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Contraceptives N' Stuff


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Forgot to put that part of my story in.


DUDE. He was all cool about it, though he told me condoms are only like 80-90% effective, I thought they were at least 98% (when they don't tear obviously).


Was it a sex health thing? If you're curious about contraceptive stuff (not STI protection) my girlfriend got an injection that's ridiculously effective and lasts 3 months.

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Forgot to put that part of my story in.


DUDE. He was all cool about it, though he told me condoms are only like 80-90% effective, I thought they were at least 98% (when they don't tear obviously).

I think it's something like 97% so long as you use them totally correctly and they don't break. But people generally get it wrong some way or another, hence the lower percentage.


And I think I can guess your malady... :heh:


Also Dan - are you sure you don't mean an implant?

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I think it's something like 97% so long as you use them totally correctly and they don't break. But people generally get it wrong some way or another, hence the lower percentage.


And I think I can guess your malady... :heh:


Also Dan - are you sure you don't mean an implant?


It's similar, but yes. It's an injection. We're basically baby proof and don't need to use condoms ever again, which is good because they're really shit

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Ha so my guess earlier was right?


And yes, the implant is win. Housemate has it which once led to this conversation at a pharmacy:


Me: Hi, my housemate is feeling sick (or whatever it was)

Pharmacist: Hmm, could be pregnancy.

Me: No it can't.

Pharmacist: She may want to check...

Me: No, she has an injection that stops terrible things like that happening.

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Forgot to put that part of my story in.


DUDE. He was all cool about it, though he told me condoms are only like 80-90% effective, I thought they were at least 98% (when they don't tear obviously).


Condoms are actually less reliable than the pill (if taken properly), I rely on both, but when I found out how high the percentage is compared to condoms a few years ago it shocked me, the only really good thing about them is obviously stds.


The condom is about 97 and the pill if correct is a bit higher, like 98. I believe, it's difficult off the top of your head.


Using both (double dutch method?) is the best way!


EDIT: The only problem with the injection is it can be quite nasty when you want to come off it, it can take quite some time for things to get back to normal (a year etc.), which isn't ideal! Implants are fine, but can cause a massive amounts of problems whilst on them, so can the pill.


In other words boys: suck it up! The poor girls have to endure far more for sexual needs :P.

Edited by nightwolf
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My sister's a trainee doctor; she says she's always so glad whenever someone comes in who isn't disease-ridden/dying that she literally doesn't care about looking at people's genitals.


I loved the nurse last time I went to the GUM clinic. Had stunning chat.

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But condoms are so uncomfortable! You have no idea how much we suffer. :cry:


Truth. They're just...staggeringly unerotic. Pretty much every sensation men find arousing is blocked out by them so, trust me, we're grateful when girls can take precautions of their own. If they ever get round to that man-pill that's in testing, I'll certainly take it.

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But condoms are so uncomfortable! You have no idea how much we suffer. :cry:


I know, I know, I'm not that mean, it's just, compared to what women have to do for contraception, it isn't that big of a deal for you guys, sure it can be uncomfortable, but I'd love for you guys to go and read some of the utter bullshit that comes with taking the pill or having the implant etc, for example some pills can lead to blood clots, cancer and lesser such as weight gain, mood swings, depression.


For me, I prefer both, so both the man and woman take an interest, right now it's biased (and no I don't blame men for that at all.) It's just really freaking irritating. :(

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