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In God We Rust: Game Thread


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Because they were roleblocked?

Because their assigned killer was the person who lived on floor 409 but he was jailkept?

Because they tactically chose not to make a kill?

Because they have a specific kill ability that means the kill is delayed?

Because they chose to recruit a player into their mafia instead?

Because they don't have a nightkill ability -- only a daykill?


101 reasons why really.

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Okay... this should clear things up a bit.


There's been a bit of a cock-up and my actual target last night was Smeagol, not Jonnas. Jayseven can vouch for me on this one.


Believe me, I've been just as confused as you guys.


So Sméagol was in Room 409. We saw nothing about Victor or Caleb, and the room seems to have some sort of meeting going on, about how things will change tomorrow.


Does this mean Sméagol is evil?

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Sorry guys like I said in the Colours mafia thread, been busy lately with school etc. Still following this though... or trying to. =P


Have to say I've been heavily confused about what on earth is going on (especially with all those names, I'm bad at remembering names). The Zell/Chairdriver thing is very weird and at the moment I'm not sure who to believe, as their stories could both be wrong or right.


So do we think we have two mafias in this game too? I wasn't sure from the write-up if it was that way or not, but I assume it is right? Or at least two groups acting against another group and each other?

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Just reading back through the thread. The mutterer who is Dmitri's master is the one that kills Jonnas right? Is that what people were saying? So if he kills Jonnas, and there are two mafias, why hasn't the second mafia killed anyone?

Nope, this is wrong. John the probot (Jonnas) is the one muttering about the severance package as he is the one being followed by Noah, who is muttering about sin and being useless.


I was looking through the write-up, and I was wondering why Dmitri's Master was muttering about a severance package, why would Dmitri's master get fired?

Well, John the probot was either one of Dmitri's masters or the doctor's assistant.


So Sméagol was in Room 409. We saw nothing about Victor or Caleb, and the room seems to have some sort of meeting going on, about how things will change tomorrow.


Does this mean Sméagol is evil?

I know for a fact that Sméagol and the other person on floor 409 are not mafia.

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So Sméagol was in Room 409. We saw nothing about Victor or Caleb, and the room seems to have some sort of meeting going on, about how things will change tomorrow.


Does this mean Sméagol is evil?

Dear, I hope not..

Anyway, I'm neither Victor nor Caleb.


Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate you, I believe you're the first person on this forum ever, who bothered to put the accent acute on the e :p.

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I'm fairly sure the people in 409 are townies or neutral but definitely not mafia.


Well I'm slightly disappointed because I thought I had a lead on something but if Zell did target Smeagol then he wasn't lying about anything... and I believe chairdriver for now so Zell you should probably roleblock chairdriver tonight just in case.


Well unless anyone else comes forward with anything, I've got nothing left to go on so vote: no lynch

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Nope, this is wrong. John the probot (Jonnas) is the one muttering about the severance package as he is the one being followed by Noah, who is muttering about sin and being useless.



Well, John the probot was either one of Dmitri's masters or the doctor's assistant.


You have to be on the ground floor to exit a building and the doctor's assistant is not on the ground floor. So he had to be one of Dmitri's masters.

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You have to be on the ground floor to exit a building and the doctor's assistant is not on the ground floor. So he had to be one of Dmitri's masters.


I assumed we weren't in a building, rather on a huge space ship/in a huge vertical city with different floors for different things. Like in The Matrix... or something.

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Votes N'Stuff. Majority is 11.

No Lynch (8) The Peeps, ReZ, chairdriver, gmac, Cube, Eenuh, Diageo.



(I had better mention I'm going to Florida on Friday, so there is a small tiny chance I won't be posting, however this is only if there is a problem with the internet. I'm taking my phone and the hotel has wi-fi so if I can get on I will, but just in case, I'm posting this)

I'm off to sheffield tomorrow 'til late monday. I'm taking my laptop with me, though, so I'll just go find a wifi spot somewhere and pray that connecting to it is straightforward for a noob like me.

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Dear, I hope not..

Anyway, I'm neither Victor nor Caleb.


Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate you, I believe you're the first person on this forum ever, who bothered to put the accent acute on the e :p.


I'm pretty sure I've typed your name several times with accent on... Or at least in my secret notes ¬¬ I've seen loads of others do it anyway, Dannyboy never leaves it out.

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