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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Having heard about the developer response and if this price point is anywhere near correct (which it totally isn't) then colour me curious. I'm looking forwards to hearing far more about the software.


[Just edited my ignore list which has made this thread far more readable].

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  • 3 months later...
Uncharted had better suck, or else it's going to cost me a lot of money.

I'm afraid Sony Bend have a pretty good track record when it comes to handheld third-person shooters, and that's without using a second analogue stick. Sorry!

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Also, bacwark compatibility with current PSP titles on PSN, hoorah, no surprise.


BUT with adjusted control like dual analogue for Resistance Retribution?! Can I get a fuck to the yeah!


I'm loving everything I'm hearing. I doubt I'll be a position to buy it any time soon but actually do want. It's sounds like a gamer's handheld.

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Aww this is going to turn out to be one of those bullshit scenario's where only digital copies can be played. I bought a physical copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2, I would love to be able to play it on the NGP if I ever buy it.


Also some of the screen shots that are being spread around seem kind of fishy, most are 720p (when that's not the resolution of the screen) and although I'd love to have a handheld with that much graphical power, the anti-aliasing in the snooker game IGN was posting screens of definitely has me suspicious.

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Oh for fucks sake.


Uncharted AND Super Star Dust. Fucking arsehole wankers, making me buy a console I don't even want.


Yeah same here!


So bizarre that all this getting unveiled now...makes you wonder what else they have up their sleeves that they plan on unveiling at E3.

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Just going to post the views I put up on Facebook.


Both developer video's seems to show they haven't thought of creative ways to use the touch screen and back panel just yet.


Uncharted: OH YEAH, DRAG DRAKE ACROSS AND HE FELLOWS. Whuh? Isn't that just needless effort? My thumbs are already at the pad, why move?




But it looks damn impressive. The DS had similar problems of not much imagination from the developers at launch so NGP games will probably be the same. I really want one now, my only dig is that Sony have kind of made it as a PS3 portable which is pretty retarded because you'll be playing console games on a small 5 inch screen. No games so far scream 'this is made for portable gaming'


The NGP has a lot of potential and the dual analog control gives it a significant edge over the 3DS: Portable FPS. Although it has been done on both DS and PSP before, it wasn't very comfortable due to the touch screen or the unnatural feel of using the face buttons.


My last point pretty much stands the same, the majority of titles shown for the NGP really feel that it's an alternative to gaming on a console by just replicating the console experience to a handheld, rather than offering a unique experience. I can't remember the game that uses the back panel pretty well, but that's a game in the right direction. The video's of Wipeout and Uncharted from Sony just makes me feel a bit odd about the thing.


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I don't want handheld games. I want portable console games. Console gaming rocks. I have my iPhone for my 'handheld' experience.


What exactly are you looking for? I don't get what 'handheld' gaming is.

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I don't want handheld games. I want portable console games. Console gaming rocks. I have my iPhone for my 'handheld' experience.


What exactly are you looking for? I don't get what 'handheld' gaming is.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. It's just a perception that I have some where in my mind which some consumers might have in mind.


The perception is that the majority of games so far announced(it's a bit early saying this as their keynote is next week and could change things) just feel like an alternative to their PS3 counter-parts. As in, do I want a PS3 and enjoying it in a room with some surround sound, a giant TV and sitting back on the couch playing it or do I want it on a 5 inch screen with a less comfortable control scheme (Myself and a good few others I've talked to hate the analog stick position on the PSP)?


It's hard to define what I console 'handheld' gaming considering I have no complaints with the NGP's idea, but it's kind of like how you use your iPhone for portable gaming. I'm just interested into whether people will choose between the two handheld or console experiences, considering in all likelyhood the NGP will be the same or higher price than the PS3.

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