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I have Toothache


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I've got a dentist appointment tomorrow, thanks for reminding me :).


Worst pain happened in July when I was on holiday, I was pushed off a bed for stealing a pillow, then a girl who was with us was pushed off the bed and as she fell she stamped on my groin. Worst.Pain.Ever . It did relieve me of my constipation though.

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Kieran, get yourself some Paramol. Its so good, it can make you sleepy! Available from all good pharmacies. Then get a dentist appointment.


Then stop buying all those fuckign Millions from the Post Office ;)




When i had toothache that was pretty killer, and also when my stomach glands (i dunno that they existed) were swollen and i couldn't walk through the pain. That hurt.

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Guest Offerman
Kieran, get yourself some Paramol. Its so good, it can make you sleepy! Available from all good pharmacies. Then get a dentist appointment.


Then stop buying all those fuckign Millions from the Post Office ;)


XD! Millions. Ahaha, but I canne stand those tiny little sweets, just like Skittles or Juiceters - they play havok on my teeth - duely because of my shoddy orthodontic treatment I had moons ago.

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Worst pain happened in July when I was on holiday, I was pushed off a bed for stealing a pillow, then a girl who was with us was pushed off the bed and as she fell she stamped on my groin. Worst.Pain.Ever . It did relieve me of my constipation though.


Talking about groins... I was doing my DoE today and we woke up this morning and everyone (apart from me) had loads of ticks over them, one guy had 3 on his dick and 2 on his balls! The only girl in the group had some on her tits (unfortunately she didn't let us help get them off)!

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Talking about groins... I was doing my DoE today and we woke up this morning and everyone (apart from me) had loads of ticks over them, one guy had 3 on his dick and 2 on his balls! The only girl in the group had some on her tits (unfortunately she didn't let us help get them off)!



...what?! What's DoE? :|

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...what?! What's DoE? :|


Duke of Edinburgh - an award scheme, you do a "physical" (a sport", a service (Conservation, First Aid, Fire Service) and an expedition (walking, caneoing, cycling). It's really good fun and companies like people who have it because it shows you can work in a team

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Duke of Edinburgh - an award scheme, you do a "physical" (a sport", a service (Conservation, First Aid, Fire Service) and an expedition (walking, caneoing, cycling). It's really good fun and companies like people who have it because it shows you can work in a team



Ahh. I knew what it was after you said it was the Duke of Edinburgh award. Just didn't remember it when you only said the abbreviation. :)

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When my wife had a miscarriage earlier this year. Shortly afterwards we held our dead baby and cried our eyes out.


Shit dude you win, in a terrible, awful, herrendous, god awful way.


SOmetimes its good to get things off your chest. Meh

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The worst tooth related pain(imo) is that which you get with wisdom teeth. My wisdom teeth grew in slanted, and the pain was immense. I will probably have to have them removed sometime in the future, but after the initial pain of it pushing against my other teeth subsided, it has never caused anymore pain.


However, research on this topic shows that sooner or later, it will re-emmerge, and they will need to be dealt with.... :(

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