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Waking up with an almighty headache, one which makes you think your eyes are about to explode, isn't nice. Couple that with sore throat, a temperature close to if not 40 degrees, constantly feeling cold even though I have a high temp, lots of coughing and dizzyness and I've got a nasty cold :(


That's pretty much what I have right now. Yesterday was especially bad. Felt like my head was going to just explode and I felt like I was going to be sick or faint. And then I probably had a fever too, sweated so much. And sore muscles, a horrible cough and sore throat to boot. Great times. =P

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Getting to work, on time, pleased to be finally getting some money back in.


Only to be told that my shifts were being replaced by another girl, they didn't want me in today, didn't call me and want me to work in debenhams instead of house of fraser even though I said I never wanted too.


Sigh, new job please?

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You should have stayed and done your job anyway. That would have showed them!


I would, except I wasn't needed and would have been forced off the site, plus I detest my job, continuous problems throughout.


It's not even a bad job in itself, just having been messed around since I started. :indeed:

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Well, I'm still alive so it certainly wasn't on the scale of one of mine


Haha :p


Worst thing for me was hitting the point in my holidays where I realise I should do some college work, and I know the process of "I'll do it tomorrow" will start and end on the day I go back and I'll be all disappointed with myself.

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Haha :p


Worst thing for me was hitting the point in my holidays where I realise I should do some college work, and I know the process of "I'll do it tomorrow" will start and end on the day I go back and I'll be all disappointed with myself.


I remember realizing that day... it was the first day of my holidays.

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I just realised that I have a Foucault text to read, the entirety of Troilus and Cressida as well as Renaissance Lives texts to read, and then 9000 words to write before the 14th of Jan. I am so so fucked its unreal, and I can't seem to force myself out of that holiday lull in productivity. FUCK MY LIFE.

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Ah right cool. Nah, Troilus is a simpering pussy in the Chaucer, and Pandarus is slightly more disturbing. It's more limited in terms of characterisation as well, since its a poem, and the majority of it is narration rather than character interactions. Good luck with PhD stuff ;).

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Well today i actually kind of forgot how to do some elements of my job. Having not been in work since the 17th December, today has been all systems go, and while i've managed to catch up on all the backlog of work as-well as get the year end and month end work all complete, I actually managed to forget the most simple SQL Commands while creating a stored procedure.




Good thing I can create from existing SP's to refresh my memory :)

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Getting through my 14 page essay, only to reach a point which I had wanted to use an quote from Tony Blair's book only to find I'd left myself a note saying "Get quotes later pages 378-379."


So no I'm stuck in my tracks because I think it would fit really well and don't want to carry on until I've managed to get that book again.


And yes, I know I should be reprimanded for using a quote from Tony Blair's book but...well I don't really have a defence :p

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