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haha awesome! :D


And is this 'dangerous situation flatmate' as I'll call her yes?


Haha, yes it is the DSF. Things are getting really dangerous now, we're sleeping together regularly while the boyfriend is in the other room. Some serious shit is going to go down sometime soon I think.

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Haha' date=' yes it is the DSF. Things are getting really dangerous now, we're sleeping together regularly while the boyfriend is in the other room. Some serious shit is going to go down sometime soon I think.[/quote']


You sir, are a fucking hero.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read his post as:


We're sleeping together. As in, we're falling asleep together.


And, "some serious shit is about to go down soon" as:


We'll end up sleeping together/having sex soon.


Is that right?


I dont think so, Will has mentioned something about this before if I remember right.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read his post as:


We're sleeping together. As in, we're falling asleep together.


And, "some serious shit is about to go down soon" as:


We'll end up sleeping together/having sex soon.


Is that right?


I think the "serious shit" is the boyfriend finding out or something similar.

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As "awesome" as this is,
If that's my awesome you're quoting, that was in response to will' getting 'bent over in doorway lady's' number.


With regards to the DSF... please tell me she has a lock on her door!

Also, you might have already said, but why does the boyfriend sleep in the other room often? Works late?

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Guys, I'm not saying what I'm doing is the height of moral decency, of course I know this situation is totally wrong. But it makes for a good story for you all. I do think I'm a dick for what's happening believe me there is no way in hell I would be pursuing this if I didn't really like this girl. We have spoken about this before and we're both pretty sure we're going to end up together properly once the situation sorts itself out, for now it's bad timing.


To cover a few particular things:


Eenuh, I'm not bragging about this, just relaying the story. I don't mean it to come across as if I am. On the picture front of course I'm not going to post it up without asking her.


Fierce_LiNk, we were just sleeping in the same room a lot, now it's progressed to sex, though not every time. The serious shit is someone now finding out about it.


Retro_Link, yes thankfully there are locks on all of the doors, even I wouldn't be silly enough to do this without. The boyfriend sleeps in the other room due to them not particularly liking each other anymore, he has a lot of issues apparently (I don't ask) which is dragging out the situation. This isn't really me coming between them, things were going downhill long before I came on the scene.


So can we all be friends now?

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