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Grand Theft Auto 5


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Good I've got a PS4 pre-ordered with them I might actually get one on launch day if there have been cancelled pre-orders! :bowdown:




It makes me laugh, why are people complaining. First time a game doesn't arrive a day early (when they really ain't meant to) and people go off on a paddy. Good for them, even Shopto are having a laugh about the situation.

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It's almost as if they knew giving it a 9/10 would give them a ton of ad revenue, while still being a fair score.


Yeah it does seem that way. Not that I agree or disagree with the score since I have no idea how good it is. But they must know people expect the top score and not giving it a lower score will get more people viewing.


Hilarious nonetheless.

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I think the way in which Gamespot's reputation is still a little tarnished from the events of 2007 might push someone to making that conclusion, but in what world is 9/10 not an absolutely outstanding score from a site that doesn't deal in .5 demarcations any more?


It was a game review, which means that it was an experience of a piece of entertainment, which in turn means it is subjective. From what you know about the reviewer at hand - that she is transgendered, that gender politics probably inform a great deal of her day to day perspective, it's reasonable to assume that the way she interpreted the game (and the way she interprets all other forms of cultural media) are filtered through this perspective. When you come to this fairly easy understanding of the the reviewer at hand (an understanding that is supported by what she implicitly reveals about herself throughout the review) you can say that either A. I am aligned with this persons perspective and thus I might share similarities in opinion about the game in question, or B. I cannot relate to this person, so what she thinks won't impact my buying decision. Irrespective of either though, what she says about it helps you find out more about what YOU may think about the game by way of contrast, or, equally healthily, may point you in the direction of ways of looking at things that aren't native to you. Which can only be a good thing.


I don't understand the outrage. It's like gamers exist only to buoy the monied corporations that produce these pieces of consumer entertainment at the expense of all reason or sense. It makes me sad.

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Installing now! 600mb done...


Massive queue at Tesco for the game. Didn't get it until about 12:40.


I arrived at the mall at 11:30pm to this...


GAME is on the right hand side miles down the mall, the queue reached the end of the mall, and went back on itself the other side of shops. Mental.





I walked out of the mall with my copy of the game at 1:55am. Was home buy 2:15am, and went straight to bed.


I was hoping to get a chance to play it last night, but never mind. 9 hours at work and I'll be on it.


Question to anyone who bought this on Xbox360. How long was the install?

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I arrived at the mall at 11:30pm to this...


GAME is on the right hand side miles down the mall, the queue reached the end of the mall, and went back on itself the other side of shops. Mental.





I walked out of the mall with my copy of the game at 1:55am. Was home buy 2:15am, and went straight to bed.


I was hoping to get a chance to play it last night, but never mind. 9 hours at work and I'll be on it.


Question to anyone who bought this on Xbox360. How long was the install?


I don't think it took longer than 10 mins.

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I don't think it took longer than 10 mins.


Can I assume same for PS3? But 10 minutes seem very little for 8GB.


I can't say for sure if I get the game today. I think the mail man arrives at 13:30, but by then I must have left to reach the bus to work. I only made the "pre order" yesterday, but I might have a safety net at Gamestop(it's not like he said no way, we don't have enough(he was actually counting the games physically when I talked to him)) but that probably costs me 10£ more and the bother with shipping the other one back. On the other hand, if the mail doesn't arrive today, I don't have to wait another 24 hours, as I arrive back home at 23:00/11pm all days to Thursday.

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Went to the airport and got into a plane. Is it just me or can you not change direction of the plane when you're on the ground? Was I doing something wrong?


Had 3 stars on me and had to try a few different planes before I found one with a lot of space directly in front of it.




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