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bad stuff thread.


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I think you both may have something known as 'Norovirus' as your symtoms sounds exactly the same as mine when I was ill over Christmas just over a year ago, if it is then I wish you both a speedy recovery as I was off work for about a week with it. :/


Yup, that's it. I didn't know the English word for it, but that's exactly what we figured it was. It seems there's a bit of an outbreak of it at the moment; both my parents had it just a week ago (my dad apparently still has a fever), and another member of our family in the other end of the country also just had it. I do seem to be over the worst, though, as I'm mostly just sore with a bit of fever today.

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I think you both may have something known as 'Norovirus' as your symtoms sounds exactly the same as mine when I was ill over Christmas just over a year ago, if it is then I wish you both a speedy recovery as I was off work for about a week with it. :/


Seems to be a thing going around. My parents both had it last week, then yesterday I was woken up at four by an emergency call to the bathroom. Initially I thought it was just too much/bad pizza, but then I spent the next 11 hours in constant transit between the sofa and the bathroom while feeling absolutely dreadful. The rest of the day I was sore and had a fever, but today I'm mostly just knackered and have a sore throat. Complete waste of a good Saturday. :/ Though my parents did come to visit me and take care of me a bit, so that was nice. :heh:


Yeah, that makes sense. It seems to have come from my dad's workplace where Norovirus has had an outbreak recently.


I'm past the vomitting stage now. I just can't bring myself to eat anything at the moment. Am terrified of throwing up again, after that length of time where I was just throwing up.


I look like crap, burst capillaries in my face and all that :( So much for my boyish good looks


On the plus side, I've lost just under 8lbs since Thursday because of this. Woop!

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My Grandmother in the Philippines passed away this morning :(


She just celebrated her 90th birthday a few weeks ago, we all thought she'd last to see 100 :cry:


My mother was over there for her 90th birthday, she was due to return home tomorrow.... I suppose a slighest silverlining is that it happened before my own mother returned back to Ireland. At least she can stay there now for an extra few weeks for the funeral instead of returning home and then flying back

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Moving in 10 days so I've been doing more packing/throwing out stuff tonight. Though while I was doing it I started getting negative and nervous feelings, wondering if I'm making the right decision and if things will turn out okay and if I'll be able to go without my family. It's so bad it's giving me stomach cramps right now...


Not a good thing so close to moving. =(

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We'll see I guess... I think the problem is just that I'll be leaving everyone and everything behind and that hurts. I'm pretty close to my (extended) family and I know I'll miss them. And my dog and cat. =(


Also just found a job opening for a graphic designer (not that I have any experience in that but still)... but I can't apply for it because it's just a bit too far away. Even with a car it would take an hour to get there, and I don't even have a car. Booooooooooh.

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