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There's not really a "perfect" destination for a date. Like Moogle says, not everyone has that "chatty" personality, so taking them out for a drink when you'll be shit scared to talk to them all evening isn't always wise.


It really depends on you and the other person. If you feel comfortable talking to them, then maybe going out for a drink is good. If you don't know them too well, then..something else. Maybe some food?


I think going for food on a first date is even worse... There's no get out clause! With drinks you only have to get to the bottom of your drink before you are able to leave if need be (unless you Lemon Law them, it's a thing). With food you have to eat all your food, wait for your partner to finish theirs and then wait for the bill!


Something like bowling is good because its different - every single girl gets taken to Ashton Lane in Glasgow for first dates - and you can have fun doing the bowling. You get to help her out when she's inevitably bad at it and you can talk during it.

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I think going for food on a first date is even worse... There's no get out clause! With drinks you only have to get to the bottom of your drink before you are able to leave if need be (unless you Lemon Law them, it's a thing). With food you have to eat all your food, wait for your partner to finish theirs and then wait for the bill!


Something like bowling is good because its different - every single girl gets taken to Ashton Lane in Glasgow for first dates - and you can have fun doing the bowling. You get to help her out when she's inevitably bad at it and you can talk during it.


Food is alright though because it means you won't be talking all of the time. Plus, it's almost like a little "break" when you're eating because you have time to talk before the food gets there.


It doesn't have to be anything huuuge, but it's not a terrible idea. Has worked for me before.


Bowling is another good one. A fair ground or something would be pretty awesome, I imagine.


Still, none of you will be able to top me and Ine's "date." Paris and Disneyland. Aaaahahha.

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Sex is important in a relationship, and if you don't gell sexually, you're doomed from the start.


I would disagree, but then I'm looking for something else in my life at the moment.


Yeah you don't even watch the film. All one thinks about is "should I hold take her hand?" "Ok, I'll do it after this scene", "OK, next scene!". "Shit, it's over"


So I might not have been out on a cinema first date in years but that's pretty much how they go. If you're wanting to watch a movie invite the girl (or guy) round for a DVD night. It's far more acceptable to talk during films as long as it's a) constructive b) funny c) not asking "who is he again?".


Plus you can drink.


If you can't drink in the cinema you're going to the wrong cinema.

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Yeah you don't even watch the film. All one thinks about is "should I hold take her hand?" "Ok, I'll do it after this scene", "OK, next scene!". "Shit, it's over"


So I might not have been out on a cinema first date in years but that's pretty much how they go. If you're wanting to watch a movie invite the girl (or guy) round for a DVD night. It's far more acceptable to talk during films as long as it's a) constructive b) funny c) not asking "who is he again?".


Plus you can drink.


Except "come to mine for a film?" is a universal euphemism for "touch my penis?"


I'm definitely in the camp of meeting up for a drink as being the right first date. Dinner/movie combo second, flat for a film 3rd ;)

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Except "come to mine for a film?" is a universal euphemism for "touch my penis?"


I'm definitely in the camp of meeting up for a drink as being the right first date. Dinner/movie combo second, flat for a film 3rd ;)


When I got together with my ex she just came round for a 'DVD night'. We'd been friends for ages before that though so it was totally normal. Only thing was I had no idea if it was a date or not! Turns out it was. ;)

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Food's not a great idea... eating isn't really an attractive thing to watch someone doing, and it's awkward trying to talk during/finishing your mouthful in a polite way whilst they're waiting for an answer or something.


"Sometimes you have to show a little skin. This reminds boys of being naked, and then they think of sex. And anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good."



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When I got together with my ex she just came round for a 'DVD night'. We'd been friends for ages before that though so it was totally normal. Only thing was I had no idea if it was a date or not! Turns out it was. ;)


She lemon-lawed you didn't she?


"And anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good."



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^ Exactly! :p


It's more the self concious side too, of how you look to them as they watch you eat.


Yeah I do actually agree. I realise I become really self-conscious, and like try and make cheeks stuffed with food look really attractive. As though that's possible.

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Me and Charlie just had a weird moment where we realised we know alot of the same people in the real world, most notably being that my current flatmate used to live across the road from him...


Not sure if this should be in good stuff or bad stuff really, we need a "creepy shit" thread.

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I have a Norwegian friend where I am living. She is only staying for the one semester so she'll be leaving soon but she's been a delight. Every now and then we get together and sing some tunes on my keyboard. She sings and angels fall.


It's so beautiful. We sit in absolute peace & content just talking together, playing piano and singing. Oh, I have to show you all her. She's such a treat and makes me feel happy!




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If you'd ever met ... would you have recognised each other?


@Gizmo and me? Probably not?




On the phone in the office this morning and I'm talking to a woman who's looking to rebook her daughter in swimming classes. Turns out she's one of my own kids who I didn't recognise the name because I've only taught her for a few weeks.


Woman: "Can I just say, in all my years of taking [daughter] to lessons..."

Me (thinking): "this sounds ominous...."

Woman: "...that she's never enjoyed it so much. It used to be a thing that she just had to do each week but now really looks forward to coming."



Boom! I've thought it for a while but that just gave me the confirmation that I'm a frickin' genius.


Actually quite surprised about that because this girl in particular doesn't have the best technique and I've been pushing her seriously hard to get her up to the same standard as the rest of the class.


My strict no fun policy is obviously working. ;)

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Well we know for a fact that at least once we've been in the same night club on the same night. Though it was an end of term 10hr union night, so massively busy and very very drunk. Also, the union is huge, so even if someone you knew was at the same thing as you theres no guarantee you'd bump into each other in the course of a night.

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