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good stuff thread.


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I never realised how truly awesome Star Trek: The Next Generation was. For a long time there was an anti-geek force field preventing me from watching it, then slowly my scanners showed my geek levels had not only risen by 40% over the last 4 years but also that my openness-to-awesome deflector sheilds were failing.


I've run out of stupid stuff.


Season 3 and 4 of star trek has, so far, been really, really, really, really good stuff. Episodes of ingenuity are all over the place, and of course there's the soap-opera factor of just generally falling in love with the characters.


Oh wait this isn't the rate the last tv show thread!


In that case the best thing for me was a surprise xmas dinner with dad and the step-mum (she's not been able to deal with that fact for over 20 years) with some wine and talks of aliens and sociial malfunctions. Six cans of cider doesn't hurt either.


This thread needs to be locked. It's not HWYD and it truly stops new talk. Shame people can't sit and thing for a second "hmm... Now, I could post about that one good thing in that one thread, or I could spend a few more seconds pondering how to turn that good thing into a discussion and just make a new thread!" People may accuse me of doing the very thing I am against with this post -- but then, I've made more interesting threads than you so clearly I'm following the described principle more than you. And also this post was primarily made to make this point, so a new thread making this point would be a ridiculous idea.

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Maybe when I go back and play with the edit a bit more. :p


Right now it's got a soundtrack of heavily edited/remixed/rejigged parts of songs by Bjork, Britney Spears and Saint Etienne. :D Which, however lol it is, just doesn't work that cohesively.

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a new thread making this point would be a ridiculous idea.


See, I just fear this is the general mindset of people. I fear that people simply won't make a new thread about whatever they have on their mind, meaning it'll stay in there. Several people have mentioned before (even after The Big Thread Lock) that they didn't think something deserved a thread and thus didn't make one. I know this is what you've been trying to change, but changing how the forum works and changing people's mentality are two different things.


What I'm trying to say is that I don't think locking this thread will change all that much. I just think it'll mean less insight into people's lives. Not everything we do is thread-worthy, yet that doesn't mean we don't want to share it.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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I never realised how truly awesome Star Trek: The Next Generation was. For a long time there was an anti-geek force field preventing me from watching it, then slowly my scanners showed my geek levels had not only risen by 40% over the last 4 years but also that my openness-to-awesome deflector sheilds were failing.


I've run out of stupid stuff.


Season 3 and 4 of star trek has, so far, been really, really, really, really good stuff. Episodes of ingenuity are all over the place, and of course there's the soap-opera factor of just generally falling in love with the characters.


Oh wait this isn't the rate the last tv show thread!


In that case the best thing for me was a surprise xmas dinner with dad and the step-mum (she's not been able to deal with that fact for over 20 years) with some wine and talks of aliens and sociial malfunctions. Six cans of cider doesn't hurt either.


This thread needs to be locked. It's not HWYD and it truly stops new talk. Shame people can't sit and thing for a second "hmm... Now, I could post about that one good thing in that one thread, or I could spend a few more seconds pondering how to turn that good thing into a discussion and just make a new thread!" People may accuse me of doing the very thing I am against with this post -- but then, I've made more interesting threads than you so clearly I'm following the described principle more than you. And also this post was primarily made to make this point, so a new thread making this point would be a ridiculous idea.


What a pickle, the talk of TNG being awesome deserves a thanks but I cant give you one due to the talk of closing this thread!

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Student finance finally got off their arses and sorted out my grant... for last year.


Now I can finally apply for this year. I wouldn't usually complain, they are paying the entirety of my course fees (1030 per year) and giving me 260 maintenance allowance, but the time it's taken is ridiculous. I've nearly been kicked off the course due to not being able to pay and it's all because I've been waiting for student finance to stop being shit.


Anyway, I should keep this happy. I will receive £260 within the next 5 days which I really really needed to keep me out of my overdraft. Looks like I can spend a little bit extra on Christmas presents now as well :)

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See, I just fear this is the general mindset of people. I fear that people simply won't make a new thread about whatever they have on their mind, meaning it'll stay in there. Several people have mentioned before (even after The Big Thread Lock) that they didn't think something deserved a thread and thus didn't make one. I know this is what you've been trying to change, but changing how the forum works and changing people's mentality are two different things.


What I'm trying to say is that I don't think locking this thread will change all that much. I just think it'll mean less insight into people's lives. Not everything we do is thread-worthy, yet that doesn't mean we don't want to share it.

I've tried to lead by example. I don't mind just thread ripping but too often people talk about two thread-worthy things. I'll just start to copy/move posts. I was just a bit annoyed last night because we had a page of really diverse things to talk about, but the OP hadn't expanded very much. I saw potential threads in them.


Nolan - M11x shipped (no idea what that is) - angry shipping thread

ipaul - Slept in for lectures, found out they were cancelled anyway. - 101 reasons why sleep is better than everything else.

-Plane tickets arrived for me to go home this evening. - Where have you been in the world? We've not had a travel thread.

nightwolf - uni over - Uni flies, huh? A brief essay on how uni has changed her so far, and a question posited to other uni students to reflect on their years at uni.

Fish - job offers abroad - What's it like working in these countries? or just generally asking what the countries are like

will' - Food/mates night - What do you and your mates do? - summarise any routines you have with your bestest mates, or how often do you see your mates.

Paj Meen Ah - ... - drunk/whipping already exist :P

Cube - last day of work this year - How do you plan to finish 2010?


and so on, and so on. Anything can be a thread, but the best threads are the ones that give info to begin with, then ask an interesting question that is worth answering. People should see a new thread as a chance to really talk about themselves, in the OP especially.


If a new thread is a bit hmmmm it'll still get a few replies and the OP would learn from it. If it gets locked or gets no replies at all then that's another matter - but if I thought it wouldn't generate any discussion (e.g. it was just "I just woke up." in the OP then there's no element of discussion, merely a statement) then I could just move it to this thread.


I just think that people are missing out a little.

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I just think it seems you guys wanting new threads being created is being taken a bit too far. Not everyone wants to create a new thread for every little thing and as much as you may want them to, it shouldnt really be up to you. If people wanted to make the thread then they would, if they just wanted to post something in here as part of the bigger thread then thats their choice.


We obviously all love this forum but you dont wanna turn it into a place where every post gets complained about because it could have been its own thread.

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I've tried to lead by example. I don't mind just thread ripping but too often people talk about two thread-worthy things. I'll just start to copy/move posts. I was just a bit annoyed last night because we had a page of really diverse things to talk about, but the OP hadn't expanded very much. I saw potential threads in them.


Nolan - M11x shipped (no idea what that is) - angry shipping thread

ipaul - Slept in for lectures, found out they were cancelled anyway. - 101 reasons why sleep is better than everything else.

-Plane tickets arrived for me to go home this evening. - Where have you been in the world? We've not had a travel thread.

nightwolf - uni over - Uni flies, huh? A brief essay on how uni has changed her so far, and a question posited to other uni students to reflect on their years at uni.

Fish - job offers abroad - What's it like working in these countries? or just generally asking what the countries are like

will' - Food/mates night - What do you and your mates do? - summarise any routines you have with your bestest mates, or how often do you see your mates.

Paj Meen Ah - ... - drunk/whipping already exist :P

Cube - last day of work this year - How do you plan to finish 2010?


and so on, and so on. Anything can be a thread, but the best threads are the ones that give info to begin with, then ask an interesting question that is worth answering. People should see a new thread as a chance to really talk about themselves, in the OP especially.


If a new thread is a bit hmmmm it'll still get a few replies and the OP would learn from it. If it gets locked or gets no replies at all then that's another matter - but if I thought it wouldn't generate any discussion (e.g. it was just "I just woke up." in the OP then there's no element of discussion, merely a statement) then I could just move it to this thread.


I just think that people are missing out a little.


I'm certainly not disputing any of this. I'm saying that you can't expect a locked thread to mean a whole bunch of new threads. It's all fine and dandy locking threads that seem to be sucking up potential discussions, but I fear that that simply means those discussions are lost entirely since people are still reluctant to make threads they themselves deem unthreadworthy. Some of the comments people have made about considering making a thread, but then deciding against it, certainly seem to support this theory at least to some degree.


All in all, what is needed is a change of understanding of and attitude towards threadmaking. We have improved since The Great Thread Lock, but there's still some way to go.

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it totally does matter :P


I'm sure i'm not the only one in this mindset... but I think we've been trained (like lil puppy dogs :D) to not create relatively meaningless, or threads with limited scope... (like for example - anime threads, when people are saving up the episodes and therefore have little to contribute) so it's only natural that the habit remains. I don't like creating a thread in case its pure ghey/nobody posts and gets locked/merged or whatever. Set clarity would be good on what's lockable and what's not (from a mod/admin p.o.v)

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Most of the threads I've locked in the past are either due to spam (some bot signs up to the boards and tries to sell us blinds), replication (already a similar thread) or will likely lead to a largely negative attitude, perhaps ripe for a stupid revoltion (i.e. the thread has been made purely to stir shit).


I think that, as a mod, I feel more of a drive to get discussions going. I do agree that there needs to be a home for detritus -- and I guess from now on if I can't rip something interesting or copy the post into a new thread I'll just make a new thread and link to the post in question.

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Most of the threads I've locked in the past are either due to spam (some bot signs up to the boards and tries to sell us blinds), replication (already a similar thread) or will likely lead to a largely negative attitude, perhaps ripe for a stupid revoltion (i.e. the thread has been made purely to stir shit).


I think that, as a mod, I feel more of a drive to get discussions going. I do agree that there needs to be a home for detritus -- and I guess from now on if I can't rip something interesting or copy the post into a new thread I'll just make a new thread and link to the post in question.


Thanks for the reply :) Maybe I'm totally wrong or have a cloudy memory, but I feel like there has been a shift in what was acceptable as a new thread (with HWYD) and what is now acceptable (without it) and I just wanted clarification, which you did ever so eloquently!

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Back to Scotland, if that attempt at phonetic pronounciation wasn't clear. I spent hours just chatting with one of my uni besties this afternoon instead of doing my essay (which I now have to e-mail to a friend who is staying here to hand in. Hope she does it. I trust her. I think.), which was great. Said bye to her as she went home tonight.




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Nolan - M11x shipped (no idea what that is) - angry shipping thread


It's a nice little laptop/netbook that arrived today (being the best thing to happen) which certainly isn't fitting for an angry shipping thread. Though Angry shipping could make for a good thrip of it's own...just not my particular post.

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Back to Scotland, if that attempt at phonetic pronounciation wasn't clear. I spent hours just chatting with one of my uni besties this afternoon instead of doing my essay (which I now have to e-mail to a friend who is staying here to hand in. Hope she does it. I trust her. I think.), which was great. Said bye to her as she went home tonight.





The one you <3 or the cool one who is in photos. Or a third female?!


(One and the same suspicions still linger)

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