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it was autumn, and my mum couldn't leave me in the house alone as I was only three or four. A neighbour was selling a My Little Pony castle thing, and my mum took me round there when she picked it up.


A few months later this thing called Give Your Kids Loads Of Stuff Day came around, and santa had gotten me somethingorother, but for my sister he gave her a My Little Pony castle thing that looked kinda similar to-- waitasecond! It is that casle thing mum went and bought from the neighbours!


"That's not from santa mum"


"What are you talking about? Look; "To Emma, From Santa-" it says it right here"


"No mum. It's from number 61. I was with you when you bought it!"


(obv I was a very intelligent as a small person, and able to talk eloquently from birth)


So yeah, that's how it happened. Coincidentally, that's when my older sister learnt that santa was a fake, too. Sorry sis.

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I was never under the impression he was real. My sister tried to keep up the pretence for a bit but it was quite clear where my presents came from.


I can't remember why, but I was about 9 and sitting on my mam's bed. She was very elaborate about the whole santa thing. Always did a very good job.

Nothing too traumatic, just a gradual, creeping realisation and disappointment.


Which is a bugger when you're 20.


What he said, accept the age part.


I was 22.


As far as I remember, I always knew he wasn't. So presumably I just worked it out when I was young, and there wasn't a big reveal or anything.


We kept it up for my little sister for a bit.


I can't actually remember how I found out.. but I miss him :eek:


A lot of the magic just disappears when you know your parents buy you everything and you begin to feel almost guilty about asking for things :indeed:


Christmas this year is probably gonna be the worst one in my 23 years of existence just as 2010 has undoubtedly been the worst and most destructive year of my life.. though Christmas Day last year or the year before (I can't actually remember which) was horrible :hmm:

Posted (edited)

Asked for a Game Boy for Christmas. My dad had no idea what one was and I had to go buy it with him. He then told me that he was going to send the presents off to Santa and I accepted it.


Christmas Eve... I discovered all the presents hidden in our house ready to be put out. I was then in on the lie and have deceived many children since.


I will always remember that Christmas as the year Santa died... and I got a Game Boy.

Edited by Guy

Ah, makes me feel all nostalgic :)

Loved the whole idea of christmas, the magic, wonder etc.

I think I was about 11/12 when I found out. Totally bummed me out, I was horrified and it even made me question my belief in a God :p


Now, although still lovely, Christmas is just a bit too material and I always think if it's ok to lie to children for so long about something so big. Some parents REALLY get into it, my friends parents used to even put black footprints all over the floor from the chimney, the wife wasn't too impressed with that.


I think my favourite part was leaving out the cookies, milk and raw carrots for Santa and the reindeers, which my parents ate every year. Seeing the half eaten cookies in the morning...wow...no other feeling like it :)


I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus. I was all like "What the fuck Mum? You horrid tart! What if Dad walked in? You really want my Christmas to be sullied by a divorce? Do you?!" and my Dad was all like "Chillax, it's me. I think you'd better sit down whilst I hit you with some knowledge"


True story.


I initially suspected it from a few children's stories featuring parents trying to cover up Santa's inexistence. Since most of those stories involved Santa being real after all, I wasn't too shocked.


But then I started to think "why did these parents think Santa didn't exist?" and not too long after, I recognize a family friend disguised as Santa. That was pretty much it.

My parents didn't want to accept I had found out though, those starry-eyed dreamers.

I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus. I was all like "What the fuck Mum? You horrid tart! What if Dad walked in? You really want my Christmas to be sullied by a divorce? Do you?!" and my Dad was all like "Chillax, it's me. I think you'd better sit down whilst I hit you with some knowledge"


True story.

Wow, what a wonderfully dramatic way to speak.


It was never a discrete moment. At one time in my life, I believed he existed, at another I didn't.


Kinda like when people ask when I realised I was gay. It was never a moment, it was just a thing. Spectrum/continuum/you can't satisfactorily break down brain functions into discrete moments, especially when you are an unawares child. I always knew I was different, just like I always knew there was something suspect about a fat man coming down a chimney.


Ever since I was old enough to distinguish between real and not real. I was probably 5 or so. I pretended for a while as to not spoil it for my sister.


Over here 13 different Yule lads (Our Santa Claus here) give children gifts, every day until Christmas it self, to give you some background on it.


At the age of 8 I woke up one night because I heard music downstairs, I listened for a bit and went back to sleep.

The next day I woke up and found the Cd case next to my bed put no CD, it was in the CD-player downstairs....


My parents insisted that it was not them and that iy must have been the Yule lad listening to it.

Of course I never believed that.


I was a bit relieved finding out it was fake, having read about them as a child (the real legends about them, not the happy-go lucky version) it all scared me as they were a bunch of perverts and cannibals.


I found out when one year 'Santa' came into my bedroom with a stocking full of presents, i had a torch in my bed as I was determined to catch him (tried many years in a row), on this one particular occasion i wasnt in the deepest of sleeps when he entered my bedroom, I felt the stocking at the bottom of my bed, so quickly grabbed the torch, switched it on, flashed it at the bedroom door, and there was Santa in 'HER' leopard print pyjamas and 'HER' pink dressing gown.


Santa ran out of the room so quick, and it seemed like Santa ran straight into my parents room.


the next morning when opening my presents my mum was wearing the exact same pyjamas that i'd noticed Santa in the night before.


that's when i put 2 and 2 together, and that's when my childhood was over.


I don't actually remember believing in him...


There was certainly no big realisation, I think my parents knew I was just far too intelligent to fall for that shit so never tried it on... but, I dunno really ::shrug:

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