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Mass Effect 3


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Kaiden always remained a prick and always died on my playthrus. Fish lip Ashley (they are really really distracting, but she had the same affliction in the first game so meh) reformed and came to your way of thinking about other species. Still did the bible bashing though.


As for James or w/e his name is, he's a bloody robot. Like something straight out of an unreal engine game. Much prefer Jacob to him but after romancing Jacob, he makes my Shephard feel sick with his smarmy lines. Sadly James has carnage so unless someone else has it, he could be getting used more often than I would like.


Assuming there's a Krogan in the game, I'd be very surprised if James is the only one with Carnage.


His frag grenade ability is also absolutely boss.

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I actually quite like James, has some interesting dialogue. I also enjoyed the stuff with him on the citadel. Alot more interesting that I expected him to be.


Fucking in love with this game, 9 hours in and I've barely touched main missions. I've been scanning and exploring the citadel which is the best yet. Man so many side missions being picked up by just overhearing people in convos. And I freaking love how the team


hang out on the citadel. Had some really funny dialogue with some characters.




You know you have played to much ME3 when you are alseep and dream that you live next door to Ashley and Shepard...was a weird one. Ashley ftw btw.

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Assuming there's a Krogan in the game, I'd be very surprised if James is the only one with Carnage.


His frag grenade ability is also absolutely boss.


Will try it out. Didn't before as it had a number next to it, which means limited use and I am a hoarder, there is more ammo lying about than you can use. Oh yeah, shephard's charge is still laughable. Why oh why did they not change it. More robotic than James' personality.

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Im about 12 hours in at the moment. Been doing a lot of the side missions first. Im not sure if anything similar will happen but I just keep remembering what happened in ME2 to Kelly if you werent ready.


Yah...I may have saved all my regular crew but she is sadly missed.


Anyway only 2 hours, as soon as I get in from work this game is my weekend! So far enjoying it although if I one critique it's that so far the music isn't quite doing it for me...


In other news finished Infiltrator which bumped my readiness up to 59% by the end of it and apparently next time I load up ME3 I should have a new war asset.

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Started playing earlier, all i can say is wow. Best one yet, and i'm not even an hour in. Decided i'm going to resume my romance with Ashley. I do agree, it does seem Bioware took the best of ME1, the best of ME2, threw in some new stuff and presented this title. It's my game of the year.

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So whats the deal with Ashley? Why should I care about her? Obviously I didn't play ME1 being a PS3 owner...and I obviously chose something in the Genesis comic that meant I was involved with here as it said on the menu and then remember briefly encountering her on 2 where she came across as a dick.


I mean with Wrex who I saved via the Genesis comic I still felt like there something for me to care about in 2 cos the warmness of meeting an old friend was there to feel.


So far enjoying the game really not feeling the music at all though, not hitting the right tone thus far for me.

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Still don't know if I should pick this up now. Between framerate issues on the PS3 and all the DLC, I've definitely been put off.

For what it's worth the framerate has been alright for the most part. The very opening section and the mission directly after it are probably the worst I've come across in terms of performance, after which things have been a lot more consistent; cutscenes regularly drop into the 20s, but as you aren't in direct control it doesn't really matter.


As a shooter this is so much better than the other two games. There's the odd rough edge but the shooting itself is more satisfying, the cover system is much improved whilst enemy staging, variety and AI have all seen a massive bump. I'm playing on Insanity and it's a really good challenge, with enough options in terms of cover, abilities and weapons that I've yet to find it a slog.


I also think the modification of weapons, armour customisation and ability selection are the best they've ever been, being far more fleshed out than the last game whilst the differences are more immediate than the first. It's rewarding to fine tune everything to suit your play style, and as I'm playing on the highest difficulty naturally I'll take every advantage I can get.


So far I've also found the game to be great in terms of fan service, but better yet it isn't an empty gesture. There's returning characters all over the place but their inclusions all make sense, callback to decisions you made in past games and meeting them often resolves in helping your cause in some way. It's nice briefly catching up with these characters you haven't seen in a while, especially as BioWare do a good job of giving the impression that they've been off doing different things and developing on their own.


Honestly I'm enjoying this far more than I thought I would. The demo didn't do much for me and the game's PR made a good case for this game not really being aimed at me, but after the slightly weak opening ME3 has really come into its own.

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I like how Kaidan is so boring that even the people who kept him alive can't remember how to spell his name.



So whats the deal with Ashley? Why should I care about her?

Well, because when y-


Obviously I didn't play ME1 being a PS3 owner...


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For what it's worth the framerate has been alright for the most part. The very opening section and the mission directly after it are probably the worst I've come across in terms of performance, after which things have been a lot more consistent; cutscenes regularly drop into the 20s, but as you aren't in direct control it doesn't really matter.


As a shooter this is so much better than the other two games. There's the odd rough edge but the shooting itself is more satisfying, the cover system is much improved whilst enemy staging, variety and AI have all seen a massive bump. I'm playing on Insanity and it's a really good challenge, with enough options in terms of cover, abilities and weapons that I've yet to find it a slog.


I also think the modification of weapons, armour customisation and ability selection are the best they've ever been, being far more fleshed out than the last game whilst the differences are more immediate than the first. It's rewarding to fine tune everything to suit your play style, and as I'm playing on the highest difficulty naturally I'll take every advantage I can get.


So far I've also found the game to be great in terms of fan service, but better yet it isn't an empty gesture. There's returning characters all over the place but their inclusions all make sense, callback to decisions you made in past games and meeting them often resolves in helping your cause in some way. It's nice briefly catching up with these characters you haven't seen in a while, especially as BioWare do a good job of giving the impression that they've been off doing different things and developing on their own.


Honestly I'm enjoying this far more than I thought I would. The demo didn't do much for me and the game's PR made a good case for this game not really being aimed at me, but after the slightly weak opening ME3 has really come into its own.


Well I'm sold. Think I'll pick this up in a week or tow when I have a little more time. I still need to play Journey. Going to do that first.

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I should probably add that a good chunk of my enjoyment comes from the universe, so naturally your mileage may vary in that regard. I'm the type of player that likes going through every dialogue option and reading all the e-mails and datapads.


If the characters and fiction don't interest you then I'm sure the game wouldn't be anywhere near as involving.

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Its just such an deep and interesting universe they've built. I also pretty much read everything I can get my hands on in the game. Its a shame really that I cant get into the books. Playing games or watching movies with alien names etc is one thing but ive always had trouble with sci-fi books and not getting lost.

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I like how Kaidan is so boring that even the people who kept him alive can't remember how to spell his name.




Well, because when y-





yeah....I vaguely remember making a decision relating to her like I said but not sure...I've been on the look for Miranda far more than Ashley. Even though I've realised Miranda was in the pretty much to tempt you to romance her, she so played into geekiness sort of thing.

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I sent Ashley to her death. Skank. Kaden don't like me though, but that's cool because he's about as bland as bland comes.


Ashley's a bitch but she can be your bitch. Kaiden is a douche who should always always die. So many better biotics and techs available to you so he has next to zero redeeming qualities.


Anyways played the multiplayer for the first time at about 1:30 - 2:00pm. Managed to tear myself away from it at around 7:00pm. Solid. Whether it's multiplayer or single player I am addicted and even spent more cash to get more bioware points to get more unlocks. Im scared to go back into the game.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that if you have the Limited Edition version of Battlefield 3 registered with an EA account, it gives you a soldier upgrade/levels and character in the ME3 multiplayer mode.

Edited by Deathjam
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Ashley's a bitch but she can be your bitch. Kaiden is a douche who should always always die. So many better biotics and techs available to you so he has next to zero redeeming qualities.


Agreed, he's a moany biotic douchebag. Hence my decision to wipe him off the face of a planet.

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I have mixed feelings towards the game so far.


I thought the whole point of the second one was to build your army/forces and be all set for the 3rd outing. At the moment I feel like i'm doing exactly the same all over again.


Also, the amount of disc swapping I have had to do is just stupid. It may be fine if I just kept on the main story path, but I like to dot around the galaxy and check things out.

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Also, the amount of disc swapping I have had to do is just stupid. It may be fine if I just kept on the main story path, but I like to dot around the galaxy and check things out.


^ This is what's worrying me. I've so far only done the first story mission and I'm currently half way through the second one but I decided to go off and do the first side quest you get from Hackett on Sanctum and was slightly annoyed at having to change so early in the game.


Perhaps it's a case this time around of them deciding to put all of the side quests on the second disc (as I say, only done one side mission so that may not be the case) so that if you just want to stick with the story, you never have to change. Bit stupid if you ask me, if that is how they've done it. How they set up the disc change in ME2 was fine.


Still, really enjoying what I've played so far. The new melee stuff is pretty good and I love what they've done with the galaxy map for scanning and bringing in a Reaper alert thing there.

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