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Wikileaks - End of the World - lol


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Just in case anyone wants more information:




Anyway, it doesn't matter. He's obviously got all the information stored on a device that isn't connected to the internet, so even if they bring down his website, and hack into his computer to get rid of the files, he'll still be able to easily release them through another website (I think its safe to say that he has connections), or through some other means. With his insurance policy, they wouldn't dare go after the man himself. Even if he took a trip to the states, its possible they wouldn't go after him.

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Awesome. Wikileaks has changed the world, imo.


Hmmm just had a quick chat about it with my dad. His main points;


- Secret Services should be Secret

- The East (Russia/China/etc) will do as they please, regardless of this, as they always has

- All western societies spy on each other/everyone else

- Shrug


Personally I'm hopeful that it'll be more revolutionary than this. The point that, actually, is it the West that needs revolting, really? If there is danger out there, is it from the US? If there is danger from the US, is it worse than the threats from elsewhere?


Too much to bother theorising about. Gonna sit back and watch the diplomacy.

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Some of this gives the impression that embassies really are just used as spy networks.


Reading the Guardian while pooing it mentioned that credit card numbers, frequent flyer number, car information, finger print, eye scans and even DNA samples of foreign politicians were sought after.

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Whilst I thank Rezourceman for creating this thread, and I don't underestimate the seriousness of the world issues involved, the actual leaks so far seem to be tittle tattle.


We'd be very naive to think that the USA doesn't spy on us or criticise us. There's nothing shocking at all so far and I can't understand these quotes at all (from the original post):


They then posted this incredibly mysterious and worrying message:

"The coming months will see a new world, where global history is redefined."


All this implies that firstly, these documents are true. And secondly, that the US has done something that even its allies in the Western world will find shocking and appalling. It's clearly of the upmost importance.


That's conspiracy theory stuff, whereas the actual leaks (so far) are just bitching behind people's backs, to put it crudely!

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By the looks of it they've not released all of the things so far, and some sensitive stuff is sensored.


No doubt it's a media shitstorm, we have to wait and see how - if at all - politics is altered. mr-paul is right in that it's the middle-eastern countries that may take more offense to this. Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, wheeeeee! I don't know :) kinda exciting though, huh?

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On wikileaks website there is only 219 files released so far out of 251,287.

I haven't looked enough to see if the Guardian and the other papers who have the info have the whole database or whether it is being leaked to them in small amounts too.

Agreed with jayseven, it won't start wars between western countries, but may make relations between certain politicians frostier.

It's the middle east, with Saudi Arabia and Israel encouraging the US to go to war with Iran sooner rather than later.

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The UK stuff is interesting;


• Highly critical private remarks about David Cameron and George Osborne's "lack of depth", made by Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, to the US ambassador.


• A scornful analysis of UK "paranoia" over the US-UK so-called special relationship. It is suggested that "keeping HMG" the British government "off-balance" about it the relationship might be a good idea.


• US shock at the rude behaviour of Prince Andrew when abroad.


• Secret US military missions flown from a UK base, which Britain alleged could involve torture.


• A plan to deceive the British parliament over the use of banned US weapons.

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This is kind of annoying. Sure the 'truth' is good but what has gone has gone. So what if America called certain individuals alpha dogs etc...

They didn't act on anything in the document including disabling Irans nuclear programme.


All this will do is create anxiety, tragic loss of life and aggression from multiple countries. It's annoying to me in the fact that it's like a playground argument where so-and-so said something and threatened so-and-so but it's all 'what if's which plays on insecurity.


Sometimes the truth isn't the truth at all. What actually took place was the truth and America didn't spill its guts about anyone or attack Iran.



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Great. Seriously, what's the point? It's going to cause problems for the US and her allies at a time when we need everybody sticking together.


Where's your shit on China? Where's your shit on Russia?


If you really want to expose serious crimes against humanity, get your ass out here.


But no, everyone attacks the US because it's such a big, convenient target. It's the boogeyman. The evil overlord and twin of Big Brother that has been doing wicked things since the Second World War! OOoooOOOoooh!


Well let me tell you something, you embarassing little hippies: The world is an ugly place, a damned ugly place. And without the US, it's going to get a lot uglier for you and me.


So the US tortures some prisoners they catch... China kills them. And their families.


If China was in charge of the world, we wouldn't be having this conversation, or this thread, or this website. Chairdriver would be in a prison undergoing therapy to "correct" his wrongful man-love.


King V would be dead. Why? Because the Chinese are scared shitless by black people. And generally speaking, they shoot things they don't like.


Oh, China goes on about peace and harmony and the wicked crimes of Imperialism, and we're all left feeling bad because people who lived and died 150 years before we were born did some pretty horrible stuff. Yeah... well it's not our goddamn fault, is it.


You know what else? States that over emphasise their peaceful intentions and under-exaggerate their military capability are the ones who are most likely to go to war. Good Ol' Uncle Adolf talked about peace, happiness and the reunification of his German speaking peoples....


...China wants exactly the same thing. If the US goes down the tubes, we can say goodbye to Japan - China is ITCHING to have a go at them and has been since 1933. South Korea? Wiped off the map and starving.


The Phillippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore... gone. Why? They argued with China over territory.


I don't need to draw your attention to this, but I'm going to. In their official newspaper, the China Daily, they published commentary from a reader, who has now been discovered to be working for them... commentary which extols the virtues of the Chinese race, and sends a dire warning to any among them who would marry outside of their race. Their children are referred to as "half-breeds".


This is their official newspaper, in the English language. If the Guardian tomorrow ran a story saying "White People Pure: Do Not Dilute Your Blood By Ethnic Mixing" how would you feel?


Well, these are the people who will step into the breach if the US is unseated. I genuinely, genuinely hope I'm dead before the Chinese rule the world.


And you want this?

Edited by jayseven
fixing doublepost
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Wow Iun, I think you have kind of gone to a massive extreme there. This wont fuck America over, just knock their ego down a bit. It wont mean China will suddenly come and kill us all


No, true. But I'm sick of hearing all this Anti-America bullcrap. America is the biggest, most open target in the world, so it's easy to hit them. There are much worse things happening in other countries, and the countries waiting in the wings, if America falls, are a hundred times worse.

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