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My flatmate is Swedish and he heads home every summer to work for Swedish minimum wage, which over here would be about £10+ ph. He then comes back in September to crazy amounts of savings plus the massive Swedish student loan and lives in luxury for 8 months.


Mind you, that massive Swedish loan is going to have to be paid back at some point.

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My flatmate is Swedish and he heads home every summer to work for Swedish minimum wage, which over here would be about £10+ ph. He then comes back in September to crazy amounts of savings plus the massive Swedish student loan and lives in luxury for 8 months.


Mind you, that massive Swedish loan is going to have to be paid back at some point.


Its pretty amazing, I mean, there is two offices over there I could go and work in and they (Spotify) would help me. So I really like the idea.


I had such a lovely time. :love:

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£14 for a rum and coke


Sure it wasn't cocaine? Youch.




Claire and I are "in the process of moving". We have popped back to Claire's mum and dads, to have lunch and fill up boxes with DVDs, and I have left my phone at our flat, but I have filmed a video. I will upload later, as we are doing all the big/heavy stuff tomorrow (although my comics were FUCKING heavy. Or rather the first batch of comics) :/


Anyway here is the first picture, which I did manage to upload.



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Went out for a quick drink - £14 for a rum and coke, YOUCH. If I ever go back I'll make sure to have an awful lot of funds.


The one reason I dislike Sweden (well two reasons if you include Magnus living there).


When my uncle came over here last year he was amazed that you could buy a pint for £3. And here's me complaining that I only used to pay £2.

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Rez - haha I wish that was the reason, nope, Sweden is just that bad. That's why when some of the guys/girls come over to our office they end up getting smashed on a night out because to them it's so cheap.


I do love it though and the pay over there is a lot higher so it helps, so I'd definitely want to move I think.

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I've just noticed a huge difference in my teeth, only had the braces in since pancake day (lol) and theres already about 1mm less of a gap! Everythings a lot tighter and straighter than it was (even though none of my teeth were particularly twisted/out of line...) Very happy.... although I keep pinging the back wire of the bottom set off -_-

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Seems like a really nice flat ReZ. And you got an ensuite! And your own room! I was hoping to get an extra bedroom for all my art stuff, but I didn't get so lucky. =P

How much are you paying for the place?

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I've just noticed a huge difference in my teeth, only had the braces in since pancake day (lol) and theres already about 1mm less of a gap! Everythings a lot tighter and straighter than it was (even though none of my teeth were particularly twisted/out of line...) Very happy.... although I keep pinging the back wire of the bottom set off -_-


One disadvantage of "tighter" teeth that I've discovered (especially with metal threads on the backside) is that it's a lot harder to clean the space between the teeth and by the gums without special "interdental brushes".

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One disadvantage of "tighter" teeth that I've discovered (especially with metal threads on the backside) is that it's a lot harder to clean the space between the teeth and by the gums without special "interdental brushes".


I get told off a lot more now by my dentist for this, not to mention that I have bars on the back of my teeth so it makes it even more of a pain.


But what can you do, I've already had so much treatment that I can get a little more if needed. :blush::laughing:

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Housemate's dad came round and put up my blind, shelves and other bits and pieces around the house. Got a new bookshelf too and need to get something else tomorrow and tidy and then my room should be finished! Exciting times.


Also met Dan and Emma for lunch. Food times.

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I've got one exam left until I'm finished 1st year of college. I'm terrified but excited. I'm finished on Tuesday! This year was just ridiculously fast, but in that good way full of memorable stuff. Also meeting the guy I'm seeing after my exam!


So close.

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Later today? We always have to wait at least several weeks to get our results. Unless of course it's an oral exam, in which case we get the result on the spot.


Should have mentioned that I'm not in university (at university?). I'm a trainee at German Air Navigation Service to become an air traffic controller. And we normally get the results of an exam several ours after we've finished.


By the way, I passed :) Now I have more freetime in the next 2 months :bouncy:

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Several hours??? I knew the Germans were renowned for efficiency but that's taking the piss.


Also congrats on the pass. How many more exams/how long till you're no longer a trainee?


Thanks =)


To be fair, the theoretical exams are mostly multiple choice tests, so checking them does not take long.


I have 5 more months at the academy with one theory and two practical exams. If I pass those I'll start the so called 'on the job training' at a 'real' work place, which will take 18 months.

So far everything I'm doing is simulation. When I'm out of the academy I'll work with real aircraft/pilots/passengers and hopefully after 1 1/2 years I'll get my licence.


A long way to go. And it's not that unlikely that I won't pass the final exam. It's quite difficult and the success rate is not too great. But I don't really worry about that now. :)

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