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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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Rediculous, simple as!


I'm not sure where they're gonna go after this movie...


Part of me thinks WarnerBros will follow a line of comics that allow Robin into the fray.

And maybe if they are to be able to bring in some of the more 'unrealistic' enemies, they will need to take a new route.


But with Nolans Batman universe so successfully established it would also be nice to see it continue in a sense, perhaps if they could convince Nolan to take on an overseeing role (kinda like he was with Superman), with a new director he's approved, or even couldn't his brother take over?


It would be great if Nolan and Bale would consider coming back in 15 years time for a 'The Dark Knight Returns' based movie.


Regarding the sometimes rumoured Batman TV show, unless it was confined from the start to a 3/4 season run, wouldn't it struggle because unlike Smallville it wouldn't be able to pad itself out with all the random Meteor rock baddies episodes? Be cool if Tom Wellings Superman made the occasional appearance though!

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Last time the previous, acclaimed Bat-director left but took on an advisory role, Batman Forever happened.


I'd rather they just ended Nolan's films at 3. So then when the inevitable next Batman film can just start, and have the feel/setting of these films if it wants, or not. Batman is a great archetypal figure that can fit almost any mood or tone, so it's up to the director.


Now that Nolan has established a "serious" Batman universe, someone who helms a later Batman film can take some of this seriousness (which is currently the public conciousness' perception of Batman), and use the more unrealistic villains like Poison Ivy or Clayface without fear of tarnishing the Nolanverse.

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I think Michael Bay should take over. Anyone who thinks I'm serious or that that was a good suggestion should die a thousand slow and painful deaths.


Hey, thats a great idea! Oh shit no, what have I done! /Vader Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

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Yeah above all else I'd like to see Nolans universe/story protected by it ending here.

The problem with that is it dooms us to yet another origin movie. Man am I sick of hearing about how Bruce Wayne's parents died.


I think a soft line between Nolan's involvement and whomever takes over is fine. They can build on the prior films' foundations without tarnishing them, they just need to avoid CGI Heath Ledger and the like.


As for roping in more supernatural villains, I think Dr. Octopus in Spider-Man 2 did a good job of being a fairly grounded character. Just don't talk to me about the third film, that never happened.

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...Why? Why are you generalising, putting Batman in with the other "superheroes"? Why isn't Nolan's vision suitable? Batman's one of the few "semi-believable" comic book characters, a lot of his stories involve "normal" crimes, or psycopaths rather than superpowered villains.


What would be the benefit of including Killer Croc or Etrigan The Demon?


Nolan's Batman films are the first fully realised, credible "superhero" films in years, probably because they aren't "superhero" films. TDK is incredibly interesting in that it kinda put Batman up there with "proper films" in terms of critical acclaim, tone and content. It broke out of the generalisation of "superhero film".

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I'd like to see them do Batman Beyond after Nolan leaves. More Batman without shitting all over the current three films.


Plus BB is amazing and if Tron can make a bomb looking visually stunning and orgasmic then BB can.

Edited by Daft
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...Why? Why are you generalising, putting Batman in with the other "superheroes"? Why isn't Nolan's vision suitable? Batman's one of the few "semi-believable" comic book characters, a lot of his stories involve "normal" crimes, or psycopaths rather than superpowered villains.


What would be the benefit of including Killer Croc or Etrigan The Demon?


Nolan's Batman films are the first fully realised, credible "superhero" films in years, probably because they aren't "superhero" films. TDK is incredibly interesting in that it kinda put Batman up there with "proper films" in terms of critical acclaim, tone and content. It broke out of the generalisation of "superhero film".


Well I'm sorry, but as I like a bit of scifi and fantasy in my diet I find standard action films boring, and by going that route they made Batman boring too as far as I'm concerned.

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There's a point to be made - Batman's 'power' is that he's human. Him overcoming superpowers has pretty much been overlooked in the new movies.


however! I quite enjoy this. Look at spidey 2. Dr. Oc was a 'realistic' enemy. Superpowers and their various knock-on effects do better in serial form where it can be explored, but in cinema terms, especially as an enemy, it is harder to fully appreciate. I disaprove of Mad Monkey's decision that action films are automatically substandard. While scifi has a larger potential for awesomeness, it typically does far worse in cinema terms than action does, though - devil's advocate - that may be because of special effects levels. Depending on the argument you wish to pursue.


I think that we all have our favourite types of movie, but it is unfair to the styles we dislike to instantly dismiss them merely because they do not check our one box. There are dozens of boxes! One must realise that being constrained by one genre is a futile and ridiculous notion that your 50-year old self will scold you for.

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Am I the only person who didn't like the latest films due to their realism?

I think it should be a case of anything goes in superhero movies, and just because Batman has no powers doesn't mean no one else should.


woah really...


sorry but This...







is so much better than this...







Well... In my opinion anyway.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Uma Thurman, Tommy Lee Jones, George Clooney, Val Kilmer and Old School Arnie... but just, wow, choose to pretend Batman Forever and Batman & Robin never existed.

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Best Batman movie ever in my opinion.



Notice as well, no super powers, but a few gadgets can go a long way. It's about the styling as well, I don't like things that are too grim and realistic, I get enough of that in my every day life, I want something fun, over the top and entertaining. It's the same reason I don't like the new Bond movies, no double entendres, no fantastic gadgets, just boring.

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Meh, I don't think a movie becomes boring because it's more realistic, or anything, I just find it that it's much easier to immerse myself on a film if it is grounded in a believable universe.


Anyway, I also disagree with Mad Monkey's opinion, but I won't delve much into that. I'll just say that...in the Batman universe, superpowers have never been common. Poison Ivy (and Mr.Freeze, thanks to that picture) are the only ones I can think of.

Just saying that your previous argument didn't make much sense.

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Batman Returns is my favourite Batman film too Monkey, by far. One of my favourite movies ever.


But it's not a very good example, as the villains had no powers either.


I love the stylised version of Batman present in the Burton Batman films, and I even have an appreciation for the stylistic jokes Schumacher tried to tell in the latter two of that series.


I also appreciate the Nolan ones for being good films all-round, and TDK for bringing Batman out of the world of claustrophobic, dry-ice filled world of sets and neon lighting. (All the whle appreciating the earlier films for doing very that)


It's just different styles. You can appreciate both for BOTH being true to the rich and varied source material in different ways.


But yeah, Batman Returns ftw. Michelle Pfieffer and Danny DeVito's performances in that are two of my favourite screen performances. Love them. Everyone is good in it actually.

Face to Face by Siouxsie and the Banshees in the background. <3

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