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I just read the IGN review - it sounds disappointing, but like it says at the end, you either need this game or you dont. Im pretty sure I do. I can deal with the old skoolness of it all but its still a crying shame that both screens werent used! Still, having not played later Final Fantasies, this should be great... anyone already said when its due in Europe?

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About FF3j DS


7.8 from IGN does sound disappointing. But, 0.2 more points and it would've been 8.0. That wouldn't seem bad, would it? I think it's about right.


Historically, I'd give it 9.0 out of 10. It's so easy to forget the context in which the game was made. This FF3j is old. It was revolutionary at the time. The expansive world was amazing. The way you could change jobs was amazing. FF3j job system evolved in FF5, then in FF9. The tears-inducing impression may not be there anymore because we're spoilt by technology and further development of RPGs. In that way, FF3j has aged. It's an old game.


That's probably why it gets 7.8. But remember its historical context. It was the only game that could stand toe-to-toe with the might of Dragon Warrior 3 and 4 in that generation on NES.



About FF5


I just saw FF5 clip at the official nintendo magazine video vault. It's the simple opening sequence added on the 14/Nov. So nostalgic, I had tears in my eyes :cry: Again, it was amazing at the time. The graphics and music, the whole presentation was awesome. Revolutionary. Let me point out that FF5 was probably the beginning of Final Fantasy's golden era.


I still remember fondly, shortly after its release in early 90s my brother and I got it from Japan Centre in Piccadilly circus, London. In those days they sold import SNES games. We weren't sure if they had it. But they did.


I needed my bro's help to play it as he was years ahead of me in learning japanese. But it was amazing. The job system was a big leap from the one seen in FF3j and it worked so well; all skills you learn from a job is kept even if you switch to another job. So you can customize your character in any way you want.


Graphically it may be dated, but in game system it still remains to be one of the pinoneers of the era.


All these remakes must be seen in the right context. ;)

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If this was reviewed by a ps ign reviewer it would gte much more. First, it seems reviewrs arehating more and more difficult and classic games, second, since IGN as been accused giving scores too high, alway between 7 and 10, they're trying to cut back now. I have no doubts that ff3 is a great game, IF you like classic, hard RPGs.

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I'm considering Final Fantasy III DS but the transitions from gameplay to battle and the battles themselves seem way too long, especially compared to the 2D FF games. The way I see battles in videos would annoy me so much that I would stop playing. Am I seeing this wrong or what?

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Just got FFVI. By jesus I never thought I'd be able to play that game on the loo. If this wasn't handheld the world may have never seen me again.

VI is still as astounding as ever.


I know what you mean about III's battle transitions Stabby but if you can suffer it then do so. The game has very many other positives other than just having fancy graphics. This is how a Golden Sun DS should look.

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