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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Man, I am so psyched for FFX HD, especially given it's being bundled with FFX-2 in HD on the PS3 (or sold separate for the Vita). FFX was such a great game back in the day and I've got really fond memories of it, loved the story. The version we got had Dark Aeons to fight which were damn hard unless you Yojimbo'd to victory.


Trophy support will make me unleash on it. I know it's already been posted elsewhere but the graphical upgrade is immense.


Love that it's coming to Vita too. This will sell like hotcakes in Japan for sure, FFX almost always tops their favourite ever game polls.

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When your memory card can only hold a few PS1 games at a time, you know it's time to buy a bigger one.


I got a 32GB card when I bought my Vita, and while the price was ridiculous, never having to face the Sophie's Choice of which game to delete is kind of worth it. Running out of space on my PSP has caused me many sleepless nights.

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The memory card must make a sizeable dent in the Vita sales. All this fuss about Persona 4, I nearly picked one up last week but was put off over and over knowing a 4GB card was too little and a 32GB card too expensive...

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The memory card pricing is still stupid. They must realise how damaging it is to be charging this much.


I'm in the situation at the moment where I have a 4GB and an 8GB card. I use the 4GB for saves/DLC for cartridge games and the 8GB to hold PSN purchases. Though that's nowhere near enough. I have to backup all the purchases on the PS3/PC and swap them around as needed.


With how much per GB they cost it's almost insulting how big the patches for games are. I think the patch for PS All Stars was something like 800MB. They're putting the DLC in so that you can still play online. They really should make it an optional free download rather than a mandatory patch.

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The memory card issue, both price and size, is what is stopping me from getting a Vita. There are more than enough titles out now that I would really love to play but the price of the cards is just stupid.


Is there any official reason why Sony decided to create a new format for the cards?

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Well I'm a Vita owner now and I got stuck in properly for the first time today.


The first thing I did after copying my PS+ content to my Vita was to try Uncharted, it looks and plays fantastic. Kinda prefer it to Uncharted 3 right now.


Next up was AC which is just brilliant. It looks great and feels just like a home console version of AC. I've been having a couple of issues with the sound not kicking in quick enough for some sound effects but other than that I'm having a blast with it.


The only really complaints I have right now are the analogue sticks and speakers. The speakers just aren't loud enough and the sticks could of been a touch bigger but I guess I'll get used to them.


First impressions are good. The console is nice a sleek and easier to hold than I thought it would be. The buttons are nice and click, the d-pad is fantastic.


I have more games to try later.

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