topics. That's not to say I skimped on revision as I did a hell of a lot, more than I did for my Xmas exams and I got straight Bs across the board there. Not expecting a high mark but at least around the 65-70% region to get a solid B overall for the module.


Next exam is tomorrow; Cognition. Was thinking things should be easier for that one but as it's gotten closer, I'm doubting myself a little. I know enough, it's just whether I can remember it and all of the pieces of research to answer the stuff.

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I had two exams last week. One went bad and one went well, so they balance into okay. But I need to do better than okay if I want to get a first. I have an exam tomorrow, Galois Theory, which I'm currently revising for. Galois Theory is a beautiful but hard module. What really sucks if that I think 90% of the people in the class are supernerds meaning there probably won't be any upwards scaling.


I then have another one on Thursday morning, followed by another 5 exams spread over the rest of the term. Kill. Me. Now.

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Yesterday I had to do a presentation for a game I'd made. I was up all Monday night writing both the presentation and the Design Document for it which had to be in on Tuesday. My doc only came to a little shy of 4000 words but it makes me laugh when I hear people moan about a 2000 word essay given I've made a game, presentation and wrote twice their word count for just one module.


But the presentation seemed to go well enough. The two guys playing my game looked to be enjoying it... minor technical issues aside - collision detection in the air was a bit shaky.


And then I had an exam an hour after wards that I'll be amazed if I've passed.


Now I'm just working on two programming exercises. One for storing items in a binary tree in C++ and the other is to write some AI in C#.


Both of which have to be done by tomorrow...


I then have an computational maths exam next Tuesday and that will be it baring re-sits of course.

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Four Computer Scientists in a row. I demoed a little game I had programmed on 4th May. I have to write a lengthy report on it by next week. I also have to finish off some concurrent and distributed Scala programs whilst writing another report on Cloud Computing. No exams this time. I'm all finished by next weekend.

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