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I feel outnumbered. And violated.


Don't be, Brawl all the way. Even more polished, even more content. Is it so soon that people have forgotten the awesome N-E Brawl tournament? This is the reason I actually ended up registering in this place...In addition to online, there's an extensive story mode with co-op, boss battles with co-op, event challenges with co-op, a lot of different challenges, a much improved Mr. G&W, a spot-on track list, etc etc. Any other co-op modes I missed? Me and my brother had quite a lot of fun with this one...

Edited by Ville
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From what I remember of Brawl the controls were a lot less fluid. Also the online was unplayable due to lag.


True, it did have lag unfortunately...but it was in no sense unplayable, just different. Well at least I had quite a lot of fun playing against other people here, some intense matches...

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I think Brawl is better. It's just the more comprehensive game. I think people prefer Melee because, well, when Brawl came, no matter how harder, better, faster, stronger it was, we felt we'd seen it before.


Imagine this: What if Brawl had come before Melee? Even ignoring the obvious gap in content, I doubt many people would choose Melee, then.

Brawls slower gameplay, crap uninspiring levels and rubbish new characters vs Melee's fast gameplay, fantastic original levels and better fighters...


If Melee had been the sequel I'd have been delighted!

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I feel outnumbered. And violated.


Whatever like. Brawl is Melee with more stuff... Whatever makes people feel more hardcore I suppose:hmm:


I'm just happy Prime is there.


1:But can you seriously say with a straight face that Halo is better than Uncharted 2... They really shouldn't even be compared to be honest but in my mind Uncharted rapes it.

2: portal isn't really a full game is it? Nevertheless good as it is I'll kill everyone if it beats resident evil 4

3: I'll DEFO kill everyone is Wind waker beats Majora's Mask!

4: and final fantasy X is simply shit WHY do people like it lol


Ha a lot of killing to be done :D. A load of controversial opinion there.

Edited by mcj metroid
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2: portal isn't really a full game is it? Nevertheless good as it is I'll kill everyone if it beats resident evil 4


I feel that Portal (as great as it is) is doing well purely because of two things:

- The Cake is a Lie

- Companion Cube.

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The levels did nothing to improve on Melee's, they were either bad clones, or just poor in general... literally the only level I liked was the Wind Waker one, the only one.


And I thought the new characters were aweful, plus they wrecked a few Melee ones!


Most of this is mere opinion, though. I thought a lot of the levels were brilliant and offered metagames previously unseen, like the Mario Bros. and WarioWare stages.


In any case, I think it really comes down to opinion what game is best.

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Whatever like. Brawl is Melee with more stuff... Whatever makes people feel more hardcore I suppose:hmm:


I'm just happy Prime is there.


1:But can you seriously say with a straight face that Halo is better than Uncharted 2... They really shouldn't even be compared to be honest but in my mind Uncharted rapes it.

2: portal isn't really a full game is it? Nevertheless good as it is I'll kill everyone if it beats resident evil 4

3: I'll DEFO kill everyone is Wind waker beats Majora's Mask!

4: and final fantasy X is simply shit WHY do people like it lol


Ha a lot of killing to be done :D. A load of controversial opinion there.


FFX is great. You just don't understand man, you just don't understand!


WW > MM imo, I loved it, Majora's Mask was great, but WW I think was a perfect game during my childhood years to play. MM I played more recently and I just if I had played MM first it may have been different.


And Portal is a full game, it has a start, a middle and an end...or does it end?

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Most of this is mere opinion, though. I thought a lot of the levels were brilliant and offered metagames previously unseen, like the Mario Bros. and WarioWare stages.


In any case, I think it really comes down to opinion what game is best.


Indeed. Surely there's repetition and recycling of characters, stages etc, but that's the part that surprised me the most: despite all of this, somehow the devs managed to cram in so much new stuff, that at least I had no trouble in enjoying the game. Also, I have hard time remembering what Melee was even like anymore, apart from the image of it being just Brawl Lite...

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Indeed. Surely there's repetition and recycling of characters, stages etc, but that's the part that surprised me the most: despite all of this, somehow the devs managed to cram in so much new stuff, that at least I had no trouble in enjoying the game. Also, I have hard time remembering what Melee was even like anymore, apart from the image of it being just Brawl Lite...


This kind of thing is always down to opinion, anyway. :) (Not that I wish to reignite the discussion about the subjectivity of quality. :heh:)

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I think Brawl is better. It's just the more comprehensive game. I think people prefer Melee because, well, when Brawl came, no matter how harder, better, faster, stronger it was, we felt we'd seen it before.


Imagine this: What if Brawl had come before Melee? Even ignoring the obvious gap in content, I doubt many people would choose Melee, then.


Funny you should say that because Sukarai posed that question in a recent interview in Japan.


If Melee had come after it would be in MLG straight away without a question and I think it would have been by far the most comprehensive game that team could ever make. He said he considered Melee the 'definitive' smash game whereas Brawl was more about levelling the playing field (It's on the Wii so it makes sense). He even somewhat apologised that we won't get another smash game like Melee which was much more focuses on being a fighter because it was 'too hard' for most people.

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Funny you should say that because Sukarai posed that question in a recent interview in Japan.


If Melee had come after it would be in MLG straight away without a question and I think it would have been by far the most comprehensive game that team could ever make. He said he considered Melee the 'definitive' smash game whereas Brawl was more about levelling the playing field (It's on the Wii so it makes sense). He even somewhat apologised that we won't get another smash game like Melee which was much more focuses on being a fighter because it was 'too hard' for most people.


Well, I did mean the Melee as we know it now - not taking into account how it would have been different.


Anyway, as with mostly anything, the creator's thoughts on the matter are by no means definitive.

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Well if Brawl came before Melee, it would have been Melee features with Brawl physics. A recent Melee would have had Brawl features with melee gameplay. Brawl's unpopularity is largely due to them taking out the ability the combo and turning it more into a party game. At least with Melee you had hidden depth which gave fighting fans a chance to learn how to play competitively. People play Brawl at tournies but it's just so samey, it doesn't reward different playstyles.


Check this, it pretty sums up why I think Melee is the holy grail of fighters, possibly up there with 3rd Strike:


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For the record, I believe Melee > Brawl due to faster-paced battles and also because many moves have more "oomph" in Melee. Nothing to do with competitiveness.


I do like the things Brawl has added, but there are details that prevent me from liking it better than melee (I mean, what the hell is up with the self-destruct count? If you're going to do a party game, do it right!).


But at least more people will play brawl because it's easier to learn, so both games are on similar levels of quality.

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Well if Brawl came before Melee, it would have been Melee features with Brawl physics. A recent Melee would have had Brawl features with melee gameplay. Brawl's unpopularity is largely due to them taking out the ability the combo and turning it more into a party game. At least with Melee you had hidden depth which gave fighting fans a chance to learn how to play competitively. People play Brawl at tournies but it's just so samey, it doesn't reward different playstyles.


You're missing my point entirely. I'm saying that I believe a lot of people prefer Melee over Brawl simply because it came first, regardless of differences. If we assume Brawl came first, ignoring any changes this would have had on the games themselves, I believe some of those who prefer Melee would be saying the same about Brawl.


I'm not denying that your points are valid, just that you're missing mine.

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How the fuck did Perfect Dark lose to COD 4!?!? Gah, life is no longer worth living!


I agree with COD4 winning. It's better than Perfect Dark, both in single and multiplayer. As much as I love Perfect Dark.


SotC or Portal should win this, with Metroid Prime a little behind.


Now here's a man with a right mindset! And Half Life 2 & Resident Evil 4 should be there as well. although it's impossible since it lost to MP/will loose to portal.


First thing i did was CTRL + F, then type in Uncharted 2.


WTF! It's out already!?!


I wasn't surprised that it was out already, but I was devastated that it lost against Halo... even if I wasn't surprised by it.




I am shocked that Silent Hill 2 lost to Vice City. Although it was obvious it would happen.




Holy shit, Baldur's Gate II got knocked out on the first round??? Skies of arcadia is awesome... but baldur's gate II is one of the best RPGs ever!!! =(




Ah ah, Metroid Prime vs Twilight Princess? Epic! :D


Shadow of the Colossus owning Zelda is gonna be awesome to watch, if it happens.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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Brawl is better because it just is.


I personally think that Brawl is much better than Melee.




Of course, this all depends on what you mean. Brawl is better fanservice, just because of all the content contained within that little disk, but if you're talking about the actual game present under that mire of superfluous content that I got bored of within the first week, then Melee is a far far superior fighter.


Don't get me wrong, Goron 3 and I were so fucking excited when Brawl came out, but it was simplified to the extreme, stripped of all the things that made Melee one of the best fighting games around. Its like if they took cancelling and combos out of the sequels to Street Fighter 2, rather than develop on them even further.


I've talked about the concept of emergence; how a simple set of rules can lead to a great deal of complex possibilites, and this was most definitely the case in Melee, and was dumbed down in Brawl, so you couldn't really combine the elements for greater nuance of play.


The creator of the game, as well as the hardcore community that developed around the series all agree that Melee is a far superior game. Hell, I play Melee with my mates whenever I go home to Manchester, yet Brawl has been sitting there gathering dust for a couple of years. No depth at all.

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