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Sonic Generations


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Yeah it was an awesome game with crappy level design, shitty controllers and it was like they had great idea's straight away put everything into the first couple of levels and than make the rest all plain shit.


Perhaps this time they can put effort into the whole fucking game rather than the first couple of levels and also fix the fucking controls.


Sonic Cycle still exists. Sonic fans are just that desperate.

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Sonic Cycle still exists. Sonic fans are just that desperate.


Sonic Cycle only exists for people who hate Sonic games. And then they disprove the Sonic Cycle by bitching about every single game as soon as it's announced.

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The sonic cycle doesn't exist any more because it happened so many times, the hope that they haven't fucked it up this time no longer present.


The fact is, Sonic fell off a long time ago. STH mega-drive games rivalled Super Mario games, but no 3D sonic has ever come close to the quality of SM64/galaxy etc.. Stupid stories full of humans, tacky voice acting, 'hip' character updates and a laundry list of poor level design decisions killed the franchise a long time ago.

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Yeah it was an awesome game with crappy level design, shitty controllers and it was like they had great idea's straight away put everything into the first couple of levels and than make the rest all plain shit.


Perhaps this time they can put effort into the whole fucking game rather than the first couple of levels and also fix the fucking controls.


Sonic Cycle still exists. Sonic fans are just that desperate.



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I don't think the Sonic cycle is applicable to me either.


Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colours and Sonic 4 are all great games IMO.


Sure unleashed werehog sections were not the best but the sonic stages were ace!


EDIT: Sonic Rush was pretty good also.

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Yeah it was an awesome game with crappy level design, shitty controllers and it was like they had great idea's straight away put everything into the first couple of levels and than make the rest all plain shit.


Perhaps this time they can put effort into the whole fucking game rather than the first couple of levels and also fix the fucking controls.


Sonic Cycle still exists. Sonic fans are just that desperate.


The only thing worse than the rabid Sonic Fanboy is the Anti Sonic Fanboy - those who who slate every game with his name on despite having never played them. Unfortunately, they are worse by quite some margin.


Those comments you throw at Sonic Colours are complete hogwash. They are generic insults that could be levied against any game because you don't need to have played it to use them. You've slammed the title in a number of threads but I've yet to see one comment that makes me think you've even played the thing - I suspect the closest you've got is seeing it on a store shelf.


You speak as though it's a train wreck on par with Sonic '06 but anyone who's played it knows it's so much better it's not even funny - it only serves to lower '06's standing even further... which is an impressive feat in of itself.


You say that the best ideas are in the first levels but actually, the first levels are kind of poor compared to the later ones that throw all sorts at you on the fly - it's a good job Sonic is responsive enough to allow you to handle them though. Which is something that would be obvious if the game had been played.


Yeah I'm sounding like a Fanboy and I do love Sonic games, but I know he's been in some crap games too. It's just that Sonic Colours isn't one of them. It does have it's problems but funnily enough, you've never mentioned any of them in your bashing of the game... I wonder why that is...


The sooner people give the guy a chance instead of writing him off without playing his games, the sooner we can have serious discussions about the games in these topics instead of the typical arguments resulting from the flame baiting as perpetuated by the ignorant.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Hopefully shattered in pieces for them to rebuild from the ground up.


Geez it really wasnt that bad! There was plenty of good and even great parts to it. I think people need to get over sonic 4 being different to the originals it was clearly a sonic game inspired by the megadrive classics created for the adventures/heroes/secret rings/unleashed generation.

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OH I'm not getting into this again.... I'll say this.


Sonic games HAVE improved but sonic 4 is still shit.


Geez it really wasnt that bad! There was plenty of good and even great parts to it. I think people need to get over sonic 4 being different to the originals it was clearly a sonic game inspired by the megadrive classics created for the adventures/heroes/secret rings/unleashed generation.


Being honest with you I have NO idea who sonic 4 was created for. I cam only assume being called "sonic 4" and trying it's best to look like the megadrive titles would have you thinking it was aimed at the old fans like me.


But... they put elements of the new 3d games in there.. and I just can't understand it. The homing attack should be BANNED from 2d sonic games. The games used to take a beating even in the past for having more of a focus on rollarcoaster speed rather than on platforming and this doesn't help....


I had my doubts before this game was even released. Even in interviews the designers got things about the classic games wrong.. The original shield colour wrong for instance.. so I suppose it was no doubt they'd arse up the physics.


I take offense that fan projects like Streets of rage remake and sonic 2 HD can achieve almost perfection but sega can't?

Edited by mcj metroid
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I'm just gonna throw out there that Sonic Colors is really, really fun. And it has one awesome thing a Sonic game has never come close to: self-parody in the storyline.


Eggman: "Once I have the power of these aliens nothing will stop me! I know I say that every time... but this time I mean it!"

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Sonic 4 was a decent effort and it's a solid start to the 'rebirth' of the 2D titles, even if the physics are slightly 'off' it's still extremely playable plus the homing attack actually adds to the game, if you think it detracts from things then maybe you're doing it wrong, because honestly when you use the attack properly the game just flows. :)


I do hope they manage to tweak things slightly for the second part however. :heh:


Sonic Colours is one of the best Sonic titles I've had the pleasure of playing in recent years, partly due to the self-parody references that Shorty mentioned but alos because it's genuinely fun! The wisps were a stroke of genius managing to add many new abilities and ways to play that actually enhanced the overall experienced and encouraged further replays in a way that no Sonic game before has quite managed.


Sonic Generations looks promising from the trailer as it harks back to the days when Sonic well... looked like Sonic :p that's not to say I hate the modern-day design but there's a lot to be said for Sonic's original design that looked more hedgehog-like due to the proportions.


It's hard to tell from this early stage but I'd be willing to bet that we'll get to play as various styles of Sonic from the different eras and will have some kind of possible time-travel mechanic similar to Sonic CD but with more polished level design but really this is all speculation now as there's not much else to say about the trailer other than, it looks promising. :D

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Sonic 4 was a decent effort and it's a solid start to the 'rebirth' of the 2D titles, even if the physics are slightly 'off' it's still extremely playable plus the homing attack actually adds to the game, if you think it detracts from things then maybe you're doing it wrong, because honestly when you use the attack properly the game just flows. :)

The homing attack adds nothing and takes away the platforming skill. Because of it there can never be anymore Careful precise jumps you see in mario games. You can just.. pretty much FLY over them.

check out the 1:05 part here in sonic 2. That's a bottomless pit, and requires perfect jumping. It's been a while since I've seen that sort of thing in a sonic title.


For me this sort of functionality should be a powerup, like Mario's cape and not a constant move. Makes things too easy.



Sonic Colours is one of the best Sonic titles I've had the pleasure of playing in recent years, partly due to the self-parody references that Shorty mentioned but alos because it's genuinely fun! The wisps were a stroke of genius managing to add many new abilities and ways to play that actually enhanced the overall experienced and encouraged further replays in a way that no Sonic game before has quite managed.

I didn't expect colours to turn out light-years better than 4 to be honest, but well It very much did.


Sonic Generations looks promising from the trailer as it harks back to the days when Sonic well... looked like Sonic :p that's not to say I hate the modern-day design but there's a lot to be said for Sonic's original design that looked more hedgehog-like due to the proportions.

I think I might be one of the few people who don't care what sonic looks like. The green eyes don't bother me a hell of a lot. Character redesigns happen all the time. When it happens on the scale of spyro though, is when I get bothered.


It's hard to tell from this early stage but I'd be willing to bet that we'll get to play as various styles of Sonic from the different eras and will have some kind of possible time-travel mechanic similar to Sonic CD but with more polished level design but really this is all speculation now as there's not much else to say about the trailer other than, it looks promising. :D


I'm beginning to wish they'd leave old sonic alone at this point. I don't think it's pleasing anyone.

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The homing attack adds nothing and takes away the platforming skill. Because of it there can never be anymore Careful precise jumps you see in mario games. You can just.. pretty much FLY over them.

check out the 1:05 part here in sonic 2. That's a bottomless pit, and requires perfect jumping. It's been a while since I've seen that sort of thing in a sonic title.


They could quite easily make platforming parts like that though in the second part, just don't have anything that can be locked onto... but the sad fact is that I know deep down that we will never see another Sonic game that has the quality or intricate gameplay of the second outing; so I've resigned myself to the fact that Sonic 4 is what it is and that is 'decent' but not amazing, so I just enjoy it for the decent game that it is. :smile:


Yes it's sad that fan-made projects have turned out better than it and perhaps the wiser thing would be for these fan projects to somehow be made or incorporated into real games but this is Sega... to be this stubborn takes Ages. :wink:

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I'm just gonna throw out there that Sonic Colors is really, really fun. And it has one awesome thing a Sonic game has never come close to: self-parody in the storyline.


Eggman: "Once I have the power of these aliens nothing will stop me! I know I say that every time... but this time I mean it!"


That's one of my favourite things about Colours, the fact that they never took themselves seriously.


The homing attack adds nothing and takes away the platforming skill. Because of it there can never be anymore Careful precise jumps you see in mario games. You can just.. pretty much FLY over them.


check out the 1:05 part here in sonic 2. That's a bottomless pit, and requires perfect jumping. It's been a while since I've seen that sort of thing in a sonic title.


I disagree about the homing attack not adding anything, it let you access other parts of the level if used at the right time.


Casino Street Act 1 has a platforming section near the end of the level that required timing and precision to get across, you can't use the homing attack to fly past it. In fact I hated that bit because I get dying :P


Oh, and I like the new Sonic design. I think Classic Sonic looks out of place somewhat in the trailer, although has anyone noticed they made him kinda cartoon-y the way he bounces and stretches? You never see anyone complaining about Mario's dungaree colour

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Oh, and I like the new Sonic design. I think Classic Sonic looks out of place somewhat in the trailer, although has anyone noticed they made him kinda cartoon-y the way he bounces and stretches? You never see anyone complaining about Mario's dungaree colour


It's funny we call it Sonic's new design given he's looked the way he has now for more than a decade and consequently, longer than his original style.


I too think he looks better and I prefer his running style with his arms behind him instead of constantly moving.


As for being cartoon-y, bouncy and stretchy...


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As for being cartoon-y, bouncy and stretchy...


<sonic cd intro>


I'm not really seeing it to be honest, unless I'm misinterpreting what you meant. Watch the 20th Anniversary trailer when they land and keep an eye on Classic, "Next Gen" Sonic lands hard and slows down where Classic bounces and stretches a bit but it still going forward. But whatever ::shrug:

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I'm not really seeing it to be honest, unless I'm misinterpreting what you meant. Watch the 20th Anniversary trailer when they land and keep an eye on Classic, "Next Gen" Sonic lands hard and slows down where Classic bounces and stretches a bit but it still going forward. But whatever ::shrug:


Well it's just that his movements at various points when he's not just a blur and a slight exaggeration to them which isn't in keeping with the style we're used to seeing now.


These days, whilst the moves Sonic does may be a bit OTT, such as his flips and stuff as seen in the trailer, he does them with clinical precision. Sonic in that video is bouncing all over the place and seems to have a bit more momentum to all his actions.


Old Sonic's moves in the teaser don't seem any different to the way he's acting in that vid to my eyes.

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Classic Sonic still looks better


Agreed. If i were to adopt-a-hedgehog, I'd pick Classic Sonic. I like the nonsensical concept that a short, pudgy hedgehog can run so fast, the same way that a short fat plumber can jump so high and throw fireballs.


The ridiculousness of it all is what makes it work.

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