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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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Don't know what the current standing is, but I've nothing to add.

I've mentioned every possible thing I could mention. Well I hope at least I got a mafia player, although unlikely, but if I did, that's one crippled killer. Then at least I was of some use.


Hmmm. I wonder if his (surprising) near-given-up attitude might imply he IS mafia and has a nasty lynch bomb.....


*Glad he didn't voteth*

Nopes, I have no such thing.

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I am so confused. Everyone seems to think Smeagol's evil, and apparently he confirmed it, but in the post above he sounds good? I don't get it!


All I know is he admited to targeting cube to blind him, which definitely sounds evil. Let's see what happens


Vote: Smfunnylineabovetheeagol

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That is a suspicious power. But I've had Rez have the power of day delay roleblocking before which is what this sounds like. Are they day delayed forever? As in they alternate days forever? Sounds like an incredibly powerful mafia power. Too powerful.

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(Apologies for the delay)


Change Vote: Smeagol in case I didn't before (pretty sure I did).


And thus, the deciding vote was cast.


Vote Standings



Sméagol (11): The Peeps, MadDog, Paj Meen Ah, Tales, Dyson, Cube, Dannyboy-the-Dane, chairdriver, heroicjanitor, Paj Meen Ah


Diageo (1): aqui1a


(Majority is 11)


Majority has been reached




The eleven voters (plus Nintendohnut) all surrounded Sméagol.


"We cannot allow such a dangerous person to remain active!" they shouted "Your life ends, here and now!"

"Friends, should we advance? What if he brings one of us down with him? Was this his plan?"


"That is a risk we must take!"


Broadcast Yourself


Sméagol merely chuckled. "So this is where I shall meet my end. Let it be known that I will not fall alone!"


Reaching for a pocket inside his overcoat, he grabbed a flask containing some unknown substance, and threw it at Paj Meen Ah. The flask broke upon collision, spreading the contents over Paj's chest.


"Wh-What is this foul..."


Sméagol approached Paj Meen Ah and grabbed him by the head, covering his mouth. Once more reaching for the overcoat, he took out a book entitled "Alchemic Rituals" and started chanting, in a sombre, unnatural tone:


"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths, ...


"What is he doing?"


... Dripping crimson truth lights the one true path. ...




... Thou hast no escape from the grasp of catastrophe, ...


"I warned thee! You have doomed Paj Meen Ah's fate!"


... I give my soul up to the inferno's embrace! ...


"Run! Save yourselves!"

"... Find peace in annihilation!"


The crowd dispersed in random directions. No one wished to be around Paj's inevitable demise.








Sméagol merely closed the book, used it to whack Paj's head, and ran for the gate. The other gentlemen finally realised what had happened.


"This was all a ruse!"


"As I suspected all along!"


"After him!"


Sméagol was nearly finished climbing over the gate, however, the gatekeeper would be having none of it. Being violently poked by the gatekeeper's cane, Sméagol lost his footing and fell back inside.


The eleven gentlemen took the chance to lynch Sméagol, each with his weapon of choice. A careful body examination later, they found his Black Mask.


Sméagol is dead. He was the Scholar, Ambrose Hughes. He could blind people with his homemade substances. He was Evil.


"Then...what is this foul-stenched liquid in my chest?"


"That seems to be... Cologne! The same brand that I use, it seems!"


Excellently concise explanation, that was!




Remaining Players:

















-Paj Meen Ah




-The Peeps



There are 20 remaining players (majority is 11)


Send your PMs.


Night 2 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Thank you, ol' chaps :) It's good to know that the write-ups are being liked.


However, something has been brought to my attention: Paj Meen Ah appears twice in the vote standings. Therefore... it should be Nintendohnut, not Paj Meen Ah, the one who was cologne'd in that write-up :heh: Dreadful mistake, I hope you'll understand.


Anyway, remember to send your PMs and prevent automerge.

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Night 2 is over



"My quarters are a bit far from here, I'm afraid. There are also several guests I have yet to attend to..."


"No worries. We merely wish some company"


"There is something else I have to ask of you, though"

The butler grew wary of these figures. Were they friends or foes?


Broadcast Yourself

"Odd... I feel drowsy..."


"Me *yaawn* too"

The two gentlemen, once vivid, fell to their knees, tired to the bone. The butler was confused. What a mysterious development.


A Black Mask appeared, and casually walked up to the butler. "Mister Wilson, was it?"


"What is this? Am I your victim?"


"Oh, how silly of me to have asked. I can't possibly hear your answer"


"L-Leave Sir Wilson alone! Dr*yawn*aw...your...bla..." He fell into unconsciousness.


The other somnolent man quickly stood up, grabbed the Black Mask by the legs and took him down.


"You *yawn* You will not succ..."


The defender lay dormant. The Black Mask casually pushed aside his slumberous body and approached the butler, blade in hand.


"That medical condition of yours was quite the handy loophole, allowing us to kill you without breaking the Gentlemen's code of honour"


"Yes, the code forbids you to kill an unconscious man...But how..." His eyes lit up. His inability to hear piano chords!

"Pianists make the best allies, is what I've always said". The Black Mask simply sliced the butler's throat with a skilled swipe.


"Agh..." How could they know? Unless... That's it! "Marlene... I must tell Marlene..."


The Peeps is dead. He was the Butler, Marleigh Wilson. He could investigate the guests during the night. He was Good.


The Black Mask opened a nearby door "You may stop now. Hurry, before they wake up", he said, as both he and the Black Masked piano player removed their earplugs.




In the morning, another paper sheet was found:


"Good morning, sirs. Last night, I stood unnoticed by Diageo's room.


First, the butler visited. He didn't take long, but he brought a smile on his face as he left.

What happened later was more mysterious. He was visited by a very handsome man. Not too long after entering, I started hearing familiar...noises. Not to be blasphemous, but were they...perhaps...copulating?


I apologise, I know it is not my place to speak of such things."


Shortly afterwards, discussion commenced.





















-Paj Meen Ah







(Majority is 10)


Day 3 starts now

Edited by Jonnas
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Firstly I have to say: I love the music. Treno from FFIX? That takes me back.


The Marlene comment is intriguing. Does she know anything? Do the people who fell asleep know anything? Let's hope we have some info, because we're an investigator down.

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So from the looks of it, The Peeps investigated Diageo, someone tried to protect him but was roleblocked and therefore was killed by the mafia's killer.


So a list of roles mentioned in the write up:


The Butler (DEAD)

The Defender

The Piano Player

The Black Mask



Handsome Man.


Any info on any of these characters????

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