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L.A. Noire


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I think I may have found a bug, I'm meant to be interrogating a suspect, but I can't find him anywhere in the police station.


The white shoe killings and the suspect is Ackerman



Is it broke, or is there just somewhere I don't know about where he's being held.


Never mind, just found him.

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Really starting to enjoy this now, as I'm on the Homicide cases and have moved onto the second disc (although this makes me feel like I'm rushing through the game but I'm going rather leisurely, spending an hour or more on each case).


Love that feeling the game instils in you when you're interrogating/questioning someone and you know they're lying and have the evidence to prove it. Can't beat that feeling of nailing them on their lies.


Will say, though, that the side missions that pop up every now and then when driving to locations seem rather samey and always tend to end in the same way, i.e. killing the bad guys rather than catching them. At least, that's what I've experienced in them so far.

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My only complaint so far is that it seems to be one of those games where you make a choice in an interegation and present evidence that actually does make sense in the situation but its still wrong because its not what the developers wanted.


This. It's really, really annoying.


In one of the early cases:


I was talking to the wife and she said that her husband was wearing his new glasses. The glasses were broken and home repaired and not really that new, so I said lie.


Then my character flat out accused her of being at the scene of the crime. WTF?


Come across a few other instances like that, too.


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Yeah I have had a few of those, some of the wording is off too.


I was talking to her and on the final question she said "I can't really remember anything" or something stupid, which I didn't believe so I said doubt. He told her she should say everything she can, and she started saying loads of stuff. I felt like I got it right, until at the end she asked why I was trying to hurt her. Apparently I was meant to say truth, if the option had said leave her alone she has had enough, then fair enough. But it wasn't the truth that she knew nothing.


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No bugs as of yet, have been unlocking cars and doing side-quests much of today. On disk 2, which does make it seem i'm rushing the game. I'm not, as i am taking around an hour to do each case. Careful in searching for evidence, picking up everything as i go.


Have a few badges on the pursuit challenges as well, still enjoying and taking my time as always.

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So far, the story is pretty interesting, and the individual cases are also quite interesting. I think it's pretty awesome so far.


However, I personally think the gameplay is a mess. One big problem is the "Lie/Doubt/Truth" thing doesn't work well when you have no idea what you're character is going to say. In a game like this you really shouldn't hope that you're character suddenly starts of accusing people of being the killer when all you want to do is show them how something they said was wrong.


The shooting is a pain, and in a game where you're a cop it really doesn't work where often the only solution is to kill them. Even when the game tells you to incapacitate people you can't do it - you have to kill them. This is made especially worse in the random callouts - if someone runs away you can't shoot them in the leg to stop them - you have to kill them. I've even tried running into people and knocking them over - all that happens if they slowly get up and carry on shooting. I also miss how the random encounters are done - a system more like RDR and True Crime (yes, I'm comparing this to True Crime: Streets of LA - the open world bits of that actually worked rather well) would have made the city feel alive. Instead it just seems rather...lifeless.


The concept is brilliant, but I personally don't think they've pulled it off very well. I've only done a few cases but I don't think the gameplay is going to improve all that much.

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I've gotten used to the interrogation system now. It's basically just:


Lie: You have evidence to prove that what they're saying is a lie. I always check my notebook before selecting this.

Doubt: You don't have evidence, but you think they're lying or you think there is more to the story than what they're saying. I use this when they look/act suspicious, but can't prove they're lying.

Truth: They're either telling the truth, or think they are. I have most trouble with this option to be fair. Sometimes they'll look shifty, but be telling the truth.



Shooting isn't great, but it doesn't happen enough to bother me. At least not yet anyway. Maybe there are more shootouts later in the story (I'm coming to the end of Homicide).


Investigating for evidence/clues is becoming a bit of a chore, but I still like it.


What I didn't like was the way the game manages different locations. I had a choice to either go talk to a suspect, or go to a place to get clues/evidence. I went to get the suspect, so that he wouldn't flee or whatever. That basically triggered something that finished the case. At the end screen, I got a message saying that without evidence from the other place, it would be hard to convict him. I was going to go there after I had secured a suspect, but the suspect triggered the end of the case. I'm fairly certain the evidence was still there and could have gone later to find it.


I absolutely love this game. I love figuring out what happened in each case and putting together all the pieces. It kind of reminds me of the exploration in Fallout. You look around the scenes and through scraps of information, figure out what happened.

Edited by Goafer
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Im still waiting for a reason to like Cole. He could be the least interesting protagonist ever. The cases themselves have been pretty absorbing though, enough to see me through to the end. Shame i wont get to play anymore until next week though

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I've gotten used to the interrogation system now. It's basically just:


Lie: You have evidence to prove that what they're saying is a lie. I always check my notebook before selecting this.

Doubt: You don't have evidence, but you think they're lying or you think there is more to the story than what they're saying. I use this when they look/act suspicious, but can't prove they're lying.

Truth: They're either telling the truth, or think they are. I have most trouble with this option to be fair. Sometimes they'll look shifty, but be telling the truth.


I disagree with this, I now think truth means be less aggressive, doubt means be more aggressive and lie means outright accuse them.


I had evidence that there was blood all over the guy's shirt, and he said he cut himself shaving. I selected lie so I could show him the shirt and say there is way too much blood for it to be a shaving cut. Then Cole shouts at him about murdering his wife and his broter being in on it



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This. It's really, really annoying.


In one of the early cases:


I was talking to the wife and she said that her husband was wearing his new glasses. The glasses were broken and home repaired and not really that new, so I said lie.


Then my character flat out accused her of being at the scene of the crime. WTF?


Come across a few other instances like that, too.



Was that basically not a red herring? Did he not have his glasses when confronted in the guy's appartment? Can't remember now.


If he had bought new glasses as his wife said (you'd think he did need 1 pair) he repaired and left an old pair at the scene of the crime to dupe people.


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the lables in the interrogations are misleading. A witness can be 'lying' but not knowing better. It should be just 'evidence' or something. What they have is too basic a set of terms for the more complex scenarios. Perhaps big words tested poorly with casuals....

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Just completed the game. It was an enjoyable experience that was just tainted a bit with a lot of little problems and an iffy interegation system. I think the homicide section was probably my favourite, just seemed more interesting. Also while I understood most of the story towards the end, it still seemed a bit of a mess.


I do hope there is another one that can build on what they did here.

Edited by Happenstance
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I love this game, I love it's slow paced style, I'm checking everywhere for clues, I'm not trying to press every button on the controller to skip the cut scenes like in any other game I play, just on the third homicide case but don't really want it to end, I do hope the DLC released will be many cases.

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This may be a stupid question (and at this point I'm only asking because I'm curious), but how am I supposed to do the badge pursuit challenge if my copy of the game didn't include any photo negatives? Google has been very little help, and all I can seem to find are either walkthroughs or people discussing the negatives.


I hear they're all in or around landmarks? Am I supposed to figure that out on my own, because as far as I can tell, there hasn't been a single hint in-game about how and where to find these elusive badges? :hmm:

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lol, i never even knew that, the game tells me things I can do, for example be a patrolman or something, huh!! Whaaa!!! and by the time i've seen it is telling me something I end up missing out on what it said.


Oh and Phelps is a smarmy git, loving the fact he's working his way up through the ranks quickly, I want to punch him in his smug face. I preferred Bekowsky.

Edited by James
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I've just been "Demoted" to Arson. Brilliant game but i've found some niggles with the interrogation system too.


I just interviewed a guy and he told me a blatant lie, so i called him on it and presented the evidence and i was correct. But he was staring at me with stone cold dead eyes, indicating he was telling the truth, i only took the gamble because of the evidence. Some interrogations are trickier than others. The "inconsistency" with the interrogation system can be annoying, but i think it adds to the realism and makes you think about it a lot more.

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NPC AI can be a bit dodgy at times, doing some investigating and my partner has blocked me in to a corner and won't move, so I'm stuck there and have to quit and restart.


Did you completely stop and wait for him to move? That happened to me and I found once I stopped trying to push him he moved.

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