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My friend invited me to a party at her dorms yesterday since she's fairly new there and thus didn't really know anybody. It was a "lent party" (though completely unrelated to religion nowadays, of course), which is more or less the Danish version of Halloween in terms of celebratory customs - costumes and lots of candy, though no scary theme. So we went, me as Dr Watson/random Victorian gentleman, her as Mario, and we arrived as some of the first people there at about 8 o'clock. We ended up being about 15 people or so there, and everybody was pretty nice - but being the awkward/terrible socialisers that we are, we sucked at getting into conversations with the others, who all seemed to know each other one way or the other, and at half past 11 we simply stopped trying. So instead we went back to my friend's dorm room, opened a bin of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watched Scott Pilgrim on DVD. Night well spent! :D

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My friend invited me to a party at her dorms yesterday since she's fairly new there and thus didn't really know anybody. It was a "lent party" (though completely unrelated to religion nowadays, of course), which is more or less the Danish version of Halloween in terms of celebratory customs - costumes and lots of candy, though no scary theme. So we went, me as Dr Watson/random Victorian gentleman, her as Mario, and we arrived as some of the first people there at about 8 o'clock. We ended up being about 15 people or so there, and everybody was pretty nice - but being the awkward/terrible socialisers that we are, we sucked at getting into conversations with the others, who all seemed to know each other one way or the other, and at half past 11 we simply stopped trying. So instead we went back to my friend's dorm room, opened a bin of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watched Scott Pilgrim on DVD. Night well spent! :D


You mean you had Scott Pilgrim on DVD all along, but went to the party instead? At least you made the right decision in the end, but still, I'm sorely disappointed.

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Always arrive late to parties.


It really would've been irrelevant to our situation. We're terrible at socialising. :p


You mean you had Scott Pilgrim on DVD all along, but went to the party instead? At least you made the right decision in the end, but still, I'm sorely disappointed.


Oh, no, no, she had Scott Pilgrim on DVD, but when I learned of that fact, we were already dressed up and ready to go, so we decided to at least give the party a chance. It did, however, heavily influence our decision to leave early. ;)




What began as a simple comment on an article about steampunk turned into an entire article in itself on my own musing on steampunk. So now it's three hours later, and thought it was three hours well spent, I hate it when they disappear as suddenly as they did just now. :heh:

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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What began as a simple comment on an article about steampunk turned into an entire article in itself on my own musing on steampunk. So now it's three hours later, and thought it was three hours well spent, I hate it when they disappear as suddenly as they did just now. :heh:


Feel free to share it here, or even make a new thread. You know at least 1 person other than yourself likes a bit of steam based punkery.


Although it may open it up to the usual "It's so cliché" brigade. Fuck em. Do it.

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Although it may open it up to the usual "It's so cliché" brigade. Fuck em. Do it.


I love the image this conjured up in my head. I know I'm part of this group (probably). :( (even though I have no opinion on the subject)

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Not a bad day today. Shortly after waking up I got a phone call about a job I applied to at the start of january. She asked me to come in for a quick chat.


Then I went shopping with a friend and I needed a hair cut so we went together. (Can't beat a girly day.) I actually like my hair for once. It's quite a bit shorter and I think it looks really good. Hopefully it still will tomorrow when I've washed it. My friend kept complaining about her fringe though. then we went and got some foods. Also got 2 jumpers. £16 each but BOGOF so £8 each. Pretty good.


Went for the chat and she asked me a few questions and gave me an application form to fill in. Said she'll be calling people back for a trial few hours.


Oh and the job is at an adult shop.

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Feel free to share it here, or even make a new thread. You know at least 1 person other than yourself likes a bit of steam based punkery.


Although it may open it up to the usual "It's so cliché" brigade. Fuck em. Do it.


Oh, I don't worry about clashing opinions. Heck, I wrote it because I disagreed with an apparently popular article about what should be considered steampunk, so I actually expect people to disagree with me. :heh:


But sure, I'll post it. :) It has a bit of general life philosophy in it as well, so even non-steampunks might get something out of reading it.

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Went for a nice lunch with friends today while we had 4 hours to kill until our afternoon lecture after our practical session was moved to this morning. The usual moaning about the course served as conversation again, as it seems to in many conversations. So yeah, very nice lunch.


Also very pleased that I made myself stay in the IT suites for 3 hours to get a report done rather than sod off home. Didn't finish it, but that wasn't the intention. Rather, I just wanted to get as much done as possible and it'll be finished tomorrow morning. So very happy about that considering a few days ago I had no idea what I was doing with it.

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