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Iron Man 3


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Who is Dr. Wu anyway? Was he a comics character too or something they just drummed up for the chinese version?

I've seen it mention he is breifly in the International version but I don't recall any Dr. Wu doing anything...


unless he was the Doctor doing the surgery?


He was


the guy at the party in Bern. I thought that part was really weird.


Yinsen met Stark (strange cameo) and told him that there was someone he wasnted Stark to meet. He walked over to Dr Wu and Stark said "are you a cardiologist? Because she's going to need one after I *honks the celebration horn in his mouth". Then as he walks away Yinsen says 'maybe another time?'


It was a really strange moment.


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Really loved it! :D


Especially the post-credits sequence!



One thing that bothered me a bit at first was the removal of the shrapnel. I thought it'd been made pretty clear that the shrapnel couldn't be removed, otherwise he would've surely had it fixed when the arc reactor was poisoning him. Then it hit me that it's probably Tony's remembered ideas on Extremis that finally enables him to survive the removal surgery, which would tie in nicely with the bait-and-switch surgery scene and the accompanying monologue about curing Pepper. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and lo and behold, it says exactly that. I don't know where the info came from or if it's just speculation on the part of an editor, but it's now my accepted headcanon, at least.


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Saw this last night and i really loved the film it the onlt thing that didn't sit too well for me

The mandarin twist (or the Mandolin as a bloke at my work who is an idiot, he's like a glory fan of Marvel now its more popular)....

Anyway yeah i didn't like how the mandarin was that, i was hoping that at the end they'd do a scene where the real mandarin was displeased Killian failed, and this Mandarin was the random Doctor Wu from 1999, although i suppose thats still open for future films if they actually want to do the real mandarin





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Watched it last night...


- No where near enough character development.


* 5 seconds of a plant, and a bloke being stood up on a rooftop isn't grounds for the rest of the film! Especially when later on it came to the ability to breath 'fire energy'!

* Iron Patriot felt like a bit of a joke at times.... and is just too similar as a message to Captain America to feel necessary.

* You didn't really care about Maya (which during the film I thought her name was Mia.. Aim spelt backwards which I thought was an odd :p)

* Pepper had conveniently also worked with Aldrich apparently.


- Didn't feel particularly believable... I think it might have worked better to have had the science research stem from tech developed/left over from The Avengers aliens or something else like that.


- Didn't really enjoy the Mandarin plot twist, having had it completely miss-sold in the trailers.


- Tony was hardly ever actually Iron-Man... and the one time you actually thought he was (plane scene), he was again in his Virtual getup. :hmm:


- Mk42 also came across as too much of a joke. How many times did they use the gag of it crashing into things and breaking apart or something similar!


- Final battle just kinda felt like they were selling toys! :p And I'm not really sure when he's meant to have done all of this, seemed almost too much, plus some were ridiculous suits with only one useful purpose.


- Oh and during the final fight against Aldrich I didn't understand why Tony didn't take off and attack from the sky as soon as he got into a new suit.


- It also felt very American. With the President, air force one, Iron Patriot.


- Soundtrack was strange, and the complete lack of AC DC was wrong.


- Suit CGI... also didn't feel quite as tight as all previous appearances for some reason.




On the plus side the destruction of Tony's house was an incredible scene.


The detective stuff Tony did was good, and some great scenes, especially the one in the snowy town.


Harley was actually a really good young actor, and the scenes between him and Tony were some of the best character moments.


The after credits scene was nice to see that relationship develop. Although a bit underwhelming not being a setup for anything greater.


Overall it was ok, but nothing at all like what I was expecting, and the weakest of the Three films for me at least. Actually was a bit underwhelmed/disappointed.


... Everyone's ability to seemingly be able to use the Iron Man suits so easily!


It even bothered me somewhat when Rhodey just 'takes it' in Iron Man 2, but now everyone seems to just be able to jump into one.


I did like the fact that Pepper struggled to use...


But then at one point in the film the bad-guys seemed to use it to fly the President to their base??... how do they even begin to do that?


Edited by Retro_Link
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So... the general consensus of opinion tends to be that this is another film that's probably worth picking up on DVD when it's really cheap/in a charity shop for £2? :p


Surely it must have some really good bits in it?

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So... the general consensus of opinion tends to be that this is another film that's probably worth picking up on DVD when it's really cheap/in a charity shop for £2? :p


Surely it must have some really good bits in it?


To be fair opinions like mine and @Retro_Link that it was a bit meh actually seem to be in the minority, most other people seem to have liked it quite a bit.

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Well, I absolutely loved it. I'm contemplating seeing it again soon.
Walking out the cinema, I was actually contemplating pretending it never happened! :p For that reason I was glad it didn't link into any of the other films at all.


This was an overreaction, and I'll no doubt watch it again at some point, and perhaps/hopefully actually enjoy it a lot more now I know what to expect from it. But I wont be rushing out to buy the Blu-Ray.


To be fair opinions like mine and @Retro_Link that it was a bit meh actually seem to be in the minority, most other people seem to have liked it quite a bit.
Oh yeah, forgot to say we seemed to share a very similar opinion :) Edited by Retro_Link
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Ok well I'll put it this way... because I'm an absolute heathen for not having seen any of the Iron Man films, would it still be worth my while buying the inevitable 'trilogy' box set when it comes out providing it's reasonably priced? i.e... £15 or under. :heh:

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Yes. The second one is a bit rubbish, but for £15, the first and third will provide you with popcorn blockbusteryness. Unless you don't like that sort of thing.....but i'm sure you wouldn't be considering it if you didn't.

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... Everyone's ability to seemingly be able to use the Iron Man suits so easily!


It even bothered me somewhat when Rhodey just 'takes it' in Iron Man 2, but now everyone seems to just be able to jump into one.


I did like the fact that Pepper struggled to use...


But then at one point in the film the bad-guys seemed to use it to fly the President to their base??... how do they even begin to do that?


the bad guys were able to fly it because they had helped redesign it when it became Iron Patriot rather than War Machine, they would have been able to get access to flight controls that way


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Yes. The second one is a bit rubbish, but for £15, the first and third will provide you with popcorn blockbusteryness. Unless you don't like that sort of thing.....but i'm sure you wouldn't be considering it if you didn't.


I'd say out of the three, the most "popcorn blockbusteryness" one is the second one.


I am off to see this again today in 2D, and will post follow up thoughts.

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Well i meant that all three are popcorn blockbustery, but the second one just isn't as good as a film. The baddie is lame, the finale is lame, the dialogue seems like they were making it up as they went along.


The third is much better at all of those things!

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the bad guys were able to fly it because they had helped redesign it when it became Iron Patriot rather than War Machine, they would have been able to get access to flight controls that way

Ok I don't remember this happening?... but even so it feels weak to me. It seems to make the Iron Man suit feel less special whenever this is done.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to seeing it. The cinema was empty so that was nice. The film was a mixed bag really, could of done without the kid and a bunch of other stuff. Not enough action either but what action the film had was fun. I think the CGI was abit of a step back compared to the others but they didn't use ILM so what do you expect?



Iron Mans rouges gallery is a bit shit so to take one of the most interesting enemies and turn him into a joke was a bold step. It works in some ways but not in others. Kingsley was channelling his inner Heath Ledger Jokes voice for it. He was quite funny.


I'm not sure it was supposed to make me laugh but I couldn't help it when you see Iron Man doing the Flying V from Mighty Ducks with a bunch of falling passengers.


I guess with Avengers 2 Stark will have that suit that appears from under his skin.



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I think the CGI was abit of a step back compared to the others but they didn't use ILM so what do you expect?
How come?!!


The difference in effects was definitely noticeable, especially regarding the suits. Real shame if that's something that's going to continue.

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