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Wikileaks - End of the World - lol


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I'm not sure how many of you have heard of the website Wikileaks. They posted a huge amount of confidential documents from the Afghanistan War earlier this year, and then posted 400,000 leaked from the US Military detailing a massive amount of the war in Iraq, which has been picked over by the media.


If you don't know anything about them, it's worth reading their Wikipedia page, it's a fascinating read.


Recently Wikileaks posted on Twitter that their new document was "7x the size of the Iraq War Logs. intense pressure over it for months."


They then posted this incredibly mysterious and worrying message:

"The coming months will see a new world, where global history is redefined."


Wikileaks aren't a bunch of crackpots. They've posted hundreds of genuine leaks that have exposed corruption and wrong-doing by governments all over the world.


There's now news reports coming in that the release of these new documents is imminent, and it looks like whatever it is it will have a massive impact. It was been reported that the US government has hurriedly spoken to the Canadian Prime Minister, the British Prime Minister, the Australian Prime Minister and the Danish and Norweigan governments.


All this implies that firstly, these documents are true. And secondly, that the US has done something that even its allies in the Western world will find shocking and appalling. It's clearly of the upmost importance.


I have no idea where all this is going, but it will be fascinating to see what emerges in the next few days, and to see if Wikileaks is attacked in anyway, or anyone involved assassinated.


What do you think it is?



Edited by Mr_Odwin
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Mcoy dosen't see how this will be the end of the world. Mcoy could see it as a major impact on the western world though, If the documents seriously are bad Mcoy knows that we will have pretty much thrown away our rights to intervene in countries such as Iraq/Afghan. Mcoy dosen't even want to mention the amount of political power and sway we will LOSER over countries such as China, Korea etc, If these documents are bad enough Mcoy dosen't know why they would bother trusting us anymore.

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The end of the world? Damn it all just when things are getting good. If it is something really bad that America did then that will just harden the middle-east's stance. If it is something really important then there should have been a vote on it right? Obama wouldn't do this right? Right!? Or maybe this is Obama's ultimate plan for change :shakehead

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But...but...banks lie the most!



Also whatever this leak may be, there's going to be nothing we can do. Nobody argues with governments. You'll just be spun a lie then carry on living your mediocre lives as you were, with the exception of maybe having something better than the weather to talk about at the water cooler, though I think the snow might even still have that trumped.

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I always wonder why the governments involved don't bomb Wikileaks' servers or assassinate the maintainers. Did anyone manage to read the war logs?


Because the world is not a spy film where stuff like that is covered easily?

They also work in animosity, so yeah.

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Maybe on shitty news services like the BBC.


Also how has anyone not already heard of Wikileaks?


And this is bull, just someone getting all excited thinking that it'll involve some kind of amazing conspiracy seen in films.


Like someone has wrote down a fucking conspiracy in an essay and given it to some of the lower ranks for them to leak it.


It's been known that war logs much bigger than the last week were going to be released, the time taken was for combing of information and what not.


Also Rez I hate you.

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Its not gonna end the world...the bit that gets me is:


It was been reported that the US government has hurriedly spoken to the Canadian Prime Minister, the British Prime Minister, the Australian Prime Minister and the Danish and Norweigan government


how the hell do they know that they've been talking about such things...They likely talk often as it is...as well as stealing documents do they sit in on private meetings/phone calls? This is not to understate Wikileaks reach for getting stuff but still...lazy journalism sensationalist bullshit if you ask me.


also just because the document is bigger doesn't mean whats actually in is it gonna be any worse than whats come before half the document could be about how many fucking ration packs have been eaten in Iraq...

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Followed Wikileaks for a good while now mainly because of my Business Ethics module as it used to just leak stuff businesses were hiding, now they seem to be aiming higher..


Which I approve of. Ever since the 'Collateral Murder' video, it's been showing how much the US government has been lying to the world, trying to protect the trigger happy minority in their army. Then there was the recent leak, highlighting the breaking the crimes against humanity set by the United Nations. Torture every where, then after wards Bush admits he personally ordered water boarding against individuals. It's all coming out.


The last two leaks just had the usual Government intervention, threatening major news outlets not to cover the leaks. Didn't go well for them, only Fox news originally followed their orders until they realised every one else was covering it. But this time, they seem to be panicking. They're getting in contact with a lot of nations about what they suspect will be leaked.


'Peoples lives are endangered by these leaks' just doesn't cut it any more. The only lives endangered are those who are committing such criminal acts that lead to the leaks in the first place and rightly so. Have they busted out the 'Threat to national security' excuse yet? That always gets my giggling.


They buried the hole. Now they can fucking sleep in it.

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If anyone wants to know anything about the mindset of soldier and how fucked up shit can happen just watch Generation Kill.


Or just go talk to someone in the army.


I remember having a chat with my mate on the night before he was off back to the Army to get shipped out (for his first time) to Iraq.


Some of the stuff he said was chilling.


What's this thread about again?


Also, Rez is lame for posting a random bit of text and saying it was copied from else where.


This is probably just some lunatic making up his own story about what he thinks the documents are, etc.

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Ok, I just took the time to look at the recent news articles about this and I'll admit I was actually thinking about the earlier leak.


I didn't realise that this was a different set of documents.


But I'd be shocked if this really was such controversial evidence that meant diplomats were forced out of countries.


Although our government did just issue a D-notice.


I guess Wikileaks won't be bothered about that though, Digital Age mofo.

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A few facts that should be brought to light in this thread, perhaps they'll add to the discussion a bit.


-All the documents that will be leaked are communications between the United States government and their embassies.

-All the documents leaked will only have "Secrets" clearance, not "Top Secrets" clearance. Thousands of people in the United States (I can't remember the exact number, but its much higher than you would think) have secrets clearance, and unlike top secrets, Secrets isn't "Need to know" so if you have secrets clearance, you have access to all information classified as "Secrets".

-The Wikileaks founder has released an encrypted file that contains all the information he was given, the password is to be released in the event of his death. The United States government has a backdoor into this sort of encryption, and knows exactly what's in the file, and because of this, haven't gone after him yet.

-Since the time of the article in the OP being published, the Israeli government has also been contacted.

-The documents were acquired at the same time as the war documents released back in october.


Also, from what I understand, the Maya calendar only has 260 days in it, so their equivalent of 2012 would have been in the 1960s.


Anyway, I doubt this is going to have a huge impact on the world. Likely, its just going to be an embarrassment for the US government, just some diplomats saying things about politicians in the countries they're stationed in that they wouldn't want made public.

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