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So it looks like there will be a fair bit of content then.


I just hope they don't trip up with lots of loading (and restart) times. It's nice having stuff to do but when something missions can be done really quickly, it's annoying to have to sit through load screen after load screen... something S'06 was very guilty of and Unleased too at times.


I wonder how the stage transitions will work... Hopefully it will just be a cutscene from level to the next.


And also, one thing I would really like is to be able to play through the story without the need to start a new file like you can in SA2 and SH but not SA1, S'06, SU and SC. It's a simple enough request but it doesn't even exist in the handheld games any more either.

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OMG there is one single zone there that means this is an instant buy for me!


Chemical Plant Zone



The demo was ok, wish they had given us a 2D and 3D demo but nevermind....It would be cool if when the 20 days ran out the demo changed to the 3D one or something but I doubt it will likely it will just lock never to be played again!

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Man, it really does surprise me how much information people can find out from a simple demo! The list looks great but my god it better not be final.


Where are my CD levels? Stardust Speedway definitely needed remaking. The race against Metal Sonic was one of the best moments of classic Sonic.


No ice cap zone.. 3DS version plz Sega.


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OMG there is one single zone there that means this is an instant buy for me!


I would have picked this up even if it was filled with levels I wasn't keen on but City Escape is perhaps my all time favorite level of any game so that would have been my one zone/level insta buy trigger.


Though I like your favourite too and I think it's the level that best defines that game. If I was picking from all zones of Sonic's past, I'd certainly not leave it out.

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I don't like it...














... I love it! :D



After the initial first blast on it I was unsure but as I played it more and more I began to appreciate just what has gone into the game, firstly the homing attack is gone - at least from classic Sonic - which is good... I was initially unsure about being able to just do a Spin-Dash as I'm used to holding Down and pressing A but I guess it just simplifies things a bit and is purely optional seeing as you can still perform the same action in the original way.


Projection of speed is pretty decent, I can maybe understand some people saying that it's a touch too fast but it really doesn't matter that much once your eyes adjust to it all, what I don't like though is how you can still hear Sonic's footsteps when he's running at full speed; it's understandable as he's gaining speed but not when running at full pelt though I think this will be altered so it's no big deal.


Visuals are very nice indeed and how Sonic should look on a HD console, lots of the new details are very pleasing to look at such as the way that the Choppers jump from one side of the bridge and fall over the other, that was a particularly nice touch indeed plus the music is suitably decent too for a remix.


What particularly impressed me though was when leaving Sonic alone for a few seconds he starts tapping his foot impatiently, looking toward the screen and then pointing in the direction you should be going... now that's the Sonic I know and love. :)


Colour me both suitably pleased and impressed... for now, the other details that people have uncovered worry me slightly but it'll all depend on how they are implemented, if for instance the extra characters are introduced seperate to the main game mode as I suspect they might then that would be good but we will have to wait and see.

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I'm impressed with the Demo.


My only niggles are that it can be hard to see (esp rings) when moving, and that the camera often seems too zoomed in.

Oh, and that New Sonic's in the full game; the smarmy c**t.



Maybe Sega are going to seperate the two characters completely somehow? I just about wouldn't mind that, even though it makes no sense; at least old Sonic would be saved. The two characters are just so different, and putting them side by side in a game like this makes it really blatent.

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Seems like a lot of similar themed levels in that list.


Looking forward to playing

Sky Sanctuary Zone




Had trouble seeing stuff as well when I played it, but I guess I got used to it after a while. Going to play it more over the weekend when I'm less tired, and maybe try it in 3D.

Edited by Ike
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Seems like a lot of similar themed levels in that list.



I noticed that too but personally, I often find that those are the best levels from their respective games. Five of those are unquestionably my favourite from their respective games and another one is only just edged out.


Speed Highway is a bit meh... I thought that level was a bit bland really... though I suppose they might be able to spice it up a bit. I think I might have preferred an updated Windy Valley for a bit of variety.


I do enjoy Windy Valley but Speed Highway is where it's at. The way it starts with the slope and loop is awesome and feels like the single fastest point in the game to me - was playing it last night and it's still fantastic. And then you have the run down the wall which is going to look incredible. It's just what they do with "At Dawn" part.


Here is Skyscraper Scamper from Unleashed HD


I imagine it will share more than a passing resemblance and just look how awesome that is... then again, all the HD Unleashed Sonic levels look brilliant and are fun to play. Really puts the SD version to shame. And Sonic Colours shows how gimped they had to make Wii Unleashed to get the same engine running on the PS2.




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I do enjoy Windy Valley but Speed Highway is where it's at. The way it starts with the slope and loop is awesome and feels like the single fastest point in the game to me - was playing it last night and it's still fantastic. And then you have the run down the wall which is going to look incredible. It's just what they do with "At Dawn" part.


Here is Skyscraper Scamper from Unleashed HD


I imagine it will share more than a passing resemblance and just look how awesome that is... then again, all the HD Unleashed Sonic levels look brilliant and are fun to play. Really puts the SD version to shame. And Sonic Colours shows how gimped they had to make Wii Unleashed to get the same engine running on the PS2.



Hmm yeah that level does look good. Speed Highway with it's setting and running down the wall, is a little bit similar to City Escape though. But I'll wait to see how the remade level looks, I'm sure it'll look great.


Bit dissapointing there's only one level from each game.

Green Forest from Sonic Adventure 2 could have also made a fantastic setting/level.


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I loved the demo, i have replayed it several times! I do agree that at first it took me a bit of time to ajust as it seems there is a lot going on but overall very happy with what i have played so far.


Although after looking at that level list, some good ones but I'm gutted that the following has not 'made it':


Ice Cap Zone or Lava Reef Zone.


I think both of them would have looked great in a HD remake! and fun to play as they could have expanded elements that were already there, like the ski section at the first of Ice Cap.


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I liked it but I thought it was zoomed in too far. You really can't see what's up ahead of you until you've passed it. Still really enjoyable though :bouncy:


For me the camera zoomed out quite a bit once I started moving. Seems about the same (if not slightly further away) than the classic games.

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