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Iron Man 3


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Because everyone is waiting until Wednesday to see it? Well i am anyway.


Does your cinema do half price tickets on Wednesdays too?


That why I'm waiting till Wednesday... 10.50euro any other day... just 5 euro on a Wednesday.... I'll never see a day one film again :(

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Does your cinema do half price tickets on Wednesdays too?


That why I'm waiting till Wednesday... 10.50euro any other day... just 5 euro on a Wednesday.... I'll never see a day one film again :(


Well....via Orange Wednesdays yes. It used to do cheap tickets on a Tuesday, but then it got bought out by Vue and now all it has is this special offer where all the tickets are twice the price that they used to be. It's stellar.

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Went to see the movie today with Goafer, I'll write my thoughts before reading everyone elses so they arent coloured at all.


I thought it was good but not great. A lot of really nice little moments but as a whole I wasnt all that impressed. For me it was probably the weakest of the 3.


I didnt like the new suit design.

I thought there were too many suits used in the movie, just ended up feeling like a toy advert.

They turned Tony Stark into some kind of super being who could fight, do athletics and sneak around like Sam Fisher taking out highly trained guards.

I thought motivations throughout the movie seemed murky.

I thought Guy Pearce took the character a bit too weird back in the 1999 scenes.

Didnt feel like there was enough actual Iron Man in the movie.

I never really felt convinced by his panic attacks and definitely not him giving up all the Iron Man stuff at the end.


I did like Stark's interactions with the kid, lot of their lines made me laugh.

Thought Ben Kingsley was pretty good, hammy at first then a funny turn.

After the credits scene was a nice nod to the Avengers (although it did take me a lot longer than it should have to realise who it was. I even for a minute wondered if it was Dr Strange when he mentioned he wasnt that kind of Doctor.)

I'll remember more later. As I said there were a lot of little moment I liked.


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Watched this on Friday, But didn't go online much during the weekend to shout what I thought... Here goes though.



I Guess you can call me a casual comic book fan. With regards to Iron Man I'd not read anything Iron Man related when the first film came out, and when the 2nd was out had only read a few arcs with him, So wasn't completely aware of what if anything was out of place in IM1&2 compared to any of his story arcs.


I'll spoiler from now just in case -


I've recently read extremeis, And and am fully aware how important a character Mandarin is. After re-watching the first 2 films with a little more background a lot of stuff made sense like the 10 rings, and such. So I was pretty hyped with regards to IM3. All the trailers and promo have Kinglsy billed as The Mandarin who is a genuine threat to Tony, targeting what he loves the most.


I'll skip straight to it... the main twist, Kingsly is infact an actor to give the Mandarin a face. I really didn't like it. Building up to it, the Terrorism promo's, the threats, it was all building up massive in the first part of the film. I thought that they'd kept Killian as a villain as a secret, I'm watching it thinking... "fuck me 2 villains for Stark to deal with". I just didn't like that Kingslys character wasn't the Mandarin but a face for Killian.


I also didn't like Killian breathing fire. I know that since Avengers, anything is possible since we've seen gods, aliens, super soldiers etc... But I just didn't like that part of the film at all.


I did however enjoy seeing Stark out of the suit and just how useless he is without it (the whole covering Rhodes scene, shooting the light bulb, give me ammo, why won't the clip fit etc was good). And did also enjoy his homemade weapons when he originally breaks into the Mandarins complex.


The Kid was surprisingly not annoying. I enjoyed his constant questioning of the Avengers / Aliens etc.


I'm glad Thor got a little mention from Killian. Not by name of course, but just describing him.


The Extremeis soldiers themselves were pretty awesome. Iron Patriot paint is incredible. Loved it, also enjoyed Rhodes password for the system.


Onto a few more thing that were a bit ... meh... Pepper saving the day at the end. I know that Stark was for lack of a better word fucked, and was in need of assistance, and Pepper was pretty much the only available option, but the way she fought and won, it looked like she'd been practicing with Starks armor before, and she sorta moved as if she had been trained to fight elsewhere. She didn't seem like the CEO of a company, but more a secret agent trained by Black Widow albeit for a few minutes.


And again, I know they had to wrap things up at the end. But the whole... "I'll cure you Pepper" then boom, she's cured watching Stark have surgery. Okay I know they can't show how he cured her or how long it took, but.. well maybe they should have, even in the narrating... something like "6 weeks later once Pepper was cured, it was my turn to get fixed..." (I don't know, I don't write film scripts, but something like that surely?)


I Did enjoy the film alot, But after I was just questioning more than anything why they did certain things.




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Really enjoyed it!


Didn't think the after scene was worth waiting for though.


Neither did we, after what seemed like ages of credits we decided that we'd invested too much time to not watch it.





I hadn't seen either of the first 2 films but quite enjoyed this one last night. There didn't seem to be too much story that I'd missed out on.

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I liked it, though I'd say it was quite different to the previous 2 - and I think that'll rile some folks. There were some good moments that made me chuckle quite a bit so I enjoyed that. I think I'd fall in line with some of Happenstance's criticisms though.

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I liked it, though I'd say it was quite different to the previous 2 - and I think that'll rile some folks. There were some good moments that made me chuckle quite a bit so I enjoyed that. I think I'd fall in line with some of Happenstance's criticisms though.


I found some parts of it really funny. However there were some people in the cinema who were in hysterics the whole way through. I really didn't think it was that funny!

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Just back from seeing it and loved it (2D of course). Rezourceman and shorty pretty much sum it up for me so I won't bother writing a whole post about it but I really enjoyed the direction they took and the decisions they made with the characters and story. All good for me.


Where was the AC/DC love?


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I was disappointed. Extremis was a great comic storyline that admittedly took a long time to get going, but once it was rolling it was great. There was simply not enough action in this film to make it anything more than a "What Tony Did Next" conclusion to the Avengers movie.



Some people accused Iron Man 2 of being a 2-hour Avengers trailer, well, this for me felt like a 2-hour after-credits-scene.


I didn't like what they did with the Mandarin, but I do recognise they had no other choice: the Mandarin was the "Yellow Peril" representing the threat of Chinese Communism in the era that gave birth to Iron Man. And these days, China is a MASSIVE market for movies, but they would NOT allow anything from America that portrays mainland Chinese as anything other than saints in their theatres, therefore the choice was understandable.


If there had been more of Tony kicking ass in the suit, then I could have forgiven. But no, Iron Man almost wasn't in the film.


Oh, and we got a completely worthless pre-credits scene with Chinese doctors magically operating on and removing the shrapnel from his heart... yeah, right: these assholes can't fix my leg and supposedly he trusts them with his heart? Jesus Christ...


Sad thing is, this plays EXACTLY into the "Rising China" mindset: China was basically in Charge of Asia for a few thousand years, and they've never forgotten that. They believe that their place is first in the world, and everyone else is a supplicant or vassal. This kind of pandering to that sentiment is what will turn the country into a power worse than America.


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Oh, and we got a completely worthless pre-credits scene with Chinese doctors magically operating on and removing the shrapnel from his heart... yeah, right: these assholes can't fix my leg and supposedly he trusts them with his heart? Jesus Christ...


This is in a world where AI makes witty comments, you can walk inside magic holograms that reconstruct crime scenes and battleships can fly. I think we're supposed to assume comic book future-tech license means a bit of shrapnel can be removed from outside the heart.


I can see your other criticisms (disagree, but understand), but I think you have to suspend your disbelief on that one if you're happy with men in flying suits of armour and regenerating limbs.


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This is in a world where AI makes witty comments, you can walk inside magic holograms that reconstruct crime scenes and battleships can fly. I think we're supposed to assume comic book future-tech license means a bit of shrapnel can be removed from outside the heart.


I can see your other criticisms (disagree, but understand), but I think you have to suspend your disbelief on that one if you're happy with men in flying suits of armour and regenerating limbs.

Point made. But it was too much like pandering to the Chinese market - even Mrs Iun who was sitting next to me said "Wow, that totally pulled me out of the film".


I'm wondering when, if ever, we will see War Machine and Iron Man fighting side by side for more than 30 seconds?


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I saw it today. I'm somewhere between good and 'it's alright'. Wasn't brilliant, wasn't dull, made me laugh in places.


I'd have preferred more scenes in the suit and less suits. In fact the extra Iron Men would have been good had it not been revealed in the trailer.


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Saw it last night and I LOVE IT :D



First thing though...what was up with then using letters for "Three" when they displayed the name at the end of the "pre-creditis, credits" bit?



Anyway as I said loved the film, fully enjoyed it. Not perfect but definately a great solo movie follow up to Avengers.



The main thing I didn't like however, which I suspect most people have the same issue (not read anything above yet)... was the twist with the Mandarin....WHY :(

They had done so well with the Character in teh first half of the film, they used him in the trailers. I was looking forward to seeing Mandarin and Stark come face to face as I was expecting "that Mandarin" would have prepared some sort of plan/surprise for if/when Stark ever found him.


Then what do we get? Some comedic twist to show that Killian was the one pulling the strings and not a secondary as we'd been expecting up to that point :mad:

It was funny yeah, got some good laughs off it but it ruined the anticipation for Mandarins character. All the promos were done perfectly, dispite not being Chinese the voice and attitude Kingsley brought to it was so awesome I no longer cared bout that part I just wanted to see what would happen between the two of them at the end of the film.


Mandrin was Straks MAIN BAD BUY in the Comics, it appeared that they were giving him some awesome treatment (albiet minus the magic) that I was hoping Kingsleys performance might rival that of Ledger as The Joker and then that twist came and it just felt so cheap.


Actually the more I think about it the more I am pissed off :mad:


Still loved the film but that twist just...GGGGRRRRR


Most everything else about the film though I enjoyed, Straks panic attacks were done well, showed some weakness in him. The action scenes were all spot on. I enjoyed the middle bit in the town with the kid where he was without a suit was done well. Loved that he didn't get his suit back right away after leaving the town and had to inflitrate the Mandarins base "suitless".... showed that he was capable of being a hero (to a degree) without the armour.


All the suits at the end were nice but would have been nice had they not been shown in a trailer (wish I went on my blackout before that trailer came out now)


The Extremis soilders were awesome and I enjoyed seeing Pepper kick ass at the end (damn she just gets hotter and hotter...pun intended) and I enjoyed her short stint in the armour during the house attack too..... was waiting for them to make full reference to Rescue somehow like when she covered Stark from the falling rubble to say "my turn to Rescue you" or something, haha. But was still awesome seeing her in the suit...maybe we might get Rescue proper in IM4? Was also interesting how when she was in the suit you could tell from the way the suit moved it wasn't Tony inside it...nice little touch.


Not too sure but how they quickly brushed over Tony "helping" Pepper with the Extremis at the end, just a quick mention "oh I fixed her" without saying how. Did he totally "cure" her and she is normal now? Or did he perfect the Extremis and she is still "powered" and in full control now? Maybe they left that open cause they aren't sure which way to take her for IM4?


Oh somewhat disappointed too that we didn't get Tony using an Extremis Suit :(

Had that with the apparent theme of the film being to make Tony "desperate" that he would end up like in the comic forced to use the Extremis on himself leading to the creation of the Extremis Armour... though they have certainly laid the ground work for it if they maybe want to take that final step in a future film.


War Machine/Iron Patriot was good but was expecting to see more of him. Didn't much like that when he saved the President he just left and never returned. When Pepper was falling was expecting Rhodes to swoop in and save her (even though I knew she'd be ok from what we'd seen of Extremis already).


Also little upset they made no reference to Rhodes not being in the Avengers. Was hoping their first scene together Tony would say something like "so where you when I was saving the world at New York?" or something. Hope he gets to be in Avengers 2 and we get a proper fight scene with both of the fighting side by side.


The little "cop film" section though was awesome with both of the suitless and still trying be the heros. And was funny as hell when all teh suits came in and Tony puts one on and Rhodes asks for one but doesn't get one.... though again that was a shame. They had all these suits flying about but they couldn't give us a proper Iron Man-War Machine tag team fight :(



Just reading through that I prolly spent more time on things I didn't like but again dispite all those issues I still enjoyed teh film, I would go see it again if I got the chance the main issue I had was the Mandarin twist the rest are all fairly minor.





One thing I didn't "get" in the ending though was went Tony had surgery to take out the shrapnel.... WTF?

I thought it was established (like in the comics) they it would be impossible to remove that by surgery as it was so close to his heart trying to remove it would kill him, hence why he had the arc reactor in his chest.


If in teh films surgery was possible then why didn't he do it when he first got back from Afganistan...Why didn't he do it when in IM2 the arc reactor was poisoning him?

It kinda felt like they were trying to wrap things up like this was to be the last Iron Man film.... but as he proclaimed at the end "I am still Iron Man" so even trowing away his arc reactor and destroying all his armour he's still planning to remain as Iron Man. And after the post-credits bit it even said "Tony Stark will return" didn't say what though, we are to expect it would be Avengers 2 but with them not saying explicitly we might see him make a cameo in a film before that I guess.



On teh post-credits scene, I had spied (without seeing spoilers) some people were not happy with it but I loved it :D

It at least gave answer to my big pre-film question of would they make referenece to or have Bruce in the film given how him and Tony became BBF's in Avengers and left together. So I was very satisfied by that (even though it obviously took place well after the events of the film so still doesn't explain where was Bruce during those events, I'll still take it)





Oh I'm just reading online that Downey Jr's contract with Marvel ends after Iron Man 3 and Disney are still trying to negotiate a new one to tie him into more films.

That is odd I would have thought they would at least have him tied in till Avenger 2.


Surely it is only a matter of time till he resigns. Can't see Downey giving up that role (yet) but what would they do if he did?

WHo else could play Tony Stark so well? So much of his character comes from Downeys own personality a new actor would pretty much have to act "like Downey Jr acting like Tony Stark" :heh:

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I saw it last night also:



I loved it. I thought it was awesome. Way better than Iron Man 2 and possibly even better than 1, but only because it had a better finale. I think it ranks just after Avengers for best Avengers film for me.


I realised halfway through that where normally i would have my rational hat on, and be nit-picking problems with physics etc, i just didn't give a shit. I felt like a giddy little child again, and that was awesome. I mean normally the whole firey biological virus thingy would have had my jimmies rustled, but after a few minutes i just accepted it and moved on. It was amazing.


I actually guessed the Mandarin twist during the first main terror broadcast with the accountant. I thought, wouldn't it be funny if the mandarin was just a bumbling fool and Killian was the main threat, but i assumed that comic fans would be in uproar and that wouldn't happen (i don't read the comics, so i know nothing more than that the Mandarin is a big baddie in them). When the twist actually came, my first thought was - there is going to be major butthurt from the comic geeks, but as far as i was concerned, i thought it worked really well, and not just as a comedy twist. It made a much better plot that killian was working the strings from behind and Kingsley was a set-up.


Like i mentioned before, this had a proper finale, something which 1 and 2 didn't really have enough of. Stark fighting Obidiah felt a little flat, and Whiplash was a terrible baddie in my opinion. So it felt good to have shit going down at the end of this one.


So yeah, not a lot wrong with it as far as i'm concerned. Most of people's gripes appear to be about straying from the comics, which don't affect me!


Like seeing Max from Happy Endings appearing as Max from Happy Endings too, that was cool.


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One thing I didn't "get" in the ending though was went Tony had surgery to take out the shrapnel.... WTF?

I thought it was established (like in the comics) they it would be impossible to remove that by surgery as it was so close to his heart trying to remove it would kill him, hence why he had the arc reactor in his chest.


The comics and films differ all the time, there's no reason to follow them or not follow them, they haven't so far. Some comics there is no shrapnel, some there is completely different disabilities/afflictions or none at all, in Ultimate he is born with skin that can never touch the air....


And the films themselves never said the shrapnel couldn't be removed, only that the guy in the cave couldn't do it, so he made the magnet to keep it away. I think Tony made the choice to leave it there, it was result of his own weapons, a reminder of what they could do.

Edit: @Iun I just read that the Chinese version has extra scenes, product placement, and a more detailed surgery scene, interesting. I wondered why you said the doctors were Chinese, when I didn't remember noticing their nationality at all: http://kotaku.com/why-many-in-china-hate-iron-man-3s-chinese-version-486840429

Edited by Shorty
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The comics and films differ all the time, there's no reason to follow them or not follow them, they haven't so far. Some comics there is no shrapnel, some there is completely different disabilities/afflictions or none at all, in Ultimate he is born with skin that can never touch the air....


And the films themselves never said the shrapnel couldn't be removed, only that the guy in the cave couldn't do it, so he made the magnet to keep it away. I think Tony made the choice to leave it there, it was result of his own weapons, a reminder of what they could do.

Edit: @Iun I just read that the Chinese version has extra scenes, product placement, and a more detailed surgery scene, interesting. I wondered why you said the doctors were Chinese, when I didn't remember noticing their nationality at all: http://kotaku.com/why-many-in-china-hate-iron-man-3s-chinese-version-486840429


Exactly! And the Mrs was sitting there complaining something fierce...

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I hope this "China specific" scenes hit Youtube soon, I suddenly want to see them, haha


I was wondering too bout Iun's comment on the doctors in the post credit scene. I assumed they just moved the "end of teh film" to the post credits for china for whatever reason but was pretty sure you don't even see much (if any) of the doctors faces to tell where they are ffrom

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I hope this "China specific" scenes hit Youtube soon, I suddenly want to see them, haha


I was wondering too bout Iun's comment on the doctors in the post credit scene. I assumed they just moved the "end of teh film" to the post credits for china for whatever reason but was pretty sure you don't even see much (if any) of the doctors faces to tell where they are ffrom


Yeah, it's the Chinese only version. Contemptible crap. Also, once or twice throughout the movie, Dr Wu "calls" a Chinese associate of Tony to remind him to take care of his health... BECAUSE CHINA JUST LOVES HIM SO MUCH!

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Who is Dr. Wu anyway? Was he a comics character too or something they just drummed up for the chinese version?

I've seen it mention he is breifly in the International version but I don't recall any Dr. Wu doing anything...


unless he was the Doctor doing the surgery?


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