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What's with all the framed collages/newsclippings of various female celebrities?


That whole place looks like some movie psychopath's inner sanctum.


They had newsclippings of so many celebrities/notorious people/etc along all the walls, basically. It was a weird little place, but also a lot of cool memorobilia, and it was interesting, definitely worth a visit.


One of the photos is of GaGa's boots or something. And Amy Winehouses pumps etc.

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Well for starters those sideburns have got to go. If you aren't going to go full 50s rocker/biker, or Victorian gentleman then sideburns are a no-no.


It depends how long you're wanting to keep it. I'm guessing you've had long hair/full fringe for quite a while now. You my want to get rid of it. I don't mean cut it really short, but perhaps try brushing it back or to the side. You can still keep it messy (I don't think you'd suit overly neat hair, and personally I'm not a fan anyway).


Maybe this sort of thing, except without the irritating look on his face:



Obviously you have to find something that suits your hair/face, but that will come with trying something out.


Just look through some style guides to give you and idea. Also I would suggest (if you've had that style for a while and are bored of it, which is the impression I got from your post) that you try something different. Your hair isn't that long, so even if you don't like it it'll only take a few weeks to grow back.

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So I went to the zoo with my friend today who leaves to go and live in Dubai on Friday with her fiancé. Sad times - but great for her.


Here are some pics of our day!





This monorail upset me. I had visions of the Coronation St tram crash every time it went over us. :shakehead Lol





Unhappy at my poor footwear choice...










And a random duck. Coz he followed me.




I have loads an loads of pics but I can't be bothered putting them on. I've actually not included all the decent animals either haha oops. Chester zoo is such a great day out though. We had so much fun - even in the rain and wind it was still nice just to walk round, chat and see all the animals. Half the time they didn't do anything mind ha.

Edited by Aneres11
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