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Game you've played the most


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I had some weird addictions when I was a mere babe with a PS1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was one I seemed to keep going back finishing, but it was pretty short - I guess completing A WHOLE VIDEO GAME in ONE sitting must have felt like a novelty at the time. Digimon World I absolutely revered because I loved the franchise and it was so brutal in that it didn't tell you what to do and my Digimons would always just end up pooing everywhere and dying before they reached Ultimate (although I dug it out again about three years back and my pro experience led me to get a Black MetalGreymon. Kickass).


Obvious ones from my childhood would be any of the first 3-generation Pokémon games. Tetris was another one that kept entering my life for weeks on end.


More contemporary obsessions would be Wind Waker, Tales of Symphonia, Sonic Adventure 2, Excite Truck and Battalion Wars 2. Oh, and I've played through the first Red Steel a surprising number of times too.

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Haven't read thread, just upto the LttP mention, and that's exactly what sprung to mind for me when I saw the title.


Also agree with the OoT comparison, I've always thought there is a quite a similar structure between the two games regarding progression like. 3 dungeons for 3 items, then go to a parallel dark world, complete dungeons to get into gannon's castle and defeat him. Different sort of 'theme' areas, as well.


Super Mario World as well actually, can get through that 100% in an afternoon. OoT may be my close 3rd. You know the most annoying thing I find with LttP though(also another similarity, i guess) is that I ALWAYS manage to get lost/stuck/go round in circles for ages on the ice temple, just like OoT's water temple, no matter how many times I play.

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All of the Harry Potter games- I'm sure many of you seen this coming, lol. I enjoyed trying to collect everything and playing the mini-games.


Oblivion- I was completely hooked on this game. I did absolutely everything I could in literally three weeks. I loved every second of it...and yet I weirdly dislike Fallout 3 (which I will give another chance at some point, I promise!)


Klonoa: Door to Phantomile- A short but awesome game which I have completed countless times (literally must be over 10 times or more) but I love it and I could easily play again.


There's a few more but I can't remember the names right now, they're mostly on PS1, lol.

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All of the Harry Potter games- I'm sure many of you seen this coming, lol.

Actually it is. Someone actually putting real effort into a Harry Potter game, let alone you.

There's a few more but I can't remember the names right now, they're mostly on PS1, lol.

I did have some fond memories on the PS1*. Mainly Ridge Racer Revolution (With one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game) and Crash Bandicoot, absolutely pissing on the game after some good old fashioned hard work.




*Or PSX. Never did find out the inspiration behind the name.

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Resident Evil 4.


Time was, I'd go home after work on a Friday, get a cheap container of fried rice and a bar of chocolate from the local Lianhua supermarket, then sit down with a little Resi 4 for about 2 hours.


Of course, I always had to stop whenever I got to the part where you play as Ashley... I still can't do that part in the dark. *shudder*


Link To The Past


Again, another weekend tradition was coming home from school on Saturday (I was a day-pupil at a boarding school) chowing down on an enormous self-made tuna baguette and playing Link to the Past. That game was almost open world in scope: there were probably five or six non-essential quests that would make the last two dungeons easier if you completed them.

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I remember plowing my life into Goldeneye (N64) completed all the difficulties several times on the single player, and doing some of the missions in crazy time to unlock all the cheats (legit style) let alone the multiplayer with friends and family!


But i also rememeber doing similar with Perfect Dark (N64). Pokemon Red was another.


Resident Evil (GC) i mastered, completed it maby times and knew that mansion better than my own hands!!


However more recent games such as CoD: MW & MW2 have told me ive clocked up many hours online.

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I too have spent countless hours on Goldeneye 007 (N64). Multi-player took many of the hours i played with this title, don't ask how many hours because i couldn't possibly tell ya. Not so many with Perfect Dark (N64), but still a great deal and a good number of hours played.


Super Smash Brothers (N64) also took much of my time as well. That game was awesome in my eyes.


Soul Calibur II probably took around 200+ hours of gaming. Unlocking everything there was to unlock, consistant 2 player match-ups and beating the story mode.

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I think the only game besides WoW that I sunk any considerable amount of time into was Oblivion. Granted, I'm sure I didn't played it as much as others and definitely didn't do all the quests but I sure as hell explored a lot, if not all of, the map in the main world as well as in the Shivering Isles and I think I put in over 100 hours or something on one save for it.


With WoW, I think I put in nearly 24 days of play, over the course of 2 years, before I stopped playing.

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As for what game I've put the most hours into: Animal Crossing on DS or Wii. Regardless, any single play through of any RPG (aside from the super short Rhapsody) would trump the amount of hours all my files of DKC 3 adds up to. If only Etrian Odyssey had a timer.


I wish I replayed more games nowadays. Back as a kiddo I used to wipe files and start over rather than just starting a new file. Doing it this way ensured I would play it to completion again. The idea seems ludicrous to me now. :woops: Unless the cart has wiped itself, my current complete file of Super Mario World is the bottom one, lol. Not very zen, but hey. Thats how I used to roll.

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As for most times completed. It's probably the original Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage 2 or Lylat Wars. But they're all rather short.


For longer games it's either Banjo-Kazooie or Fahrenheit (I used to play though it each Christmas...missed this Christmas as I didn't have my 360 with me).

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