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Conceptually and in actuality, the 3DS is pretty naff though. I've had one since launch day, and I've played my DSLite about twenty times more frequently than I have my 3DS. I'm done with the soulless reiterations of stale, stiff and rotten Nintendo franchises.

Square Enix are such a fucking joke. 1.5 years of development for a HD port and all they have to show for it is a character model viewer!?


Unbelievable. Bluepoint were able to port GOW1 & 2 in just 3 weeks. S-E can't even port 1 game with 1.5 years+ of development.


Just outsource it already!


To be fair to them though, FFX is a game of epic scale and I really wouldn't expect them to get it out that quickly.


Really looking forward to PSO2 and would like FFX with trophies. :)


Conceptually and in actuality, the 3DS is pretty naff though. I've had one since launch day, and I've played my DSLite about twenty times more frequently than I have my 3DS. I'm done with the soulless reiterations of stale, stiff and rotten Nintendo franchises.


Yeah, I probably haven't played my 3DS since maybe 10 months ago. Dust-collector really, it just isn't a very good system and the games don't really excite me. Well, nothing that hasn't come to Vita too.


Not entirely sure if people in this thread are being serious or not...


The vita is incredible and the 3DS is shit?


I've had a vita since day one, and its got some great games. But it's not even in the same league surely? It simply doesn't have close to enough games and the future looks disastrous.


I think it's just the variety of quality games on the system. It's good enough for me because I have too many consoles so don't need loads, but generally, it's pretty lacking. Even cod and assassins creed were weak versions, and although need for speed does look great, I'd prefer (and most people id imagine) the home console version. There isn't enough VITA software, even some of the games that are good are cross play with the ps3, which again I love, but takes away from the vita feeling like a must have. It needs exclusive, portable games.


That's fair enough. I get what you mean. I guess I'm not too bothered about portable games (I only play in bed or on my sofa with the TV on in the background), I just want good games and they've been released at a good pace. Then again, I've had Ni No Kuni for two weeks now and have only managed to clock in 8 hours so my rate of game consumption is relatively low. At this rate I'll be half way through Persona 4 by the time the PS4 hits.

Not entirely sure if people in this thread are being serious or not...


The vita is incredible and the 3DS is shit?


I've had a vita since day one, and its got some great games. But it's not even in the same league surely? It simply doesn't have close to enough games and the future looks disastrous.


Oh please.


Let's agree on the first thing worth mention - the 3DS itself is a shit console. As in, the hardware. Because Nintendo don't like making good hardware anymore. Something to do with profit margins. This relates to the point that multi format releases are almost certainly best on the Vita, and always will be (e.g. Virtue's Last Reward).


The games. Come on now, the vast majority of the top selling 3DS titles are so formulaic; Mario platformers and Mario Kart in particular. Even Professor Layton is recycling the same types of puzzles over and over.


There comes a point where you admit that replaying the same game over and over and over just isn't fun anymore. At least the Vita has some nice original titles, or some titles that aren't in their 6th iteration, and some more coming. Not just the same old shit, year after year.

Oh please.


Let's agree on the first thing worth mention - the 3DS itself is a shit console. As in, the hardware. Because Nintendo don't like making good hardware anymore. Something to do with profit margins. This relates to the point that multi format releases are almost certainly best on the Vita, and always will be (e.g. Virtue's Last Reward).


The games. Come on now, the vast majority of the top selling 3DS titles are so formulaic; Mario platformers and Mario Kart in particular. Even Professor Layton is recycling the same types of puzzles over and over.


There comes a point where you admit that replaying the same game over and over and over just isn't fun anymore. At least the Vita has some nice original titles, or some titles that aren't in their 6th iteration, and some more coming. Not just the same old shit, year after year.


Fair enough, although NSMB2 bored me senseless, 3D land is utterly incredible. And you mention the franchise games... that's like me solely judging the vita on wipeout, cod, assassins creed, mortal kombat, virtua tennis etc etc


How about Kid Icarus, Rhythm Thief, pullblox, mighty switch force, pilot wings all the software coming like Wright vs layton, project x zone, castlevania etc.


What a ridiculous argument about 3ds just has old games and vita has loads of new stuff, I'd bet there at least double new titles for ads and coming than Vita. You dont like the 3ds games thats one thing, but to say it's just rehashes and vita is full of new original content is beyond laughable.

Posted (edited)
Oh please.


Let's agree on the first thing worth mention - the 3DS itself is a shit console. As in, the hardware. Because Nintendo don't like making good hardware anymore. Something to do with profit margins. This relates to the point that multi format releases are almost certainly best on the Vita, and always will be (e.g. Virtue's Last Reward).


The games. Come on now, the vast majority of the top selling 3DS titles are so formulaic; Mario platformers and Mario Kart in particular. Even Professor Layton is recycling the same types of puzzles over and over.


There comes a point where you admit that replaying the same game over and over and over just isn't fun anymore. At least the Vita has some nice original titles, or some titles that aren't in their 6th iteration, and some more coming. Not just the same old shit, year after year.


The way nintendo make hardware is similar to how they have always made hardware. You can go back to the snes to see they were never ahead of the curve. It's not a new thing and it's a myth that somehow in the last 5-10 years nintendo made poorer hardware than the competition. It's pretty much always been like that. Just compare the gameboy to the competition in the 90's.


As for criticising a machine because of what games sell the most. That's a ridiculous argument. That doesn't mean there isn't other games to play at all.


Guess what if GT was released on the vita it would sell the most. What's your point?


The funny thing is the vita would kill for a Mario or an animal Crossing right now so people actually bought the damn thing.

Edited by liger05
The way nintendo make hardware is similar to how they have always made hardware. You can go back to the snes to see they were never ahead of the curve. It's not a new thing and it's a myth that somehow in the last 5-10 years nintendo made poorer hardware than the competition. It's pretty much always been like that. Just compare the gameboy to the competition in the 90's.


As for criticising a machine because of what games sell the most. That's a ridiculous argument. That doesn't mean there isn't other games to play at all.


Guess what if GT was released on the vita it would sell the most. What's your point?


The funny thing is the vita would kill for a Mario or an animal Crossing right now so people actually bought the damn thing.


It isn't a myth at all. The N64 was ahead of the PS1 as a 64 bit console, while the gamecube was actually ahead of the PS2, graphically speaking. It's only the last 2 handhelds and consoles where they've been so far behind, to the extent that a lot of multi format titles won't come out on their consoles.


Yet in both cases of the N64 and Gamecube, Nintendo still made choices that "limited" the systems in other ways. Mainly the media type teh games were on.


The N64 stayed using carts, the Gamecube had those smaller than standard discs.


Both things added up to both those consoles suffered from a lack of multiformat titles. As dazzy and Liger were saying this isn't something that started just with the Wii for Nintendo.

They have a way of doing things their own way that's how it has always been.


Liger mentioned the Gameboy which is a great example. It didn't even have colours yet it destroyed the much more technically advanced GameGear because it had more games people wanted to play. Just cause those games now on the 3DS might be a lot of sequels doesn't make the console itself poor. It's those games that are selling the console after all. And there are many more games out there and coming too.

Yet in both cases of the N64 and Gamecube, Nintendo still made choices that "limited" the systems in other ways. Mainly the media type teh games were on.


The N64 stayed using carts, the Gamecube had those smaller than standard discs.


Both things added up to both those consoles suffered from a lack of multiformat titles. As dazzy and Liger were saying this isn't something that started just with the Wii for Nintendo.

They have a way of doing things their own way that's how it has always been.


Liger mentioned the Gameboy which is a great example. It didn't even have colours yet it destroyed the much more technically advanced GameGear because it had more games people wanted to play. Just cause those games now on the 3DS might be a lot of sequels doesn't make the console itself poor. It's those games that are selling the console after all. And there are many more games out there and coming too.


I'm not bothered about the media type the consoles used, just whether they are giving you value for money (which evidently with the Wii U they aren't) and whether their machine is capable of running games that the competition can.


Since it can't, you're often going to be reliant on Nintendo for the top tier titles, which I can honestly say for the most part don't interest me anymore due to their highly conserved nature.


The thing is, the N64 carts weren't a result of Nintendo frugally economising; the cartridges were significantly more expensive to produce than optical disks. The Gamecubes small disks were a result of wanting to curb piracy, so that's pretty much valid, but you're sidestepping the argument here. The Gamecube was not only significantly advantaged over the PS2 in terms of graphical power, but it had almost twice the processing clock speed. Perhaps it didn't help their corporate bottom line, but it did produce things like Wind Waker and Metroid Prime; both games that wouldn't have really been possible on the best selling home console of their time, and also both that are symbolic of a time where Nintendo took creative chances on big budget titles, albeit within the scaffolding of already established brands.

The way nintendo make hardware is similar to how they have always made hardware. You can go back to the snes to see they were never ahead of the curve.


But the Neo Geo was double the price of the SNES, and has since been mostly forgotten.


Vita Plus update!


13th March: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

20th March: Puddle


YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!! Reeeeaaaally toyed with getting MGS because 3 is amazing. Now it's free that's £20 saved. BOOOOOOOOOOM.


Plus is the best thing ever.




"When you compare the pricing of PS Vita across regions because of the value of the Yen, in Japan the system has been priced the highest," Yoshida said. "We have been selling the PS Vita for 25,000 Yen — that's more than $250 when you compare the exchange rate. It's a region-by-region based decision, always."



boooooo i want a price cut, especially on those damn memory cards, they need it more than the console


I was about to buy a 32GB memory card just now because of MGS, then I saw the price. I'll wait for E3, if there isn't a price cut I'll bit the bullet...it's just a one off payment, I'll whisper to myself as I cry myself to sleep.


I knew never getting around to buying Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 would pay off at some point.


Now I just need to either replay The Twin Snakes or play the PS1 original to jog my memory.


And I hear Peace Walker is worth playing.


Maybe I should play the other PSP game too.


And those weird card games, if the stories are any good.


And afterwards, I'd need to play Metal Gear Solid 4, of course.


And there's that new Raiden game out now too.


Maybe I'm just obsessive enough to start with the first Metal Gear game and work my way up.


Oh God.

I knew never getting around to buying Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 would pay off at some point.


Now I just need to either replay The Twin Snakes or play the PS1 original to jog my memory.


And I hear Peace Walker is worth playing.


Maybe I should play the other PSP game too.


And those weird card games, if the stories are any good.


And afterwards, I'd need to play Metal Gear Solid 4, of course.


And there's that new Raiden game out now too.


Maybe I'm just obsessive enough to start with the first Metal Gear game and work my way up.


Oh God.


play the first/ one on an emulator so you can use save states it will avoid rage fisting a tv screen - the difficulty curve is immense, its normal mode is like insanity mode on anything else, this was 80's difficult remember


I watched part of a Let's Play for the first Metal Gear, and most of the difficulty seemed to come from having to wander around aimlessly looking for things scattered all over the map.


So I'm not very enthusiastic about playing it.


I actually made it to the final boss in Snake's Revenge back in the day, but it was the nineties and I could never figure out how to beat it. :sad:


Anyway, I'm MegaTen crazy at the moment, so this is very ill-timed.

And I hear Peace Walker is worth playing.


It's not in the Vita version.


Still, it's great for me, too. I still remember TTS pretty well, but had no idea how to play MGS4 (which I own).


So now having the middle two games is great.

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