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Roysters are fucking amazing (Mainly the T-bone). Hopefully they'll make another mainstream return like Mountain Dew.


They so are, I'd love to see different flavours! All I can ever find is the T-bone. (even if they are lovely)

  Pancake said:
Southern fried chicken flavour, i will track you down one day. We shall meet again. :heart:


We had a big multi-bag of those in the house last week (The southern fried chicken ones). Didn't have any personally (not a crisps fan if I'm honest, although I will eat them occasionally) but they're out there for buying. Not sure where my mother picked them up though. I'll enquire and get back to you on that one.


As for snacks I go for, not a lot really. If I can find any that I like, muffins usually become my snack. Preferably something with red/blue berries in them. Haven't had Jammy Dodgers in ages but last I remember was the jam was always rock solid and the actual biscuit bit was like eating sawdust, as it basically crumbled into dust as soon as you bit into it. Love Jaffa cakes though (whatever happened to the different flavours they brought out? The blackcurrant ones grew on me the more I ate and I've been wanting them again).

  Ganepark32 said:
We had a big multi-bag of those in the house last week (The southern fried chicken ones). Didn't have any personally (not a crisps fan if I'm honest, although I will eat them occasionally) but they're out there for buying. Not sure where my mother picked them up though. I'll enquire and get back to you on that one.


Oh my good god. I must know.


I used to live on Harribo Cola Bottles years ago. My mum used to get these gigantic tubs (they seemed gigantic back then) from the cash and carry and literally couldn't stop myself from eating them. It was an addiction :(

  Ganepark32 said:
We had a big multi-bag of those in the house last week (The southern fried chicken ones). Didn't have any personally (not a crisps fan if I'm honest, although I will eat them occasionally)

Roysters aren't crisps. They're sex in bubbled potato form.


Tangy cheese are the only crisps I've been able to eat non-stop, they are always completely coated and you don't have to sake the bag either.


Cool original is actually quite nice, but not what I thought they would be like when I went to try them.


Popcorn = disgusting. The smell, the texture, the taste eurgh makes me gag.




The evolved form of the Frazzle (good but not as pr0) is amazing. Yet pubs seem to favour the scampi fries instead. Fuckers.

  nightwolf said:

Popcorn = disgusting. The smell, the texture, the taste eurgh makes me gag.

Like "cinema" popcorn? What about the proper toffee coated ones?

  killer kirby said:
Damn, I was going to say Tim Tam's, but another Aussie beat me to it :heh:


But yeah they rock peoplez!


*English* =p But hopefully living in aus in the future when I get mah papers in =D


and Tim Tams are the bombdig and Penguins don't have shit on these sorry

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