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If you have a good enough PC, then PC - cheaper and better looking. If the options are 360 or PS3 I don't think there's much between it, just go for the pad/online service you prefer the most I s'pose.

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After taking about 11 games into Grainger Games the best I can get is £34 trade in. So I'll definiteltly end up buying it. It's just a question of format. Normally for a game like this I'd probably get it on PS3 but wouldn't mind trying it on PC.


Damn tease...


I saw a second pistol. Lara had hold of it but then gave it away. It conveniently seemed to have exactly the same upgrades as my one so it must have been the second pistol.



I'm loving this game more and more as I play.

Posted (edited)

dual pistols? If so, not very subtle since I haven't even reached the palace yet and I guessed! If so, ta for that! If not, move along, get my coat etc..

Won my first ranked Free for All :D


As I've said, I am loving this game, but sometimes the more polished a game is, the more glaring its flaws. There are so many scripted sequences that give you the illusion of challenge, even the illusion of interaction, when really all you do is hold forward until its over. I actually found myself wanting the occasional extra QTE.

Edited by Shorty

There were one or two sections where I actually tried to walk backwards but couldn't, and a couple where I didn't actually need to touch anything (even though it looked like gameplay and most people would still press the buttons).


Well I bought a wired controller and it works great, so much better than my old one, as in it actually works properly.


Completed it late last night, got 100% of everything today. Took around 16 and a half hours overall, and I loved every moment of it.


My only complaint is that in a couple of parts, a little bit more input (even a QTE) would have been very nice. But that's only a minor niggle. Oh, and Survival Instinct is basically cheat button for the main game. I chose not to use it for the main game, so it's not really that bad. I did use it for the "Challenges" for each section as some of the stuff you need to shoot are extremely tiny and virtually impossible to spot - a lot of them were even hard to find with Survival Instinct.


The weapons were great to use. I found myself using the bow the most of the time, and clearing a group of enemies without getting detected is always fun (I also like the touch that, if another guard is standing right next to the guy you just shot, he will notice. Usually in games unless they see or it's a non-silenced weapon, they won't notice). When enemies started pouring in, I switched between the other two weapons which also felt satisfying to use (as I upgraded my ammo pretty early, I didn't use the pistol much).



Speaking of the bow. With the big fight against the Oni, I stuck to just the bow and regular arrows, no matter how many enemies came towards me. It was brilliant.



Enemies moving around and utilizing the environment was also very nice to see (a few times they even got behind me), and the conversations when you sneak up on them (they even have extra ones for when you're looking for all the extra stuff at the end) were fun to listen to. And for a game where you mostly fight humans, there was a surprising amount of variety in enemy types and enemies that use different tactics. The game forces you to move around (rather than staying behind the same piece of cover) without any of the enemy attacks feeling unfair or annoying.



Overall, they did a damn good job on the combat.


The levels are also a lot of fun to explore and I love how, outside of set-pieces, there are often multiple different ways of jumping up a structure or moving along a path. As much as a love Uncharted, this made me realise just how much of a "corridor platformer" it is (it's still awesome, despite that) and the world in this was just extremely impressive. It was a lot of fun moving about to find all the extra collectibles and doing the challenges in the areas.


The puzzles in the tombs were great, but I wish that there were a lot more. Also, apart from weapon parts (which don't make much sense), the rewards are extremely unsatisfying as most of them were just a map of the area. Something you could look at (like the relics) would have been nice to get from them. Hopefully the next (or DLC - I expect one of the singleplayer DLC missions to be very puzzle focused) will have a lot more puzzles.


And Lara herself...she's actually a character now. The decision to swap her usual hotpants for combat trousers was definitely the right one, as she no longer seems like a cartoon character used solely for sex appeal. Her character changes a lot throughout the game as she starts of rather shy and gets much more confident as the game progresses. She also gets more confident talking to the people in her group, but at a slower rate. Here's also the development from "there has to be a scientific reason" point of view.


Overall, Tomb Raider has been an outstanding experience and I'm itching for more.


(This started as a short "I finished the game 100%, it was amazing" post)


I started out not using eagle vision, but I found myself having to backtrack through areas once I'd found maps to get any collectibles I'd missed, so when I got the skill that lets you 'ping' areas with eagle vision to make collectibles appear on the map, I started doing that instead. The collectibles that are hidden in corners aren't any fun to search for anyway, and for the ones that are in more complicated places, the fun is in figuring out how to get to them.


I really like the look of this, so much so that I've had to whip out the original on PS1 this week to see where it all began.. and to console myself that we'll probably never see this on Wii U :eek:


I'd never played past the first few minutes before because it kinda felt so clumsy and I thought I probably wouldn't enjoy it that much anyway. I'm giving it a go now, though, and it's actually not bad :smile: I'm up to the 4th level and enjoying figuring out certain things and the feeling of satisfaction when you go for a massive jump and grab the ledge :grin:


How do people feel about the 1996 game these days? Has it aged well? I'm liking it a lot more than I expected myself to..


TRI/II - The controls are immensely clunky, and once you realise the math of the jumps, it takes away almost all the platforming challenge. Fights aren't great either, essentially backflip while holding fire until they're dead (hundreds of bullets, complete auto-aim). That said the puzzles carried the first, and the puzzles mixed with enormous complex levels carried the second to best it. Loved them, and am still tempted to lay down a tenner to get them on Steam. I have the originals on disk (in their big PC boxes) but it's a bit of a pain to get them running on W7 and the disks have been a bit worn out....


tbh I found the controls clunky and awful even back then. I had 2 on the PC (i think) and hated it. Then again though I was coming to them having already played mario 64 and the controls just outright sucked by comparison.


And yet people always wax nostalgic about the tank controls in Resident Evil. :p


The controls certainly take some getting used to, but I love how accurate they are and how they're designed to work perfectly with the level design. Once you learn how the game works, there's never a question of whether or not you can make that jump or if it's possible to get over to that ledge. Lara always jumps exactly the same height/distance and she can grab any ledge within reach, unlike in modern games, where characters will adjust their jump distance whenever necessary and you'll just slide off ledges you're not supposed to jump to.


Picked this up on Friday, just started playing it today. All i can say is wow, it's good so far. I agree with people, this is an early GOTY candidate. It's only my 2nd Tomb Raider game, 1st being II on the PS1.

I came into this game expecting a enjoyable, simple, cheesy, linear, cheap copy of Uncharted (yes, I know Tomb Raider was before, but it was completely different). I've never played a game that has exceeded my expectations so much.


YES. And yes to everything else you have said.




I am simply blown away. I cannot believe how good this game is. I am a little surprised its had only 8-9s and not 9-high-9s.


It is better than Uncharted Drakes Fortune and Drakes Deception. It probably is as good as Uncharted 2.


Everything about it. So good. Right.


Lara is absolutely amazing. Some of the best character development I have enjoyed in games ever. In fact, the best. She sounds amazing, she looks amazing, her personality evolves, she's hard, she's smart.


The puzzles are highly physics based, to the extent that I have not experienced this kind of thing before (I haven't played the likes of Portal etc) but even so, the physics in general were amazing. Her exagerratedly powerful/distance jumping included. :P


All the upgrades and the way that the upgrades go. The way that you can choose how to upgrade her, the AI, the combat....was brilliant. Never in a game EVER have five separate weapons all had their own place, and own usefulness. The bow is however the shining star of the show.....simply amazing, the way that it has so many upgrades makes it exciting, and just everything to do with the bow - the way it looks, the power that you can feel from holding it back, the size and spectacle of it.


I absolutely LOVED the ending when she


gets her double pistols. Were waiting for it all game, and although the boss was killed so easily, the fact that it was done with dual pistols and the tappa tappa tappa of L1 and R1 was just hugely satisfying both physically and story wise.





Everything else has already been mentioned and I second all of it.


Absolutely amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg game.

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