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I've been meaning to make this thread since the start of January but I have forgotten to do so. So, is anybody still losing weight? Anybody still stuck to their New Year's Resolution? How much did you lose/gain since last year? Know any tips or advice to help others? Got any stories to share? Tell them here...


I started going swimming again three times a week and I have still kept it up since two weeks ago. People have come up to me and said that they've noticed major things like my belly has shrunk, my chest is smaller, my face is thinner, etc, and I can't see any of this! Every time I go, I do over 24 lengths (which is half a mile) so every week, I will be swimming a mile and a half. I'm also thinking of doing the Swimathon in April but I'm not sure if I can/will. Just a thought.


I've also bought myself two new PS2 dance mats for £6, bargain! I'm going to start DDR again and do that, I haven't played it in a year (the Wii versions are too easy and the 360 version is surprisingly boring). Wii Fit worked for two weeks but I think my body is used to it as I don't get tired and I'm finding it a tad boring so I'm giving it a rest. I'm hoping to pick up The Biggest Loser Challenge at some point though as I've heard that is effective. I'm also going to be doing some exercise DVDs that I have so that'd help too.


My current weight is just over 18 stone, which is a shock considering I don't look it and I'm aiming to lose three stone by June, which I think I can do if I focus. I want to be 15 stone by the time it is my 21st birthday so badly!


I think we can motivate each other here, I hope we can anyway! :D



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The more exercise do the more I think people are stunningly lazy and undeserving. I can't help it.


I've never budged from my 70-73kg range, though. Considering I don't eat any junk food, cycle up to and around 10 miles a day, gym four times a week, play football on Sunday and do parkour I suspect that's a shift from fat to muscle. I keep trying to put on weight, it's freaking hard, though.

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I'm not really trying to lose weight per say, just act a bit healthier (which frankly I keep forgetting.)


Walking more than taking the bus to anywhere is helping, I used to walk everywhere and because it's so easy to get the bus I just do that instead.


Swimming couple of times a week soon, if my friends would get their asses into gear.

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I should do something about my weight I think. I gained 1 kilo over Christmas, and before that I'd gained 1 kilo too. Boooh.


I do exercise twice a week, but it's really not enough to lose any weight. Also, my parents/family like to cook yummy food too much, it's impossible to lose weight with them. =P


The sad thing is I'm a bit too lazy/busy to exercise. We're currently renting a treadmill, which my mom uses every day to run/walk. And I can't get myself motivated to use it for some reason. I hate running, but still...


Would prefer doing squash again but my sister keeps ignoring my pleas. =(

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I'm not really trying to lose weight per say, just act a bit healthier (which frankly I keep forgetting.)


Walking more than taking the bus to anywhere is helping, I used to walk everywhere and because it's so easy to get the bus I just do that instead.


Swimming couple of times a week soon, if my friends would get their asses into gear.


I'm weird like this but I prefer swimming by myself. I feel I can focus much more if I'm by myself and if I went with other people, I'd feel a little rude because they'd want a chat and I don't, I just want to swim and do nothing else. My friends think I'm a little weird for that but I'm there to lose weight, not stand around having a chat.


I don't get people like that though, why bother going into the pool, getting in everyone's way, when all you're going to do is stand there and talk with your friends? Why don't you just go to a cafe or something and let other swimmers do their thing? There's these five annoying women who go in the pool and do nothing but talk and they walk all over the place, getting in my way and in the way of other swimmers and it annoys me because when I get a good rhythm going, I have to stop and even then they don't notice and so I have to swim around them. I move elsewhere and about four lengths later, they wonder around where I'm swimming yet again! Fair enough if they do a little bit of swimming but they don't, they just walk around. I see no point in getting changed, going in the pool and then doing nothing but gasbagging and being a nuisance to others...




Just seen a trailer for Get Fit with Mel B on YouTube as an ad and it does actually surprisingly look good. I'm thinking of getting it...

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To lose weight you need to combine exercise with a calorie intake deficit. Plan a decent eating plan consisting of six small meals spread across the day instead of three big ones.


If you want a good workout you can do at home try looking into Insanity by Shaun T.

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I've been swimming my ass off this year,


averaging a mile per session now, and go 3-4 times a week (that doesn't sound to great, but I didn't really swim at all unless I was on a holiday or something), as-well as Gym & and Badminton on Sundays. I want to swim more really, slowly but surely i'll be able to crank further distances out.



But I'm not noticing any change physically. My stomach doesn't appear to be any flatter or toned, My arms don't appear to be toned, although they do look bigger.


Meh also my Quads appear a little chunkier than they did at the start of the year, guess that's the swimming.


I want to have bigger more defined pecs, bigger upper chest in general, and flat / toned stomach.


so far I am fail.

Edited by Murr
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I'm trying to lose some, I'm 114kilo (17 stone) I was bigger last year but managed to knock myself down to 110 Kilo (from 120)...kinda put 5 on over the month's enchantress was Pregnant..she craved, I kinda ate as well.


I would love to go swimming, have been craving that recently, I've not been swimming since I was about 10 or so...kinda scared I'd sink like a brick if I went back, but i'm guessing it;s like riding a bike you never forget, but I don't have time, looking after Samantha is priority number 1. Though me and Samantha do go out for a walk every day, for an hour or so to do some supermarket then i'm pushing the pram/Samantha/big load of shopping back though this week it's been in the 30's and it's too bloody hot to go out. So i'm taking it slowly, recently cut bread out of the diet, and eating Salads as well as meat and porridge in the morning, no choccies, though been tempted a few times, especially today, new All caramel Mars bar was introduced..looked bloody nice but I said no.

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I want to have bigger more defined pecs, bigger upper chest in general, and flat / toned stomach.


so far I am fail.


I think you'll have to increase the amount of weight based resistance training you do. Maybe you should consider changing one or two of your swimming days to focus on some weight based resistance training. You will see faster results.

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I'm weird like this but I prefer swimming by myself. I feel I can focus much more if I'm by myself and if I went with other people, I'd feel a little rude because they'd want a chat and I don't, I just want to swim and do nothing else. My friends think I'm a little weird for that but I'm there to lose weight, not stand around having a chat.


I don't get people like that though, why bother going into the pool, getting in everyone's way, when all you're going to do is stand there and talk with your friends? Why don't you just go to a cafe or something and let other swimmers do their thing? There's these five annoying women who go in the pool and do nothing but talk and they walk all over the place, getting in my way and in the way of other swimmers and it annoys me because when I get a good rhythm going, I have to stop and even then they don't notice and so I have to swim around them. I move elsewhere and about four lengths later, they wonder around where I'm swimming yet again! Fair enough if they do a little bit of swimming but they don't, they just walk around. I see no point in getting changed, going in the pool and then doing nothing but gasbagging and being a nuisance to others...

I concur. Just like the stigma over going to the cinema on your own. It's not exactly as much of a social exercise.


I always keep saying I'm going to lose weight. This generally seems to applies to not really eating breakfast. But I'm currently eating some Fruity Multicoloured Belts. So I'm not doing myself any favours.

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I too prefer to exercise on my own. I went to the gym with my brother yesterday for the first time in a while and now I remember why I stopped going with him. Kept interrupting me every ten minutes complaining that everyone was using the machines he wanted to use.


He threw away half of a protein bar I gave him (costs £25 a box) saying it was "horrible". When I workout I prefer it to just be me and my music.

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Swimming won't make anyone lose real noticable weight because it's a low impact exercise. It's great for cardio and general fitness though.


All broken down in simple terms here:




The only way to lose weight is to eat right and to do a solid amount of "good" cardio. Weight lifting is also very important in losing weight.


Lifting weights boosts the metabolism, which burns fat a lot faster. You gotta do high impact exercises to burn fat.


I want to have bigger more defined pecs, bigger upper chest in general, and flat / toned stomach. so far I am fail.



The only way to increase muscle size is to eat more calories and to lift heavy weights with perfect form. If you want a bigger chest don't do bench presses, go for incline bench presses instead. It works the upper chest.

Edited by AndyWylde
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Wtf is this... the only person making any kind of sense here is daft! Protein bars? What the fuck?


I was 115kg at my worst and am currently 75kg, so that means I've lost 40kg.


You want to know my secret? Eat healthy and excercise. That's it.


And I never cared about calorie intakes and having 6 separate meals... I just made sure I always ate healthy stuff (lots of fruit, lots of vegies, lots of soup, some meat and some cereal) and I cycled about 30 miles daily and spent 30 mins with a jump rope. That's it. All it took was 8 months of sticking to it (not hard) and here I am now...

And that was 3 years ago, ever since I have always ate bad food and drank lots of beer... I work out 2 or 3 times a week and voilá, I keep myself fit.

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I used to have a slight heart condition, and that's all the motivation i need to not eat junk 24/7. I'm still a binge eater though, as eating like a hippy all the time is too saintly for me.


Ideally i work out 3 times a week. I just do exercise dvds. Having to go out in the cold, to make a journey to the gym or something is not something i'm going to feel like doing after work. So the dvds work best for me. Also cheaper!


I don't do it to lose weight, infact, i hate that working out regularly makes me less curvy! But i do it, cos it does feel brill to have loads of energy, and know that you're physically fit. Which is what i do feel, if i stick to it properly. It also feels so nice just to have a decent stretch! I do a bit of yoga for that reason too. But i am aghast at some of the 'i have no bones' poses in my yoga dvd! Hates them. I just sit and gawp at the screen.


Also, after workouts, i have cake as a reward. I hope that helps with any curves i might have diminished with the workout!

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Wtf is this... the only person making any kind of sense here is daft! Protein bars? What the fuck?


I was 115kg at my worst and am currently 75kg, so that means I've lost 40kg.


You want to know my secret? Eat healthy and excercise. That's it.


And I never cared about calorie intakes and having 6 separate meals... I just made sure I always ate healthy stuff (lots of fruit, lots of vegies, lots of soup, some meat and some cereal) and I cycled about 30 miles daily and spent 30 mins with a jump rope. That's it. All it took was 8 months of sticking to it (not hard) and here I am now...

And that was 3 years ago, ever since I have always ate bad food and drank lots of beer... I work out 2 or 3 times a week and voilá, I keep myself fit.


What works for one person will not always work for others. I know many people who eat junk all day everyday but are lucky enough to have good genetics and they have better looking bodies than people i know who have to work very hard for theirs.


The more exercise do the more I think people are stunningly lazy and undeserving. I can't help it.


I've never budged from my 70-73kg range, though. Considering I don't eat any junk food, cycle up to and around 10 miles a day, gym four times a week, play football on Sunday and do parkour I suspect that's a shift from fat to muscle. I keep trying to put on weight, it's freaking hard, though.


Gaining weight was always my problem. I tried for years, many failed diets and training regimes.


It might be you're not eating enough good foods for the amount of exercise you do in a week. You need more calories than your burning off to gain.


About 18 months ago i lost my job, so i decided i had the time to take training seriously. I went from 9 1/2st to 13.4st of the good stuff in just under a year. The first rule is to think of it all as a lifestyle change, a diet indicates something temporary, but really it's a lifestyle change that is needed. I started eating more lean meats, fish, potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, oats, beans and green veg and of course lifting weights.


Success in gaining and losing weight is almost entirely done in the kitchen. You have to fuel your body with what it needs. At first i found the nutrition side of it confusing, but it soon gets to be the norm and you're no longer thinking about it, you just do it.


The lifting part is crucial too obviously, you should lift heavy enough as you can with perfect form for around 6-12reps. Workouts should be no longer than an hour either.


Once you've gotten past the stage of seeing it all as a chore it becomes part of your everyday life.

Edited by AndyWylde
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What works for one person will not always work for others. I know many people who eat junk all day everyday but are lucky enough to have good genetics and they have better looking bodies than people i know who have to work very hard for theirs.


Nonetheless, eating well and excercising works for everyone.

I'm just laughing at the fact everybody keeps looking around for a magic recipe for weight loss when it's that simple: just get off your fat ass and move!


Disregard genetics, even if they really make a difference, you can't focus on what you can't do anything about, you need to focus on the elements you control.


I am one of those people who eat junk all day everyday and my body looks good because I work out regularly, not because of good genetics. You want to eat junk and keep fit? Work out! Even if you don't need to, do it!

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Nonetheless, eating well and excercising works for everyone.

I'm just laughing at the fact everybody keeps looking around for a magic recipe for weight loss when it's that simple: just get off your fat ass and move!


Disregard genetics, even if they really make a difference, you can't focus on what you can't do anything about, you need to focus on the elements you control.


I am one of those people who eat junk all day everyday and my body looks good because I work out regularly, not because of good genetics. You want to eat junk and keep fit? Work out! Even if you don't need to, do it!


I completely agree. I stopped eating junk for about 6months because i got the fear. I'd came a long way in my progress and was scared of un-doing it all. But now i'm relaxed about it. I indulge in junk food whenever i want, i workout hard enough every week for it not to hang around the gut.


I think some people just don't know what good solid exercise is.


I feel that for anyone wanting to lose/gain they should do the nutrition thing hardcore though, so they get a real understanding and experience of what's what. And to give the body a foundation. 18months ago i couldn't eat all the junk i wanted, no matter how much i exercised. Having that break from the junk and getting my body to a new foundation was my key, it's only now that i can indulge in junk again.

Edited by AndyWylde
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Except this thread isn't about "keeping fit" it's about losing weight and regardless if you consume 2000 calories and your body only uses up 1500 calories your energy requirements are met through your intake and thus there is no need to use whatever stored energy your body has and thus you will remain the same size.


It's great if you want to maintain your fitness eating crap and burning it off is a great way to maintain your size but that isn't what this thread is about nor the advice that was being asked for.



This post probably needs tidying up / clarification but it's home time now so screw that.

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To be honest dazz, you've been given lots of advice which most people would actully pay for...


Stop those wifit games and do proper excersie lol.


...if only you knew exactly what I do...lmao.


Here's what I do every week:


  • Swimming three times a week (half a mile to a mile and a half each session- did mile and a half today)
  • Wii Fit
  • Just Dance 2
  • Running
  • Boxing
  • DDR (highly recommended for weight loss)
  • Weightlifting
  • Andy's workout (which I would advise to anybody)
  • Scooby's videos

  • Biggest Loser workouts
  • Jane Fonda workout (no joke, it will leave you exhausted!)
  • Some dance videos if I'm in the mood
  • My routine I do when I wake up and before I go to sleep....


I do more than Wii games, trust me! ;)

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I've lost 3 stone since October, did have a little break in December over the festive period. I've never been one for following diets or reading the many books on the subject of weight loss. My food intake generally consists off :-



2 x Brown Toast

Bowl of Cornflakes



2 brown roll sandwiches

6 x Low fat Rich T biscuits



Generally consists of Potatoes and some sort of Chicken or Fish.



I don't snack in between, don't eat chocolate or drink fizzy juice. I drink a lot of tea but always use sweeteners.



Exercise wise, I do a 30 min Run on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I work out (Press-Ups, Sit Up's Crunches, Lunges, etc) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and play Football on Sundays.



It's worked well for me so far.

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