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Bond 23 - SkyFall


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Ah right, i get you now. From what i understood from Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, they were grasping a back-story to Bond, before he got is 00 status (or soon after). Kind of a re-imagining, but allowing us to see Bond develop into the 00 he is known for.


Yeah and Also another thing to point out it is more than just a prequel is the fact Felix is Black in these films...

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Q is indeed back in Skyfall...




Ben Whishaw will be Bond's gadget man.




British actor Ben Whishaw has been cast as Q in Bond 23 marking a return for the character after a 10 year absence.


Whishaw, most recently seen in critically acclaimed BBC drama The Hour, will be the youngest Q in the Bond franchise yet (12 years younger than Daniel Craig's Bond), taking on the role previously inhabited by Desmond Llewelyn and John Cleese.

Not utterly convinced as yet, but I'll wait to see a character photo/trailer of him in the film.

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This is really funny. I live next to Ben Whishaw. Like really. We went to his Christmas party last year and he makes a mean paella. Sure he's a good actor... but... his paella man. Out of this world.


I also think it's a great move and really realistic one. People involved with gadgets and technology I doubt will be old men like the first two Qs. They'll be uni graduates, people younger than Bond, people who'll make him feel old. I think it's a really smart choice.

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Some pretty huge shoes to step into: moreso than taking on Bond, perhaps! The few minutes Desmond Llewelyn had on screen in any Bond film was an absolute delight - our Q's final words (despite the film actually being pretty poor) were perfect. Hopefully, Whishaw can capture that same magic Llewelyn put on screen.


I'm so pleased they've got the character back, but I met the news with some trepidation: the Bond team made a cataclysmic error in recruiting one-trick-pony-baffoon-for-hire Cleese as a replacement.


I expect few gadgets in the film and those that are in there will be grounded in reality. Actually, having pondered the issue I wonder whether Q Branch will have more to do with cracking cyber terrorism - a roll than causes some friction between Bond's thuggish methods. That seems to suit both Mendes' character style and the Bond teams occasional nod to topical issues.

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Well I don't think I have seen him in anything (I will probably be proven wrong) but I like the look off him straight away, like that bit geeky look. Which I think fits in well considering it's gadgets and he is obviously going to be passionate about his stuff... especially since Bond likes to destroy stuff!

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Ever seen this guy act? He is incredible. I have only seen him in a couple of things, but he is absolutely incredible. Like....best British actor evveeeerrrr


Watcha you say muthafucka?




(Also Idris Elba will be the first black Bond.)


I'm calling it.



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