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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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Anyone have a slight feeling he could play Dick Greyson?... though actually, what's the point in introducing the character at all if this is the last in the series.




There's also some rumours going about that Robin Williams is in negotiations for a role.
Indeed, I think I remember the rumour from a long time back, but it seems to have resurfaced again...
Is Hugo Strange in Batman 3?


Be still, my fanboy heart. Could it be that oft-rumored villain Professor Hugo Strange could still make an appearance in The Dark Knight Rises?


Once it was announced that the villains were going to be Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) and Bane (Tom Hardy), it" certainly seemed unlikely that there would be any further villains announced. But Geek Tyrant points out a cryptic, inconclusive tweet today from trusted Bat-site Batman-on-Film -- which read simply, "RW as Strange? Hmm..." -- has created a bit of a buzz online.


BoF has made mention of rumors of Robin Williams as Strange before, but never to a degree to suggest they were anything but that: rumors. Perhaps we're all simply reading into their tweet way too much, but considering that Williams and TDKR director Christopher Nolan previously teamed for Insomnia (which saw the funnyman deliver a chilling performance as the villain) they're rumors that have the whiff of possibility to them.




Strange Resemblance: A recent photo of Dr. Oliver Sacks (portrayed by Robin Williams in Awakenings) and Prof. Hugo Strange.


Williams was linked with Bat-villains twice before: first, as the Joker in 1989's Batman (which went to Jack Nicholson) and later the Riddler in Batman Forever (the then-less expensive Jim Carrey snagged that role). If this rumor is true, could the third time be the charm?


In the comics, Hugo Strange was known for making monster men, either psychologically or through chemical means. Could he be the one who essentially creates Hardy's Bane? We shall see. In the meantime, Strange is the villain in the video game Arkham City.


Also Anne Hathaway...




TDKR cinematographer talks about her costume test.


According to the film's cinematographer Wally Pfister, the Oscar-nominated actress will indeed appear in costume in TDKR. And she apparently looked puuuurrrrfect.


"She looks phenomenal in the wardrobe."

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At first, I wasn't so sure on these Robin Williams rumours, even knowing that he'd been offered parts in previous films, but having thought about it more, I think he could do a good job. One Hour Photo showed he could do serious work extremely well so who knows.


As for JGL, nice to have him on board. Lots of rumours running around as to who he'll be. I'll admit, not knowing much about any of the characters from the comics, my first thought was Robin. But then I thought if they're going to do the back breaking thing in this movie, perhaps he could be Azrael. Also saw a few mentions of Ebeneezer Darrk (or however it's spelt) from people on another forum.

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Just thinking...


What is JGL is The Riddler,

What if Robin Williams is Hugo Strange,


What if this is all the result of Banes attack on Arkham... and give us Knightfall!


We could have all these very brief, but incredibly powerful cameo appearances from all these characters over a 20 minute or so period... it would make for an immense final chapter in the trilogy.

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Here's what I'd like to see:


  • Hugo Strange is behind Venom, creating Bane
    Bane 'does Knightfall' and breaks Batman
    However, following the events of TDK, other vigilantes have taken up Batman's crusade including a morally ambiguous Catwoman and Nightwing, played by JGL.
    Allied to Batman, Nightwing ends the movie by adopting the mantle of the Bat, passed on by Bruce Wayne. The trilogy is concluded by Wayne being surpassed by the symbol he created and Gotham remains protected.

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I love usurping a joke and doing it well. You're the best, Retro.




JGL is alright, but I feel like he's been the same character in all I've seen him in, which admittedly isn't a lot. Please no Riddler ffs though.


I dunno if the studio will be brave enough to actually break Batman...it would be shocking/stunning if they did though.

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What have you seen him in?


500 Days of Summer, Inception and 10 Things I Hate About You (but I barely that film or the fact he was in it so that shouldn't count).


I don't mean "plays the same character" the way Michael Cera does, more like..he has the exact same prescence in those films. Fair enough, it is only two films...:santa:

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Is it possible to do a serious Robin?
I think so... but maybe not in the Nolanverse. He has to be older than the early comic book portrayals (10-12 yrs) but much younger than Chris O'Donnell was. And if the actor was really, really good....


But it won't happen.

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Nightwing kind of is a serious Robin...mostly.


That's kind of what I mean. To the general audience Robin is pretty much a joke of a character (due to the general way he's been portrayed on screen). Nightwing won't have that problem.

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Nolan and Bale said no to Robin appearing a long time ago. I can't even see them doing an alternate with Nightwing tbh, people will still see through it and I don't think Batman needs a partner, or that it would work that well.

Catwomen can play that part as much as needed.


I can see a some sort of Dick Greyson cameo... setting up a nice teaser of sorts for whoever carries the series on in the future... just letting you know he's out there in this Batman universe.


I'm liking the idea of him playing an extended Riddler cameo though.

If all these guys break out of Arkham, thier scenes need be no longer than Scarecrow in the beginning of TDK.

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