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Will there be any company releasing other consoles?


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Hi,i was just wondering if any other company is going to make video game consoles.Like years ago when you had a lot of them to choose from with company's trying to out sale each other.So i was wondering if any other company will try with another one.In my opinion it kinda sucks to have the same company make the same console but with different modifications.

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Incase you are not aware there are currently different consoles out and soon to be released:


  • Nintendo Wii
  • Microsoft Xbox 360
  • Sony Playstation 3
  • Nintendo 3DS/DSi
  • Sony PSP/PSP2
  • PC
  • Iphone/Ipod/phones in general


There is probably more which i cant think of right now


I very much dout that a new company is going to come in and try to compete with the current power houses as mkaing a console seems to cost companies a lot of money (just look at sega, they seen it better to make games for the other consoles rather than continue to try and compete).

Edited by Mike1988uk
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The only company I can think of who would probably benefit from making a console would perhaps be Apple... but I can't see that happening at all.


I thought that as well, but I imagine that they would prefer to keep their "stylish" and innovative image rather make a console that's practically the same as the others.

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Phantom, baby!




Had ideas way ahead of its time. But seriously; I think Sega and Apple are more serious potentials - but I highly, highly doubt sega will be going backwards and I think sony will never release an exclusive 'console' - I imagine they'll just smuggle an iTV into one's house eventually, which will offer all sorts of apps and games and films and whatever. We all know the future is just having one box under your TV that does everything, right?


Gaming is still a profitable business, so there's no ruling out an eventual competitor, but the stakes are so high that the company entering, like sony in teh 90's or microsoft in the 00's, has to be well backed in the first place. Which, I guess, is why Apple is the easiest to name.

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I very much doubt it, unless it's Apple, (I still don't count iPhones/iPads as gaming consoles).


The industry is so big now, with games and consoles costing millions to make that only companies with a lot of money at their disposal have a chance.

Not only that, but you just look at how competitive the gaming industry is and fan loyalty to their companies.


You would have to make a big entrance like Sony and Microsoft did, pour a lot of money into marketing it and have that killer game to sell it.


You only have to look at past failures with companies including Panasonic and Phillips and how easily Atari and Sega went from being so successful to pulling out entirely.

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There aren't usually more than three decent/successful consoles per generation:


Generation 3 - Sega, Nintendo

Generation 4 - Sega, Nintendo

Generation 5 - Sega, Nintendo, Sony

Generation 6 - Sega, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft

Generation 7 - Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft


Generation 6 is obviously the exception. It was brilliant for us gamers, but the competition was too fierce and too many of them were deemed unsuccessful. Poor old Sega had to throw in the towel, the (excellent) GameCube was considered a relative flop and the Xbox wasn't far ahead, apart from the way it got Microsoft's foot in the door.


Thankfully none of the current consoles have flopped, but I hope there can once more be a time when we have three consoles of similar power, with the multi-format games on each.

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There aren't usually more than three decent/successful consoles per generation:


Generation 3 - Sega, Nintendo

Generation 4 - Sega, Nintendo

Generation 5 - Sega, Nintendo, Sony

Generation 6 - Sega, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft

Generation 7 - Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft


Generation 6 is obviously the exception. It was brilliant for us gamers, but the competition was too fierce and too many of them were deemed unsuccessful. Poor old Sega had to throw in the towel, the (excellent) GameCube was considered a relative flop and the Xbox wasn't far ahead, apart from the way it got Microsoft's foot in the door.


Thankfully none of the current consoles have flopped, but I hope there can once more be a time when we have three consoles of similar power, with the multi-format games on each.


Although the GC sold the least in generation 6 it did make a profit. Microsoft made a $4 billion loss on the first XBOX in a attempt to just break the console market and set themselves up for generation 7.

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What about OnLive?


Yeah I was going to say onlive. its a different breed of console sure but one all the same.


For me Sega won't re enter the console market I think they've made the shift to publisher and are likely to stick with that. That's not to say they wouldn't still be set up to go back I'm guessing they still have R & D for hardware due to their arcade side of the business unless they outsource this.


For me there is only apple. I could see apps coming to apple tv at some point and there's where their "home console" future perhaps lays not in creating a super powerful home console. Think if they can bring that casual cheap disposable app store eco system into the lounge/living room they are on to a winner.

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Not a console, but if you don't mind alternative portables, then there's a new (and ugly) thing called a [Pandora].


And not a new platform, but a netbook dedicated to gaming.. The [Razer Switchblade].

I can't see myself needing a netbook dedicated to gaming, however, it does look awesome.



I should mention the Switchblade is a concept only for now though.

Edited by Sméagol
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I think apple will eventually just make TV's with their whole operating system built in.


But as has always been the case it is content that defines a new system's success. At the moment the only hardware engineers building up a gaming library is apple. They will be my bet for a new challenger!


Hopefully the trio of MS, SONY and Nintendo should remain.


(Unless Disney and Pixar go all Nintendo...)

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Yeah I was going to say onlive. its a different breed of console sure but one all the same.


For me Sega won't re enter the console market I think they've made the shift to publisher and are likely to stick with that. That's not to say they wouldn't still be set up to go back I'm guessing they still have R & D for hardware due to their arcade side of the business unless they outsource this.


For me there is only apple. I could see apps coming to apple tv at some point and there's where their "home console" future perhaps lays not in creating a super powerful home console. Think if they can bring that casual cheap disposable app store eco system into the lounge/living room they are on to a winner.


I think you're onto a winner there. Eventually you'll be able to get games on the Apple TV and buy a controller (or even use the iPhone/iPod) to play them. Would make perfect dense and fit in perfectly with what Apple are all about. Games would have to be more expensive than they are (like the difference in price between iPhone and iPad) but it would work.

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There could be a "Gaming Forum" like there's a DVD Forum, who could set a new standard every 5-10 years. Any manufacturer could then make a machine, but it would have to be to that standard.


Didn't Microsoft try that once with the MSX?

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Didn't Microsoft try that once with the MSX?


Can't remember, to be honest.


The other theory would be via OnLive (ie. Cloud gaming). In fact, it's the opposite - instead of one console, almost every game would run on different technology, but with the same display box like Freeview. Manufacturers would just set new display standards when necessary (ie. 1080p at the moment) and possibly new streaming speeds as well. Personally, I still don't understand how this would work without a fibre-optic point in every room you wanted to play in. As soon as you use Wi-Fi, surely it'd be too slow for the streaming?

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There could be a "Gaming Forum" like there's a DVD Forum, who could set a new standard every 5-10 years. Any manufacturer could then make a machine, but it would have to be to that standard.


Im down with that! That way the machine with the best build quality gets my money and i can play what i want.

And i say that knowing full well itll never happen

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It probably wouldn't, hence why gaming will never really reach other entertainment forms. The concept of a specific game only being available on a specific machine is silly because it lacks the universality needed for mass appeal.


But if there was only one console then the lack of competition would mean development was hindered. Not to mention higher prices.

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