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"Love" is a transitive verb, but we're all used to you by now, Paj. :heh:



I feel like poor Coolness is getting buried by GIFs and Pajairdriver grammar. I like your shoes, Coolness! Maybe those are what the triangle is pointing to.

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"I love" is perfect English, surely? Same as "I run", "I eat" etc. Just sans the "it". But you all know what I'm referring to, so


Indeed it is. No problems there. The second one however, isn't. :heh:


I was just joking though. This is absolutely the last time i attempt to be a grammer nazi, i promise.

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So it was the surprise party for my friend's birthday. The theme was dress as him, so I went as the Latvian gay facet of his personality: 562208_10151606991750307_236865439_n.jpg582689_10151606991180307_655720306_23545777_1779453278_n.jpg



Photo with me and birthday boy. Ignore my face, but this has to be posted for incredible pec action to be fair.


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So it was the surprise party for my friend's birthday. The theme was dress as him, so I went as the Latvian gay facet of his personality

Looking at the second photo it seemed he's beaten you to it. :p


Either that or one of you couldn't think of anything.

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